

世界建筑 2019年6期

伊万·德勒蒙泰/Yvan Delemontey

朱琳 译/Translated by ZHU Lin









Memory and Regeneration

Column Editors: Alberto Bologna, Michele Bonino, Pierre-Alain Croset

The questions related to the conservation and heritage of the twentieth Century architecture are often connected with the issue of the restoration practice that has to be intended both as conservative gestures and cultural acts, and as scientific interventions aimed to the restitution of the cultural heritage. The practice of the preservation of modern architecture cannot be excluded from the understanding of the architectural work's values and from the interpretation of the role of architecture as one of the industrial society artistic expression;finally, the contextualisation of these mechanisms,such as reception, use and transmission of the architecture within the contemporary society values,represent instances that cannot be omitted from the debate.

The conversion of the Pavillon Sicli into a cultural centre represents a high-specialised intervention that looks to the future and aims to give back to the next generations the pleasure of a primary importance asset from the architectural and engineering point of view. The acknowledgment of the pavilion as a monument and its inclusion, in 2011, among Canton of Geneva cultural heritage inventory marks an important event that drastically changes the status and the meaning of the building itself1). From a functional and production-oriented vocation, the Pavillon Sicli sees itself to be elected as a temple of culture, an architectonical expression to be preserved and handed over to the memory of the history.

The restoration of the modern architecture fits into the broader discussion of the traditional restoration from which it originates, but also keeps some relevant distances. In the European culture the architectural restoration is a complex and multidisciplinary project whose main purpose is to ensure the preservation of a monument in order to hand it over to the future as a document of the history maintaining, though, all the signs of the time.An architectural restoration project is the result of a complex historical, critical and scientific evaluation that combines an accurate historical and artistic knowledge of the artefact with specific architectonical and engineering analyses.

It is worth remembering an important assumption that one of the Italian pioneers of the Restoration discipline, Liliana Grassi, wrote in the early 1980s. According to her vision, she defines the practice of restoration as a critical intervention that "takes its raison d'être in the awareness of the historical perspective and therefore of the distinction, in continuity, of the present time from the past; distinction for which all epochs are placed in their situation without privileging one assuming it as a model"[1]. Speaking more specifically about restoration of the modern architecture Giovanni Carbonara chronologically distinguishes the restoration of the "New" in contrast to the restoration of the "Old and the Ancient" with a connotation of the modern that includes the most recent architectural events[2].

1 混凝土壳体的搭建框架/Building formwork for the concrete shell

2金属支架与浇注的壳体/Metalwork and pouring of the shell

Through the intervention of regeneration,the Pavillon Sicli has been recognised as a modern architecture that is not opposed to the past meanwhile, thanks to this new vocation, it can be returned to the past acting as a bridge to the future and becoming bearer of new considerations,experimentations and meanings.

(Giorgia Cestaro)

3 拆除模板后的壳体/The shell after removal of the formwork(1-3图片来源/Sources: Archives SICLI Matériel incendie SA,Geneva)

4 SICLI工厂入口,1970年代初/Entry to the SICLI Factory,early 1970s

5新 SICLI 工厂前的消防车,1970年代初/Fire-fighting vehicles in front of the new SICLI Factory, early 1970s(4.5 图片来源/Sources: Bibliothèque de Genève, Centre d'iconographie genevoise, fonds Piraud & Grivel)

日内瓦的希克里馆毫无疑问是瑞士近期工业建筑改造中最有趣的项目之一。建筑由灭火器制造商SICLI(全称为 Secours Immédiat Contre L'Incendie) 建造于1968-1970年,作为其瑞士总部,并由此得名。这座建筑既壮观又神秘。它包括两个体量巨大的长方体,交接在由7个支点支撑的不对称单体壳体之下。清晰的畅通无阻的内部空间形成了两个巨大的拱顶。稍大的一个顶部有透明的穹顶,是工厂的生产厂房。稍小的一个是两层的办公空间。异常轻薄的玻璃表皮围合了整座建筑,并延伸到自然采光的地下室,周围是一系列严整的花坛和树池。







