(陕西科技大学电气与信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710021)
1 蓄电池等效模型
图1 电池等效模型
2 蓄电池内阻的估算算法
图2 电池充放电电流示意图
3 蓄电池内阻仿真实验及结果分析
3.1 算法仿真
图3 在线估算电池内阻电路仿真
3.2 仿真实验验证
仿真中设定电池的内阻=0.05 Ω时,仿真结果如图4所示。图4(a)表示电池充放电时的电流变化测试图,横坐标表示时间轴,纵坐标表示电池充放电的电流大小,0~0.5 s的时间内电池充电,0.5 s时电池开始放电,电流反向;1~1.5 s电池又开始充电,1.5 s时电池放电,电流反向。图4(b)表示测得的内阻测试结果图,横坐标表示时间轴,纵坐标表示电池内阻阻值,0~1 s和1~2s时间段内电池都有充电过程和放电过程,电流曲线会经过两次零点,可以测得两次的电池内阻分别为0.051 Ω和0.051 Ω,与设定的电池内阻值0.05 Ω相比,误差在2%之内。设定电池的内阻=0.08 Ω时,仿真结果如图5所示,两次测得的电池内阻分别为0.081 Ω和0.082 Ω,与设定的电池内阻值0.08 Ω相比,误差在2.5%之内。设定电池的内阻=0.1 Ω时,仿真 结果如图6所示,两次测得的电池内阻分别为0.102 Ω和0.103 Ω,与设定的电池内阻值0.1 Ω相比,误差在3%之内。
4 结 论
(1)该方法能比较准确地估算出蓄电池的 内阻;
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A calculation method for estimating internal resistance of battery online
(College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science&Technology, Xi’an 710021, Shaanxi, China )
The internal resistance of the battery is one of the most important characteristic parameters of the battery, and it is also an important indicator for evaluating the performance of the battery. In order to solve the problem that the existing measurement methods of battery internal resistance, which can’t be measured online and require special equipment measurement, the paper proposes a calculation method for online measurement of battery internal resistance.The method is based on the current and voltage detected by the battery in the process of charge and discharge, according to the characteristic that the current have a zero-crossing in the charge and discharge process, the definite integral of the current is used to counteract the change of the internal resistance of the battery caused by the internal chemical reaction of the battery during the calculation of the internal resistance of the battery, through a series of calculations to estimate the internal resistance of the battery. The battery internal resistance estimation algorithm is written in MATLAB,and the simulation verification is realized. The results show that the calculation method can realize online estimate the internal resistance without the aid of auxiliary equipment and test equipment, it has the advantages of simple and convenient, accurate calculation and easy implementation.
internal resistance of the battery; estimation online; zero-crossing; definite integral
TQ 028.8
刘宝泉,副教授,从事微电网及储能研究,E-mail: comeliu299@163.com。