李仁年,赵振希,李德顺,李银然,陈 霞,于佳鑫
李仁年1,2,3,赵振希1,李德顺1,2,3,李银然1,2,3,陈 霞1,于佳鑫1
(1. 兰州理工大学能源与动力工程学院,兰州 730050;2. 甘肃省风力机工程技术研究中心,兰州 730050;3. 甘肃省流体机械及系统重点实验室,兰州 730050)
中国西北地区风能资源丰富,然而该地区经常遭受沙尘天气的侵袭。风力机在强风沙环境下运行,其气动性能难免会受到沙尘的影响,并且其叶片会受到比较严重的磨损,导致机组的出力明显下降。翼型作为风力机叶片的基本组成单元,沙尘颗粒对翼型的绕流和气动特性的影响研究显得尤为必要。该文利用雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程-大涡模拟(large eddy simulation)混合方法中的延迟分离涡模拟方法,模拟了NREL S809翼型在风沙环境下的流动特性,将不同颗粒直径条件下翼型周围的绕流情况和翼型的气动性能进行了对比,研究了空气中的颗粒对风力机翼型绕流及其气动性能的影响规律。结果表明,6.1°攻角时,颗粒对翼型绕流和升力系数的影响较小,但仍会使翼型的升力系数略微降低。随着颗粒直径的增大,翼型的升力系数先减小再增大,其中颗粒直径为20m时达到最小值。当颗粒直径为150m时,其升力系数仍小于洁净空气下的升力系数,但两者已十分接近。8.2°攻角时,不同直径颗粒对翼型绕流具有不同程度的影响,当颗粒直径小于20m时,颗粒的跟随性较好,颗粒紧随气相运动,对翼型绕流的影响较小;当颗粒直径为20m时颗粒对翼型绕流造成了极大的影响,如分离点提前、出现展向流动;当颗粒直径大于20m后,随着颗粒直径的继续增大,颗粒的惯性力变强,颗粒逐渐独立于气相运动,对翼型绕流的影响也逐渐减弱。升力系数随颗粒直径的变化趋势和小攻角时相同,但变化幅度变大,升力系数最小时比洁净空气时减少了7.9%。该文可为不同颗粒直径的风沙环境下颗粒对翼型周围绕流流场及其对翼型升力系数影响等相关研究提供参考。
0 引 言
风力机在工作过程中会受到空气中颗粒的影响,造成气动力和载荷的变化以及磨损。同时,由于固相的加入,改变了翼型周围的绕流流动,对翼型的气动性能造成不可忽视的影响,因此针对风沙环境下翼型流场的研究很有必要。Khalfallah等[1]对赫尔格达风电场内风电机组进行了长期的监测,结果表明,由于沙尘对风力机叶片的冲蚀磨损作用,风力发电机组运行3个月后,其出力出现明显的下降,下降率近15%,且随着运行时间的增长,下降幅度加剧;Khakpour[2]研究了风沙环境下翼型的气动性能;李德顺等[3-4]研究了DU96-W-180翼型前缘不同磨损阶段下的气动性能,结果表明前缘发生脱层后翼型的气动性能显著降低;采用可实现湍流模型和离散相模型(discrete phase model, DPM)研究了风力机翼型的升阻力系数和静压随沙尘质量浓度变化的规律,以及不同风沙环境下风轮的转矩特性。但是这些研究都是以二维翼型为研究对象并且采用定常的方法计算,而颗粒对翼型周围流动结构的影响是十分复杂的并且具有很强的非定常特性,特别是在攻角较大的情况下。
当前经常使用的湍流模型是求解雷诺平均Navier- Stokes(reynolds average navier-stokes, RANS)方程,该方法可以准确预测附着流和小分离时的气动特性。但该方法对颗粒引入后的翼型流场其预测精度急剧下降,预测结果不真实。大涡模拟(large eddy simulation, LES)通过模化小尺度涡,直接计算大涡,在非定常及分离流动问题上体现出明显的优势,然而该方法对网格的要求十分苛刻,且尚不成熟的近壁面模型制约了LES方法的应用。近年来兴起的RANS-LES混合方法,结合了RANS和LES2种方法的优点。其中包括Spalart等[11-13]提出的分离涡方法(detached eddy simulation,DES),采用RANS方法高效准确地模拟近壁区域的高频小尺度运动,同时采用LES方法模拟低频大尺度占主导的非定常分离流动区域。Strelets[14]结合SST湍流模型发展了SST-DES模型。Menter等[15]改进了SST-DES模型并提出了给出了一种延迟分离涡模拟(delay detached eddy simulation,DDES),此方法解决了近壁面网格较密时,LES方法提前启动的问题,以保证边界层内完全使用RANS方法。
胡偶等[16]将SST-DDES混合模型应用在大分离流动的分析中。刘周等[17]研究了翼型大攻角非定常分离流动。刘健等[18]基于iDDES模型研究了双三角翼大攻角的涡破特征。赵伟文等[19]利用DES模型研究了串列双圆柱绕流的问题。夏明等[20]采用DDES模型模拟了Gurney襟翼的分离流动,得到满意的效果。白俊强等[21]模拟了钝前缘三角翼在大攻角下的流动。王翔宇等[22]基于SST-DES模型在小分离流动中的表现,提出了改进方法,以减小RANS区对LES区的影响。靳瑶等[23]针对=3 900的圆柱绕流进行了数值模拟并与试验结果对比,发现DDES模拟可捕捉丰富的流场结构。刘若阳等[24-26]利用DDES模型对叶栅以及翼型绕流问题进行了大量研究。
本文选用基于SST湍流模型的DDES方法,对美国风力机翼型NREL S809[27]在风沙环境下进行数值模拟,研究不同直径颗粒对翼型绕流流场及其气动性能的影响。
1 数值方法
1.1 数学模型及计算网格
本文以NREL S809三维直叶片为研究对象,其相对厚度21%,弦长1 m,展向拉伸0.5倍弦长。采用C型计算域。以翼型前缘点为原点建立坐标系,尾缘方向为方向;翼型展向为方向,表示翼型弦长。在方向,从翼型前缘拓展到弦长的16倍,从翼型尾缘拓展到弦长的20倍;在方向,正负两方向拓展到弦长的16倍。
本文采用欧拉-拉格朗日方法,空气作为连续相基于欧拉框架通过SST-DDES湍流模型进行求解;固相颗粒作为离散相基于拉格朗日框架通过离散相模型求解。颗粒喷射入口采用surface类型,喷射入口距叶片前缘5倍弦长,面积0.5 m×6 m,颗粒轨道数为960×80,共76 800。
采用结构化网格,首层网格厚度取0.012 mm,其无量纲高度+小于1,翼型表面有250个点,展向布置50个点,使得D≈D。颗粒入射方向和速度与气相一致,时间步长取0.000 4 s。计算域和近壁面网格如图1所示。
1.2 计算条件与可靠性验证
进口采用速度进口边界,出口采用压力出口边界,翼型展向两侧边界设置为对称边界。雷诺数为=106,风速为14.61 m/s。颗粒密度为1 550 kg/m3,颗粒入射质量流率取为空气质量流率的0.01,为0.537 kg/s。换算成颗粒质量浓度为6.13´106g/m3,对应体积浓度为3.95´10-6(属于强沙尘暴)[28]。计算采用SIMPLEC算法,动量和湍动能均采用二阶迎风格式。根据文献[29-30]中的方法修正模型系数1和*,提高近壁面RANS区的模拟精度。图2为洁净空气条件下不同攻角下的升力系数与文献[31]中DUT大学(Delft University of Technology)利用低速低湍流度风洞得到的试验数据进行对比,模拟结果与试验数据吻合度较好,14.2°攻角时升力系数误差达到最大,为3.3%。
