

世界建筑 2018年6期

建筑设计:A2SM 建筑事务所

Architects: A2SM Architects

1 鸟瞰/Aerial view




为了防止它成为“聪慧青年的封闭社区”,建筑也欢迎当地居民的参与:公园面向公众开放,其中一间翻修建筑还被用作当地社区的教育中心。□(黄华青 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 维尔纽斯科学艺术中心/Vilnius Technology and Arts Centre

主创设计师/Lead Architects: Aurimas Sasnauskas, Sla Malenko, Joris Šykovas, Eglė Židonytė, Greta Frišmantaitė,Paulius Venckūnas. 联合设计/Collaborating Architects:Senojo miesto architektai, Diana Sabaliauskienė

工程团队/Engineering Team: Dovilė Šporaitė, Arvydas Stumbras, Mantas Baltrušaitis, Arūnas Antanavičius,Algirdas Baltrušaitis

面积/Area: 10,200m2

摄影/Photos: Norbert Tukaj

2 外景/Exterior view

Giving a new life to architectural heritage,adjusting it to contemporary needs, is one of the most actual topics for any European city. It is plausable not only because the preservation of the heritage is much more self-sustaining and works better when it is used, taken care of and loved by a current users. As the major part of architectural heritage is inside a city, it is a valuable resource, that,if used in a smart way, could help to attract people,economy and create unique image of the place. The challenge often lies in a conflict of strict regulations of preservation and ambition of new program and innovative architectural image.

In Vilnius, a tsarist hospital quarter of XIX c. was adjusted to an unconventional function. Embracing name of "Vilnius Tech Park", a complex of strictly protected buildings became home for dozens of startups. The architects carefully renovated exteriors, and adjusted interiors to the new programme. Historic interior elements, such as brickwork, wooden ceiling,ceramic tiles, fireplaces, chimneys, etc. give specific character to big open spaces, adjusted to the needs of a start-up. Because of shifting nature of a start-up,the premises are easily transformable and adjustable to different tenants. Ir order to avoid aesthetic chaos,possibly brought by every tenant, the architects equipped the rooms with the same furtinure and other elements. In order to avoid generic image of an interior of a contemporary office, the architects used creatively the tailings of the reconstruction – e.g., the wooden elements were used to cobble tables and the bar.

The programme of the complex is different from the one of an usual office layout. It offers not only flexible office spaces, but additional infrastructure for contemporary business and creativity hub: rooms for events, conferences, formal and informal meetings.Two corridors, connecting the buildings, are to be expanded towards the inner courtyarnd through the glazed simple shaped annexes. Due to a limited budget only one of them is implemented today.

In order to avoid formation of a "gated community of smart youth" the local citizens are welcome: the park is open to the public and one of the renovated buildings is given to a local community's educational centre. □ (Text by Rūta Leitanaitė)





3 外景/Exterior view

4 综合体平面/Complex plan

5-7 内景/Interior views

8 轴测图/Axonometric

HAN Linfei: Vilnius Tech Park has converted from the brickwork of a Czarist-era military hospital; a project requiring the renovation of a historical heritage building. Through the renewal, the architecture has been boldly and innovatively transformed into an entrepreneurial hub. The original planar construction has been kept to meet the requirement of being a flexible space. However, two galleries have been created to connect the different functions. These newly-added parts use a simple, transparent glass curtain wall which reflects the façade of the old section, thus minimizing the impact of the new extension by keeping it modest and hidden. This is a great design approach for renovation.

The interior elements of this historical building,including the brick wall, wooden ceiling, ceramic tiles and chimney, have all been retained as spacial exhibits; while the wooden roof has been refashioned into indoor furniture to let all things serve a purpose.The recycling of historical elements helps preserve the authenticity of this building's heritage.

From the perspective of urban advancement,Vilnius Tech Park has served modern needs by becoming part of contemporary city development,whilst still respecting and protecting its historical heritage. (Translated by Dandan Wang)


ZHOU Jianjia: The name of Vilnuis Tech Park is in sharp yet interesting contrast to the image of this building: as an old hospital complex in tsarist Russia,its classical layout and structure has been retained;this seems to be a far cry from the impression of"entrepreneurship" or "technology". As the architect himself explained, such reconstruction attempts to blend this architectural heritage with the new lifestyle and aesthetic taste in the modern era. His challenge is not simply how this 19th century building with its strong functional attributes can meet the contemporary needs; but also to decide which design approaches should be adopted: follow the logic of the design of this historical architecture, or introduce a new order, architectural language and form in order to start a dialogue between the past and present?Obviously, the new addition, two galleries, to its original building indicates the designer's choice of the former approach. Such choice makes one wonder whether a more radical and inner-directed result would be produced if the latter method was employed.(Translated by Dandan Wang)

9 内 景/Interior views

10 内景/Interior views

12 内景/Interior views

13 内景/Interior views


Designing the Exhibition Space for "The New Normal", Beijing, China, 2017