6 圆顶下的机械和装配工车间,1970年代初/Mechanics' and fitters' workshop, under the great dome, early 1970s (图片来源/Source: Bibliothèque de Genève, Centre d'iconographie genevoise, fonds Piraud & Grivel)

7入门门廊为紧急出口,该改建无需更动原立面/Entry porch serving as an emergency exit, added without modifying the original façade

8新增的用于装卸的可折叠楼梯/New collapsible stair for loading and unloading

9 北立面新增的二层应急楼梯/New emergency staircase at first floor level, north façade

10北立面新增的应急门/New emergency door, north façade.

11装修期间的地下室的档案和文件中心/Archives and documentation centre in the basement, during fitout(7-11摄影/Photos: Yvan Delemontey, 2019)

12目前的地下室平面(新加建部分为红色)/Plan of the basement in its present state (additions are shown in red)

13目前的首层平面/Plan of the ground floor in its present state

14目前的二层平面/Plan of the first floor in its present state

15目前的东立面与南立面/East and south façades in their present state

16目前的西立面与北立面/West and north façades in their present state.

17横剖面与纵剖面/Transverse and longitudinal sections(12-17图片来源/Sources: a-architectes, Geneva)

The story of the Pavillon Sicli in Geneva is surely one of the most interesting of the recent rehabilitations of industrial buildings in Switzerland.Built by (and named after) the eponymous manufacturer of fire extinguishers (SICLI - Secours Immédiat Contre L'Incendie) between 1968 and 1970 as its Swiss headquarters, the building is both spectacular and enigmatic. It consists of two rectangular volumes of distinctive size joined beneath a single asymmetrical shell poised on seven feet. The clear, unobstructed interior space is defined as two vast domes. The larger is topped by a translucent cupola and was the factory's production plant.The smaller, arranged on two floors, contained the ffiices. The glazed skin that envelopes the whole is a remarkably light affair, extending down to the naturally lit basement, and encircled by a system of very restrained embankments and planters with trees.

It is the work of a talented design duo consisting of Geneva architect Constantin Hilberer and engineer Heinz Isler. Isler is now regarded as one of the principal Swiss engineers of the twentieth century, responsible for thousands of thin-shell concrete structures in Switzerland and across Europe2). Inspired by nature (seashells, nuts,eggshells, flower petals etc.), the design processes he developed are based almost solely on using physical models to create "free forms", as opposed to conventional geometric forms obtained by means of mathematical equations (cones, cylinders, ellipses,paraboloids, hyperboloids, etc.). One of these methods, known as "suspended inverted membrane",involves a piece of fabric suspended between several points, coated with a sculptural material such as plaster or polyester to obtain a hanging form in pure tension under gravity. Once the form is inverted,creating a shell in pure compression is created.

Using this procedure and by means of a series of maquettes Isler arrived at the particularly sophisticated shell form of the Geneva structure[3].In its execution on site, this piece of architectural brilliance achieves an equally supreme level of technical and constructional performance. Once the formwork is complete (a complicated assemblage of adjustable tubular elements with curved beams in glued laminated timber at the ends and flexible steel transoms) the concrete is ready for pouring,non-stop over three days and two nights. It is a tricky operation requiring immense skill on the part of the builder - the thickness of the shell varies continuously, from 30cm down to 9cm at the top.Three weeks later the shell is ready for striking,an equally perilous business coinciding with the tensioning of the pre-stressed cables, supervised in person on site by Isler. These cables pass through the ground floor slab and connect each of the seven mobile "legs" of the structure. Their role is to ensure the consistent and uniform compression needed to maintain stability and weather tightness in the structure.

