

农业工程学报 2018年14期

宋 鹏,张 晗,罗 斌,侯佩臣,王 成


宋 鹏1,2,张 晗1,2,罗 斌1,2,侯佩臣1,2,王 成2,3※

(1. 北京农业信息技术研究中心,北京 100097;2. 北京农业智能装备技术研究中心,北京 100097;3. 国家农业智能装备工程技术研究中心,北京 100097)

实现玉米果穗考种性状的准确、快速获取是提高玉米育种效率的关键环节。该文在前期设计的玉米高通量自动化考种装置基础上,提出了一种基于多相机的玉米果穗考种参数提取方法,通过4个等间隔均匀分布的摄像头同时获取果穗4个方向图像,针对每副图像分别经过背景去除、投影模型构建、籽粒跟踪、考种参数提取等处理,最后根据4副图像的处理结果,综合计算穗长、穗粗、平均粒厚、穗行数、行粒数、穗粒数等考种参数。在玉米高通量自动化考种装置的果穗考种模块上进行试验,结果表明,该文所提方法测得的穗长、穗粗、平均粒厚与人工方法测量值之间的决定系数2分别为0.997 3、0.984和0.941 5,对穗行数、行粒数的测量精度分别为98.63%、95.35%,为玉米果穗考种参数提取提供了一种新思路,为高通量自动考种装置的实现奠定了基础。


0 引 言


随着信息技术的发展,越来越多的学者将机器视觉及图像处理技术应用于玉米检测及分析[3-12]。在玉米考种方面,主要基于视觉技术进行考种参数提取方法研究并形成相应装置[13-20],目前主要通过2种方式进行果穗考种参数的提取:1)使果穗和图像采集装置发生相对旋转,获取玉米果穗的全表面图像信息后进行考种参数提取[21-22];2)通过拍摄静置的玉米果穗单侧图像信息,分析估算出整个果穗的考种参数[23-26]。如柳冠伊等[27]采用2个辊筒驱动玉米果穗匀速转动,用线阵CCD从2个辊筒之间间隙对玉米果穗进行连续扫描并分析,单个果穗检测时间大于30 s;周金辉等[28]通过高拍仪获取玉米果穗单副图像,通过建立投影修正模型估算果穗穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数等参数,测量速度可达30穗/min。


1 材料与方法

1.1 样本材料


图1 果穗样本材料

1.2 果穗图像获取装置

本文在前期设计的玉米高通量自动考种装置的果穗考种单元获取图像,其结构如图2所示。果穗置于2根平行安装,间隔可调的钢丝上方,4个彩色相机以90°等间隔沿垂直于穗轴方向,距离穗轴中心30 cm处,水平分布于果穗四周[14],以外触发方式同时获取果穗4个方向图像。该装置具体硬件型号参数如下:摄像头为DH- HV5051Ux-M型号彩色CMOS工业数字相机,分辨率为2 942×1 944像素;镜头为Computar 5mm f/1.5定焦镜头;光源为4只条形LED白光光源。本装置选用的PC机硬件环境为Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 450 2.4 GHz,软件由Visual Studio 2010 开发环境编写。

1.摄像头 2.光源 3. 果穗承载装置


图3 4个相机获取的原始果穗图像

1.3 果穗考种参数提取方法

果穗考种参数中涉及的果穗长度、宽度、籽粒厚度等均为实际物理尺寸,而图像处理过程通常使用像素数来表示尺寸大小。在测量之前,需进行相机标定,将单位像素对应的物理尺寸计为(mm/像素),经标定,本系统中4个摄像头对应的值均为0.126 mm/像素。

1.3.1 图像预处理

在采集果穗图像前,玉米果穗位于2根平行安装的钢丝上方,故其出现在摄像头视场中的位置相对固定,为提高图像处理效率,降低无效数据处理量,仅对每副图像中包含玉米果穗的区域进行处理。采集的果穗原始图像分辨率为2 942×1 944像素,通过试验发现,处于图像中间区域,长度为原始图像长度的7/9,即2 016像素,宽度为原始图像宽度的1/2,即972像素,此区域图像基本包含不同尺寸玉米果穗的完整信息。

分别在RGB(red, green, blue)和HSV(hue, saturation, value)颜色空间对果穗图像进行分析,发现果穗区域与背景区域在H通道和V通道差异较大,如图4所示,可使用V-H模型进行果穗区域提取。

图4 图3a在H、V通道分量图


图5 去背景后的玉米果穗图像

1.3.2 果穗投影模型






1.3.3 果穗考种参数提取流程



×|eb-ec| (5)

摄像头距离果穗中心距离值由系统设计安装确定,为常量30 mm。由于玉米果穗表面近似圆柱体,处于边缘区域的籽粒受光线影响,难以获取理想提取效果。为提高果穗行数检测精度,需提取各图像中完整有效的穗行数ri及其所对应的投影长度。由于果穗中间区域籽粒排布较规则,在提取有效的穗行数ri时针对果穗中间区域进行处理,具体流程如下:













图7 果穗处理过程

1.4 果穗考种参数计算


1.4.1 果穗长、宽计算

玉米果穗的长度和宽度分别对应玉米果穗的长轴和短轴,本文通过建立玉米果穗的最小外接矩形获取果穗的长、宽参数[23]。对玉米果穗二值图进行轮廓跟踪,基于Graham扫描法[29]建立其最小外接矩形,将果穗最小外接矩形的长记为ei,最小外接矩形的宽记为ei,则各图像中计算的果穗长为ei×ei,果穗宽为ei×ei,同时计算4副图像的平均果穗长、平均果穗宽、最大果穗长、最大果穗宽,并与人工测量值做对比。结果表明4幅图像的最大果穗长、最大果穗宽与人工测量结果相关性最高,故果穗长度定义为L=max{ei,1, 2, 3, 4},果穗宽度定义为W=max{ei,1, 2, 3, 4}。