图2 洁净空气条件下升力、阻力系数模拟数据与试验数据对比图
对于DPM模型,通过对气固两相流条件下的圆柱绕流进行数值模拟,通过分析颗粒的运动轨迹,并与罗坤等[5]的图像测速(particle image velocimetry)试验进行比较。工况设置与试验条件相同,质量浓度比为10%,颗粒Stokes数为0.98,圆柱直径d为0.01 m。结果如图3所示,离散相模型可以模拟出沙尘颗粒随空气圆柱绕流时的运动特性,但是对比真实情况,数值模拟的耗散较快,导致颗粒运动到圆柱后较远时模拟结果与试验结果差异较大。图4为距离圆柱后x/d=2截面上的颗粒平均速度试验结果和模拟结果对比,可以看出在近尾流区域模拟结果与试验结果吻合度较高[32]。因此,认为本文的模拟方法可靠。
图3 模拟颗粒运动轨迹与试验PIV图像对比
2 结果及分析
2.1 颗粒对翼型绕流的影响
图6 8.2°攻角时洁净空气下极限流线和中间截面处流线
图7 8.2°攻角时不同直径颗粒条件下翼型吸力面极限流线
图8 8.2°攻角时不同直径颗粒条件下翼型周围三维流线和截面上的展向速度云图
图9 8.2°攻角时不同直径颗粒条件下翼型中间截面上颗粒质量浓度分布图和三维流线
2.2 颗粒对翼型气动性能的影响
注: x/c表示横向位置,见图1a。
图11 升力系数随颗粒直径变化
3 结论与讨论
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Effect of wind sand on flow around airfoil of wind turbine and its aerodynamic performance
Li Rennian1,2,3, Zhao Zhenxi1, Li Deshun1,2,3, Li Yinran1,2,3, Chen Xia1, Yu Jiaxin1
(1.,,730050,; 2.,730050,; 3.,730050,)
As a kind of clean and environment-friendly energy, wind power has been developed rapidly in recent years. With top wind power capacity, Northwest region is also a region with frequent dust storm incidents. Obviously, when wind turbine works under sand-wind conditions, its aerodynamics performance will be affected severely, and the flow structure around airfoil will be affected by the function of particles in the air. Wind turbine blades will even be eroded due to the impact of particles. Therefore, it is urgent to study the effect of sand-wind flow on wind turbine. The effect of particles on the flow structure around airfoil and its aerodynamic performance has been studied in this paper. In order to capture the detail of the flow structure around airfoil in various dusty environments with different particle diameters, a delayed detached eddy simulation (DDES) method, which is a hybrid Reynolds average Navier-Stokes equation and large eddy simulation (RANS-LES), and the discrete phase model were used for the simulation of the flow around NREL S809 airfoil. The flow structure around airfoil, mass distribution of particles and its aerodynamic performance in each dusty environment were compared. Both aerodynamic performance and flow structure were affected by particle, and the influences would be different when the angle of attack or particle diameter was different. When the angle of attack was small (6.1°, there was no flow detachment), the particles did not affect the flow around airfoil obviously, but the lift coefficient was decreased. With the increasing of particle diameter, lift coefficient of S809 decreased first and then went up, and turning point was 20m (3.9% lower than the lift coefficient obtained in clear air). Butthe lift coefficient could not be completely recovered, and it was still smaller than the lift coefficient in clear air when the particle diameter was 150m. When the angle of attack became larger (8.2°, flow detachment occurred), particles