Architects: PTW Architects
1 学生乐团在剧场排练/Performance in the concert hall
悉尼国际学校秉承非宗派式的教育理念,双语教学,从学前阶段到高中均引入了第二语言。教学设施被安排在—间需重新改建的旧仓库中, 它和—栋专门的校舍共同构成了—个U形庭院。此次改造的“文法学校会堂”位于学校正中心,可容纳1500人。钢架结构,砂岩的墙壁,天然木材,正如校长瓦兰斯博士在开幕式上的讲话中提到, 充满悉尼地域风味的设计使这座礼堂就像是一座跨海大桥,稳固的承载起学生的广阔未来。
设计面临的挑战之一是因为场地的特殊性,学校在建设期间需一直保持开放, 为了不干扰学生的日常活动,项目采用装配式的预制组件,自上而下的施工方法,在现有的操场空间向下挖掘施工。
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 悉尼文法学校/Sydney Grammar School
建筑面积/Floor Area: 2,750m2(礼堂部分/Concert Hall)
建筑高度/Building Height: 地上高度6.8m,地下深度
10.2m/6.8m above-ground, 10.2m under-ground
设计/竣工/Design/Completion: 2007/2011
摄影/Photos: Brian Steele – PTW Architects (fig. 1,3,5),
Andrew Andersons – PTW Architects ( fig. 4), Sharrin Rees ( fig. 9-12)
2 施工步骤设计/Construction planning
3 剧院全景/The overall view
The Sydney Grammar School Concert Hall is a subterranean recital hall of 1,500 seats in Sydney, Australia. Placed within the heart of a school complex, the natural bedrock was carved to form the internal walls which become the auditorium's focal element. the space provides functional amenities with acoustical benefits for a variety of musical performances, and ideal sight lines from the seating arrangement which wraps the perimeter to generate high reverberation time, conducive to largescale orchestras and speech in the 19th and 20th centuries. Audibility is ideal for assemblies, and the facility is capable of high quality video recording and projection.
The former headmaster, Dr J.T. Vallance, in his opening night speech observed that the new hall was quint-essentially Sydney: the steel arches reminiscent of the harbour bridge, the walls of Sydney sandstone, and that the venue sitting at the heart of the school campus and would nurture the development of students into the future.
The constrained site led to a top-down construction method, excavating below the existing playground spaces without interfering with the children's daily activities. A large flat area was maintained at the lowest level of the stepped seating to support examinations and a regulation sized basketball court.
At the rear of the school on the Yurong Street frontage, two classrooms were demolished to provide construction access. This created a new entry foyer, leading to a glazed, naturally ventilated atrium. The space is activated by classrooms on one side and a number of open stairs on the other. Three levels of galleries and stairs interconnect the street level with adjacent rooms and the rooftop playground.
PTW Architects utilised 3D modelling tools to analyse parameters specific to the concert hall typology. Throughout the design development of the Sydney Grammar School Concert Hall, the model was used to examine and improve sightlines to the stage. The process was simple, efficient and easily communicated to the client. The model also ensured that the primary briefing requirement of excellent acoustics would be met.
For sketch design, the acoustic volume of the space was accurately assessed and then easily monitored. Detailed design of acoustic surfaces was also well served within the REVIT platform. Complex forms were modelled in several iterations to achieve diffusion as required by the acoustic consultant. Ultimately, the forms were clearly understood by the subcontractors, and the result on-site is a finished product of high quality. □
4 操场/Playground
5 剧院全景/The overall view
7.8 剖面/Sections
6 平面/Plan
9 剧院后座/The theatre seats
10 历史痕迹被修复进新的细部设计之中/Historical traces are integrated with the new design
FAN Lu: The Sydney Grammar School Concert Hall can be regarded as a "treasure box" hidden within the heart of the school complex. The roof deck of the subterranean auditorium is served as the playground in the campus courtyard. While in interior, the natural bedrock was carved to form the internal walls and the black steel arched girders were exposed under the ceiling, which are reminiscent of the harbor bridge and Sydney sandstone walls. Moreover, the plan layout, functional arrangement, material palette, sight lines and audibility were deliberately designed for the hall, and it was carefully constructed with high quality. Benefitting from all these efforts, the school hall provides us an impressive venue to house daily activities and excellent performances.
AI Xia: This theatrical building demonstrates the analytical ability of PTW Architects in coping with complex environmental updates. The lead architect of the project is Mr. Andrew Anderson, who is the former chief architect of PTW Architects. In 2013 we had the opportunity to talk with him in his Sydney office about the design method for a series of urban renewal projects. Among Andrew's decades of works, the assembly hall of the grammar school may be the smallest, but the most difficult one. Firstly, such difficulty stems from the respect for history. Just like 30 the Bond, the exposed rock wall implies a direct dialogue between the used space of humans and the elements of Australian landscape and it is an aesthetic symbol of PTW Architects at that time as well. Meanwhile, such aesthetic identity even permeates in many details of railings and steps, with natural traces carefully restored and included into the new space. However, it is a series of leading technical means that lie behind such "handicraft sense" and "natural original appearance", such as the use of 3D modeling technology in analysing the acoustics and sight line of the concert hall, real-time monitoring of spatial intonation, preset simulation of the construction process of prefabricated components, etc. to have the school open throughout the construction period. It remains a world-class campus cultural facility even to this day.
11.12 结构细节/Structure detail