

世界建筑 2018年6期


Architects: Dviejų grupė

1 外景/Exterior view

2 模型/Model







最重要的一点,该汽车站为市民和游客提供了公共迎宾空间, 同时充当了周边重建的催化剂。□ (王单单 译)

3 近景/Close shot

Before the reconstruction, Kaunas city didn't have bus station, it could be said. Of course, officially it had been there for 80 years already: a red brick building,accommodating administration and passengers hall were facing an open air plot where the buses were stopping to collect their clients. However, it was far away from the standard of a contamporary bus station with a comfortable waiting hall, ticket booths and other services, such as retail or cafe, and rationally organised bus stops, covered from the snow and rain.

Built by a private money, the new Kaunas bus station was re-opened in 2017 to get praises from proffessionals and warm acceptance by the public.The project of reconstructed bus station features architectural elegance, harmonised with the historic context of the city and smart organisation of active,utilitarian programme of an infrastructural object.

Overtly contemporary, inspired by local architecture building is much more than a comfortable infrastructure facility: it became a landmark of the second city of Lithuania.

The architects designed a new building along the street, thus forming a consistent silhouette of the street. The height, the scale correspond to the adjacent buildings; simple shape and modest facade refer to vernacular interwar period style, so called"Kaunas' modernism". The main facade features a rectangular extruded "box" with a clock, giving the bus station certain visibility in the streetscape, and a long cantilever, creating a rain-proof entrance, public space and a waiting area for the city buses at once.

Simple functional scheme allows comfortable use of the building: retail part is orientated towards the street, and the bus station‘s infrastructure – towards the backyard, where the parking for the buses is organised.An old red brick building of the station was preserved and integrated sensitively into the new complex, thus acquring a new value and visibility. A restaurant, set on the ground floor, brought new life to it.

The new transport infrastructure solutions –undergound parking, new crossroads and a street –helped to organise movement of buses, courier services rationally, and to solve the mobility problems in the vicinity.

But most importantly, the bus station works as a welcoming public space for citizens and tourists, as well as the catalyst for the regeneration of the surrounding area. □ (Text by Rūta Leitanaitė)

4 立面/Facades

5 进站口/Stop mouth




ZHANG Lufeng: Long-distance bus terminals can be regarded as a functional type of architecture. On the one hand, the design aims for high efficiency and convenience to organise the movement of passengers,while, on the other hand, it acts as a gateway to the city, as well as a landmark, a public space and even a catalyst for community development. In this project, the architect tackled the relationship between functionality and symbolism effectively. Although the straight facade along the street has no advantage over its adjacent buildings in terms of the height, the cornice is raised above the main entrance which makes the station more visible. The front and back eave galleries don't change,but the subtle change of the hanging-down lamp posts' oblique direction provides the space with a clear sense of direction and recognizability; a difficult task achieved with minimal effort. In terms of materials,the bus station can be described as modest: the cold metal texture contrasts with the warm wooden tone,which allows the atmosphere of this architectural space to strike a balance between modernity and tradition.(Translated by Dandan Wang)

6 首层平面/Ground floor plan

7 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

8 坡道/Rampway

9 接驳处/Connection

10 停车场/Parking

11 内景/Interior view

安娜玛丽亚·安德里佐尤:由于其作为交通换乘空间的功能属性,公交站通常占据了极少的建成环境认知。但在这一项目中,建筑师选择了一种极具视觉识别性的建筑元素,即主导了车站形象的屋顶。屋顶夸张的尺度吸引了行人注意,确保建筑不被忽视,而是被记住。它漂浮于空间上方,明确标示室外交通流量的汇集处,如同交通枢纽中常见的那样,而没有破坏建筑的整体形象。它传达了一种庇护所的概念和保护的意味。同时,室内色彩的组合、饰面材料的选择和照明设备的配置也塑造了一种邀请的、舒适的氛围,这一点又使其超越了常规的公共交通枢纽。(陈茜 译)

Anamaria Andritoiu: Because of its function as transitional space, a bus station allows for minimal recognition of the built environment. For this project a choice was made for a extremely visible architectural element, the roof, that dominates the image of the station; its exaggerated scale draws attention and ensures the building is not overlooked, but memorable.It floats above the built space, unequivocally marks the exterior at a level where traffic which is to be expected in a transport hub, does not interfere with the image.It communicates an idea of shelter, protection, while the tone of the interior chromatics, choice of finishing materials and light fixtures delivers a more inviting and confortable feeling than would be expected in a public transport hub.

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目团队/Project Team: 设计/Author: Gintaras Balčytis联合设计/Co-authors: Kęstutis Vaikšnoras, Paulius Vaitiekūnas, Jurgita Šniepienė

建造/Constructor: Eugenijus Skirius

总建筑面积/Total Area of the Building: 13,200 m2

绘图面积/Plot Area: 14,608 m2

项目周期/Project: 2014-2016

开放/Opening: 2017

造价/Cost: €10,000,000

图片版权/Courtesy: Dviejų grupė


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