1.4.2 穗行数提取


1.4.3 行粒数提取


图8 图7a籽粒跟踪效果


1.4.4 总粒数提取

1.4.5 籽粒厚度提取

根据所提出的籽粒跟踪规则,得出每副图像所跟 踪的行粒数ri及该行跟踪路径之和D,则平均籽粒厚度为:

2 结果与分析


2.1 穗长、穗粗、平均粒厚测量精度分析

采用游标卡尺(量程300 mm,精度0.02 mm)进行测量,将测得果穗的最大长度和最大直径作为人工测得的穗长、穗粗参数。选取果穗中间排布较为均匀的区域,测量其所包含籽粒的总厚度,并计算平均粒厚作为人工测得的平均粒厚值。与本文所提方法测量结果相关性如图9所示。

图9 不同方式穗长、穗粗、平均粒厚测定的相关性

结果表明,本文方法穗长测量值与人工方法测量值之间的决定系数2为0.997 3,本文方法穗粗测量值与人工方法测量值之间的决定系数2为0.984,本文方法平均粒厚测量值与人工方法测量值之间的决定系数2为0.941 5。

2.2 穗行数、行粒数、总粒数测量精度分析


表1 穗行数、行粒数、总粒数测量结果



3 结 论

本文针对所设计玉米高通量自动考种装置的玉米果穗考种模块,提出了一种基于4相机的玉米果穗考种参数快速测量方法,通过等间隔90°安装的4个摄像头获取果穗四周图像,分别构建投影模型并分析,最终综合4副图像分析结果,实现果穗穗长、穗粗、平均粒厚、穗行数、行粒数、穗粒数等考种参数的获取。针对随机选取的20穗样本,本文所提方法对穗长、穗粗、平均粒厚测量结果与人工方法测量值之间的决定系数2分别为0.997 3、0.984、0.941 5。对穗行数、行粒数的测量精度分别为98.63%、95.35%,满足玉米高通量自动考种 装置作业需求,为玉米高通量自动考种装置的实现奠定基础。

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High throughput automatic extraction method of corn ear parameters based on multiple cameras images

Song Peng1,2, Zhang Han1,2, Luo Bin1,2, Hou Peichen1,2, Wang Cheng2,3※

(1.100097,; 2.100097,; 3.100097,)

The efficiency and accuracy of corn ear test are two of the key factors restricting the breeding efficiency seriously. Corn ear test includes the measurement, records, statistics and analysis of parameters such as ear weight, ear length, ear width, number of ear rows, kernels per row, average thickness of kernel, kernels per ear. In this paper, a corn ear parameter extraction method based on 4 cameras was proposed based on the high-throughput automatic measuring device which has been developed previously. Four high-resolution color cameras were evenly distributed around the ear with the interval of 90° to get the corn ear images from 4 directions at the same time. Every image from the corresponding camera was processed including image preprocessing, projection model building, and parameters extraction of corn ear. During image preprocessing process, center part of the original image with the length of 7/9 of the original image length, the width of 1/2 of the original image width was chosen as the processed area. Binarization processing was applied to the area to obtain binary image, and the binary image was processed by image denoising, hole filling and other morphological transform. An AND-operation was then applied between the processing result and the original image to access the corn ear images without background. The projection model was constructed after image preprocessing process, which considered ear cross-section circular, and kernels were distributed on ear cross-section as point on the circumference of a circle. Thus, number of ear rows can be easily calculated according to the relationship between number of ear rows and circumferential angle of those rows. Procedure such as kernels area acquisition, kernels center position acquisition, kernels at edge removal, reserved kernels tracking and corn ear parameters calculation are operated based on the projection model. Since there are 4 images for each ear, the final ear parameters including ear length, ear width, average thickness of kernel, number of ear rows, kernels per row, kernels per ear are calculated based on parameters measured from each image. The ear length and width are represented by the maximum length and width of the smallest external rectangle of the 4 images. Number of ear rows in each image is calculated from the valid row number and the circumferential angle which can be obtained on the basis of the projection model. Kernels per row are acquired by tracking the kernel area for each ear image, the maximum number of kernels in a row for each image is calculated as well as the average value, and the round-of number is considered as kernels per row of the ear. Kernels per ear are calculated from the valid row number, kernel number of the valid rows and corn ear rows. Average thickness of kernel is calculated according to the tracked kernel number and the total tracking path. Experiments are carried out with the high-throughput automatic measuring device for corn, and results show that the determination coefficients (2) of ear length, ear width and average thickness of kernel achieve 0.997 3, 0.984 and 0.941 5 respectively between the values obtained by the proposed method in this paper and that measured artificially. The measuring accuracies of number of ear rows and kernels per ear are 98.63% and 95.35%, respectively, which meet the requirements of corn parameters measurement during maize breeding. The proposed method also provides a new train of thought for the extraction of corn ear parameter, and it also lays a solid foundation for the realization of automatic high-throughput device for corn.

crops; extraction; image segmentation; ear parameters acquision; four cameras; projection model; kernels tracking; ear rows








宋 鹏,高级工程师,博士,主要从事农业信息技术及装备研究。

王 成,研究员,博士,主要从事农业信息化、农业智能装备及仪器研究。

宋 鹏,张 晗,罗 斌,侯佩臣,王 成.基于多相机成像的玉米果穗考种参数高通量自动提取方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(14):181-187. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.14.023

Song Peng, Zhang Han, Luo Bin, Hou Peichen, Wang Cheng.High throughput automatic extraction method of corn ear parameters based on multiple cameras images[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(14): 181-187. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.14.023


玉米超多穗行数基因型通15D969 的 单倍体育种效应