The Analysis of Metaphor from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics


校园英语·上旬 2019年7期


【Abstract】Recently, many scholars have attached much importance on the study of metaphors and extensive research has been conducted on it. Among all the studies, the most common one is metaphor study in the field of linguistics, which is the cognitive basis of language research. Based on in-depth analysis and demonstration, this thesis try to analysis metaphor from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.

【Key words】metaphor; cognitive linguistics; language research


1. Introduction

Metaphor is normally taken as a rhetorical figure of speech which used for one word to replace another so that a likeness or analogy between them can be shown. In traditional metaphor study, it is worked as a linguistic phenomenon which reflects human cognitive process by linking the concrete experiences and abstract concepts.

2. The Definition of Metaphor

Originating from the Greek word “metapherein”, metaphors got the implication of “transition” and “reservation”. For Aristotle, metaphor is formed by replacing one vocabulary belonging to one category with another word belonging to another genus.

3. The Function of Metaphor

3.1 Linguistic function

Metaphor is an important means in the development of language who is aiming at increasing exactness and vividness. If there is a lack of a word expressing a concept in everyday language, people will often use the vocabulary that describes the same shape or function as a temporary substitute from the existing vocabulary.

3.2 Poetic function

The Metaphor noticed the similarity between two disparate things so that the reader can get an immediate image of objects. A metaphor can undoubtedly help readers creating a colourful image in their minds. Metaphor is the product of the poets thinking as well as the readers thinking.

3.3 Cognitive function

As the basic manner of cognitive, metaphor plays an important role in our ways of thinking and verbal expressions. Meanwhile, most of the basic concept in human language is metaphorical. Thus, it also provided a new perspective for us to look at the world around us.

4. An Analysis of Metaphor from the Cognitive Perspective

In 1980, the publication of metaphors we lived by co-written by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson marked the milestone of metaphor study from the cognitive perspective. In this book, Lakoff and Johnson(1980) proposed that metaphor is ubiquitous in our daily life, not only in language, but also in thoughts and behaviors. Being a cognitive instruments, a metaphor means that it is not just a way of expressing ideas by means of language, but a way of thinking about things. Metaphor transferred the structure,the internal relations or the logic of a cognitive model. Metaphor is a kind of cognitive mode of human being to the objective world and a reaction of cultural background. As a universal principle in language, it is the product of human perception in a metaphorical way.

Lets take the metaphor concept “time is money” for example, though which we could have a look at the way metaphor influences or even controls peoples daily life.

A. Dont wasting time, hurry up!

B. I dont have enough time to spare for that.

C. You didnt use your time profitably, it could be done yesterday.

Apparently, in sentence A, “ time is money” so it can be wasted; in sentence B, “ time is a limited resource” for people need to spare it; while in sentence C, time can be regarded as “a valuable commodity” because you need to use it profitably. All these are metaphor concepts which is commonly seen and easily accepted in Chinese culture.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, metaphor as a fundamental mechanism of mind, help us to utilize what we have acquainted through our physical and social experiences to offer a better understanding of countless other subjects. It can shape our perceptions and actions without our ever noticing them.


[1]Aristotle. Rhetoric and Poetics[M]. New York: The Modern Library,1954.


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