had a great influence on the flow structure around airfoil, such as the advancing of the flow separation point and the appearing of the flow along spanwise direction, and these influences were also affected by particle diameter. With particle diameter increasing, the flow structure became chaotic first and then gradually recovered. When the particle diameter was 20m, particles had the most effects on the aerodynamics performance of airfoil and the flow around it. This was due to the dramatic momentum exchange between particle and gas, that was, a large number of particles were rolled into wake area and broke the flow structure around airfoil, which affected the lift coefficient greatly. When the particle diameter was smaller than 20m, the particles would flow closely with air due to its weak inertia force. On the contrary, the particles would move independently of air flow, because of its strong inertia force when the particle diameter was larger than 50m. The flow structure recovered gradually with the increasing of particle diameter when particles diameter was larger than 20m. However, the aerodynamic performance of airfoil could not recover completely, only close to the lift coefficient in clear air, and the minimum value of lift coefficient was also obtained when the particle diameter was 20m (7.9% lower than thelift coefficient in clear air). In summary, the particles in the air will have a great influence on both the flow around airfoil and the aerodynamic performance of airfoil, especially in the area where the flow separates. When the particle diameter is smaller than 20m, the particle diameter increase will strengthen the effect, which reaches the climax when the particle diameter is 20m. Under this condition, if there is no flow detachment in clear air (the attack angle is small), the influence of particles would be weak, which can be ignored. If there exists flow separation phenomenon in clear air (the attack angle is large), then the influence would be strong, and it would aggravate the flow separation, causing the flow to transform into three-dimensional flow. After that, further increase of the particle diameter would weaken the effects of the particles, and when the particle diameter is 150m, both the flow structure and the lift coefficient are very close to that in clear air.
wind turbines; wind energy; computer simulation; delayed eddy simulation; airfoil; particle diameter; flow around airfoil; flow separation
李仁年,赵振希,李德顺,李银然,陈 霞,于佳鑫. 风沙对风力机翼型绕流及其气动性能的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(14):205-211. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.14.026 http://www.tcsae.org
Li Rennian, Zhao Zhenxi, Li Deshun, Li Yinran, Chen Xia, Yu Jiaxin. Effect of wind sand on flow around airfoil of wind turbine and its aerodynamic performance[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(14): 205-211. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.14.026 http://www.tcsae.org