Having served as a factory for 40 years, the building was decommissioned and then purchased in 2011 by the Canton of Geneva with an idea to transform it into a new cultural facility devoted to architecture, urban planning and design. The following year, the heritage authorities listed it,adding it to the Canton's inventory. Renamed"Pavillon Sicli", it has pride of place within an industrial area undergoing significant change,strategically located a short distance from the city centre. It is in an excellent state of repair, but since it is now required to accommodate the public the authorities have been compelled to undertake accessibility and fire safety upgrade works. Taking account of the building's exceptional significance,these interventions have from the outset been conceived to be fully reversible with minimum impact on the spaces and fabric of the original.

The works are part of a project developed by the architectural firm a-architects, in consultation with the Laboratory for the Techniques and Preservation of Modern Architecture (TSAM) at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), which was tasked with preparing a heritage study of the building. The project aims to put in place simple,cost-effective alternatives to current practices which all too often have negative impacts for existing buildings.

Listing has meant that exemptions can be applied to avoid the disastrous prospect of an"energy upgrade", but legislative constraints for fire safety have been incorporated early in the program to best preserve the integrity and distinctive features of the architecture. For instance, it was decided to create more emergency exists to evacuate the public as quickly as possible in the event of a fire rather than to enclose spaces and paths of travel that were originally designed to be open. Moreover,a raft of basic measures have been taken to reinstate qualities proper to the building but lost over time,including restoring the polyester cupola in the great dome, reinstating landscape features that had been abandoned years before, and even the removal of solar films whose reflectivity and opacifying effects were at odds with the transparency and immateriality that the designers of the day were striving for3).

The Pavillon Sicli's new vocation - to host occasional, low impact activities under the two domes(exhibitions, conferences, temporary displays, etc) -is to be celebrated. These are uses that fit well with the nature of the building and avoid the need for heavy impacts to the envelope (façades and roof) and interior spaces. Most recently, the spaces inside the vast, naturally lit basement have also been reactivated as an archival research and documentation centre for architecture and urban planning in Geneva. Here again the architects leading the rehabilitation have taken care to conserve the industrial character that has shaped its identity by pursuing the same low impact, minimal approach. Officially opened in May 2017 with the installation of a sculptural work by Carmen Perrin (Lignes de forces) under the great dome, the Pavillon Sicli is enjoying a successful rejuvenation. At inception, there was no certainty of how things would turn out. But by recognising the building's heritage value, opting for a use compatible with existing spaces, humility and correctness on the part of the architects, productive collaboration among the stakeholders, and perhaps ultimately the common awareness of being in the presence of an exceptional object - a recipe for successful adaptation has been achieved. The metamorphosis is real but almost imperceptible. Perhaps that right there is the greatest feat of this commendable undertaking.□


1)关于文化遗产在欧洲的概念,可参考以下文献/About European concept of Cultural Heritage,see: CHOAY F. L'allégorie du patrimoine. Paris, 1992.BABELON J P, CHASTEL A. La notion de Patrimoine.Paris, 1994.

2)关于伊斯勒和他的作品,可参考以下文献/On Isler and his work, see: BILLINGTON D P. Heinz Isler as Structural Artist. Princeton: Princeton University Art Museum, 1980. RAMM E, SCHUNCK E. Heinz Isler Schalen. Stuttgart: Karl Krämer, 1986. CHILTON J. The Engineer's Contribution to Contemporary Architecture -Heinz Isler. London: Thomas Telford Publishing, 2000.ABEL J, CHILTON J (ed.), Heinz Isler - 50 years of New Shapes for Shells, Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, Special Issue, 2011, 52(3).

3)这些太阳膜是建成之后不久加到窗户上的,为了减少室内工作人员的眩光,同时也是为了缓解长期以来困扰工厂的夏季室内过热的问题/These films had been applied to windows not long after completion to reduce glare for the staff inside. They also aimed to reduce overheating of spaces in the summer, which was a chronic problem at the factory.


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