

世界建筑 2019年6期














(尚晋 译)

1 全景/Overall view

2 俯瞰/Overlook view

Where is the toilet, please? Descriptive memory

Toilettes in a cemetery do not seem to be the most appealing projects. Not even for the design brief. Not even for the place. Not even for the budget. Nevertheless, for us, it was exciting!

We have been there a few times before and we were always uncomfortable, looking at the floor trying not to stumble in the narrow paths between the great marble stones.

So when we were asked to do the rehabilitation of the toilettes (the old building), it was as if it was the first time there. We perceive the hierarchies,the streets, the paths, the square, the church, the entrances and the exits, the trees, the stones,and the green flowerbeds… How beautiful and organised!

The (old) building was huge and absolutely out of the context, with vast flat roofs that almost touch the chapel. It was a "sacrilege" to see this scenario from the south entrance of the cemetery.

All we did was to reduce the size and to summarise the information. An abstract exercise to create an abstract object: no doors, no windows, no sheds or porches.

The idea of using ceramic tile coating came naturally. And it was evident: the ceramic tiles had to be green. The object should be more related to the natural elements, and less with the constructed ones, highlighting the church that is so close by.

To achieve this, to create a uniform and neutral object, the ceramic tile must coat the entire building,from the façades to the rooftop. But then comes the reality: technical and economic reality - and rightly so!

The workers did not know how to do it. And the time schedule? Was it expensive? The design solves everything! We add some plasters to optimise the stereotype of the tiles and to reduce the technical difficulties. A team work!

Through the two extracted mass on the façades we get in the building. On the south side, we access the new facilities for supporting the cemetery workers staff. The main entrance is from the north and take us to the central space, inside the building,but with exterior features, pointed out by the natural light and the Portuguese Pavement on the floor (the sidewalks that surround the building continuity). Here, there are the washbasins, and it is the space that works like a pivotal area, between the female, male and accessible facilities.

This is a building without fancy technology,which means that is the wind (strengthened by the north-south orientation) that dehumidifies and renews the air.

Sating on the pre-existing walls we have a timber roof truss with a white glaze. All the interiors are white and have natural lighting through skylights, which reinforces luminous comfort. The marble washbasins match with the outdoor objects of the cemetery.The candle burner is a sturdy and resistant piece made of black painted iron despite the delicate design.

As a whole, these two objects reinforce the hierarchical network of the cemetery, not ceasing to be, by the scale and synthetic unit, plus one of its"salt and pepper shakers ".□

3 外景/Exterior view

4 从内向外/Inside to see outside

5 平面/Plan

6 内景/Interior view

项目信息/Credits and Data

建筑类型/Type: 重建公墓厕所/Recovery of the cemetery's toilet主持建筑师/Principal Architects: 里卡多·赛诺斯,索菲娅·赛诺斯/Ricardo Senos, Sofia Senos

承建/Contractor: 萨尔瓦多教区理事会员工/Workers of São Salvador Parish Council

建筑面积/Floor Area: 85m2(现存/Existent)

设计时间/Design Time: 2016

施工时间/Construction Period: 2016-2017

摄影/Photos: Nelson Garrido

7 改建前/Before renovation

8 建造中/Under renovation

9 改建后/After renovation

10 从内向外/Inside to see outside




WANG Hui: The design has a strong sense of abstraction.The creation of architectural space originates from the inner order defined by people, which is also a creative reaction by architect when he receives information from surrounding environment. After searching for environmental phenomenon and significance, the architect tries to establish the connection between architecture and environment following its own logic from inside to outside.There is a strong contrast between the outward image and the internal space in contradiction and tension between external and internal space, and expression and practical functions, thus adds more complexity to the architecture as a small toilet. (Translated by QIAN Fang)


ZHONG Qiao: I have been inexplicably touched by this reconstructed toilet project with first glance. The unique site and religious sense which is constructed by the cemetery and the church leads to a relatively awkward position of this public toilet. However, it is well-presented by the architect under the low-cost condition. The simple square plane with small slope volume, façade with no windows, the entrance with deep shadow, and especially the obscure reflection formed by using blackish green ceramic tile coating,all provide this type of small public facility with appropriate humbleness and rituality. (Translated by PANG Lingbo)

11 入口俯瞰/Overlook view of entrance

12 仰视/Upward view


无天于上2035 第4话 新任务