

农业工程学报 2018年7期




(1. 河南工业大学土木建筑学院,郑州 450001;2. 粮食储运国家工程实验室,郑州 450001)

粮仓中粮堆在装卸时存在着复杂的应力路径,为了得出复杂应力路径对粮堆模量和临界状态特性的影响规律,以及粮堆应力应变关系模型,该文在侧向应力50~300 kPa下,进行了常规三轴压缩(conventional triaxial compression,CTC)、等压缩(constant mean normal stress compression,CMS)、三轴主动压缩(reduced triaxial compression,RTC)三轴应力路径试验,分析了应力路径和侧向压力对模量的影响和粮堆临界状态特性;修正岩土体三次曲线模型,建立了适于描述仓内小麦粮堆应力应变的模型,并通过应力路径试验结果和文献试验结果对模型的适用性进行验证。研究结果表明:各应力路径下初始模量、割线模量50均随着侧向应力呈幂函数增长;CTC、CMS试验的割线模量50比初始模量发生较大的降低,而RTC试验没有明显降低。在参考压力(大气压力)下,对于初始模量,CTC试验的结果最大,RTC试验的结果最小;对于割线模量50,CTC试验的结果最小,RTC试验的结果最大。CTC试验的初始模量、割线模量均随着侧向应力增长最慢,而RTC试验的结果均随着侧向应力增长最快。不同应力路径和侧向应力下,试验的破坏点均落于同一临界状态线上,小麦粮堆临界状态应力比为0.976。修正三次曲线模型反映了粮堆强度、峰度系数和峰值应变等特性,并通过8个参数进行计算;通过应力路径试验结果和文献试验结果对该模型进行了验证。研究结果可为粮仓装卸料压力、变形的计算提供更符合实际应力路径条件的参量,建立的修正三次曲线模型可用于粮堆应力和变形的数值模拟,为粮仓的设计提供参考。


0 引 言





1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料和设备

本研究采用的试验材料为郑州产小麦,品种是郑麦113。根据散体材料三轴试验的规定[28],试验中试样为圆柱形,直径为61.8 mm,高度为125 mm,密度为0.85 g/cm3,质量含水率为10.9%,小麦籽粒平均直径为4.5 mm。试样直径与籽粒平均直径的比值为13.7,符合三轴试验关于试样直径与颗粒直径之比不小于10的要求[28]。试验在全自动三轴仪中进行,将制成的圆柱形小麦粮堆试样放入三轴压力室中,施加侧向压力和轴向压力,侧向压力和轴向压力分别独立作用于试样上。

1.2 应力路径试验方案

首先对粮堆试样施加各向相等的压缩应力,模拟粮仓内粮堆受到的初始周围压力,再通过独立控制轴向应力和侧向应力,实现对粮堆试样施加不同应力路径的作用。应力路径包括常规三轴压缩(conventional triaxial compression,CTC)、等压缩(constant mean normal stress compression,CMS)、三轴主动压缩(reduced triaxial compression,RTC)3种。常规三轴压缩试验中,保持侧向应力不变,增加轴向应力;等压缩试验中,降低侧向应力,同时增加轴向应力,并保持平均法向应力为常数;三轴主动压缩试验中,保持轴向应力不变,降低侧向应力。在-平面上,试验应力路径如图1所示。根据大型粮仓中粮堆的压力范围,各类应力路径试验的初始侧向应力设定为6个等级:50、100、150、200、250、300 kPa。试样剪切直至达到临界状态,即随着应变的增大,偏应力为常数(偏应力达到30%)[29]。各组试验均重复3次,因模量、强度的变异系数均小于2%,本文试验结果取3次结果的平均值。

图1 小麦粮堆三轴应力路径试验示意图

2 结果与分析

2.1 模量和临界状态特性

2.1.1 模量特性

各类应力路径和不同侧向应力下小麦粮堆的应力应变曲线如图2所示。根据图2分析各试验的峰值偏应力(应力应变曲线最高值)和残余偏应力(轴向应变大于15%后的稳定值)结果,侧向应力介于50至300 kPa时,CTC试验的峰值偏应力介于98.3至400.4 kPa,残余偏应力介于92.7至373.5 kPa,CMS试验的峰值偏应力介于51.2至244.4 kPa,残余偏应力介于43至232.5 kPa,RTC试验的峰值偏应力介于23.9至136 kPa,残余偏应力介于15.2至60.8 kPa。相同侧向应力下,CTC试验的偏应力最大,RTC试验的偏应力最小;CTC试验应力应变曲线总体呈应变硬化型,RTC试验结果总体呈应变软化型[29]。CTC试验的侧向应力不变,轴向应力不断增大,侧向应力的约束能增大粮堆的刚度,粮堆表现出硬质材料的特性,因此偏应力大,材料呈应变硬化[29]。RTC试验的侧向应力不断减小,轴向应力不变,侧向的约束效应最小,粮堆表现出软质材料的特性,因此偏应力小,材料呈应变软化。

图2 不同侧向应力下小麦粮堆应力路径三轴试验的偏应力与轴向应变关系



各侧向压力和应力路径下初始模量和割线模量的结果,如图4所示,图4纵横坐标均为对数坐标。由图4可知,侧向应力为50至300 kPa时,CTC试验的初始模量介于14.6和51.4 MPa之间,CMS试验的初始模量介于8和34.6 MPa之间,RTC试验的初始模量介于4.1和34.8 MPa之间。侧向应力越大,初始模量越大;相同侧向应力下,CTC试验的初始模量最大,RTC试验的初始模量最小。图4结果表明,在双对数坐标图中,各应力路径试验初始模量均随着侧向应力呈线性增长;即初始模量随着侧向应力呈幂函数增长,表示为:

式中p为参考压力(大气压力常数),100 kPa;3为侧向应力,kPa;Kn为模型参数,其中K为参考压力下初始模量,n为双对数坐标中初始模量随着侧向应力的增长速率,是图4双对数坐标轴中直线的斜率。各应力路径试验模型参数Kn结果如表1所示。对于参数K,CTC试验最大,为240.5,RTC试验最小,为79.2,该参数是初始模量E与参考压力p的比值,表示参考压力(大气压100 kPa)下CTC试验的初始模量为24.1 MPa,RTC试验的初始模量为7.9 MPa;参考压力下CTC试验初始模量最大,RTC试验初始模量最小。对于参数n,CTC试验最小,为0.639;RTC试验最大,为1.184;即RTC试验初始模量随着侧向应力增长最快,CTC试验初始模量随着侧向应力增长最慢。


式中K50和n50为模型参数,K50反映了参考压力100 kPa下的割线模量,n50反映了在双对数坐标中割线模量随着侧向应力的增长速率。各应力路径试验模型参数K50和n50的结果见表1。对于参数K50,CTC试验最小,为77.3,RTC试验最大,为90.3,该参数是初始模量E50与参考压力pa的比值,表示参考压力(大气压100 kPa)下CTC试验的初始模量为7.7 MPa,RTC试验的初始模量为9 MPa;参考压力下CTC试验割线模量E50最小,RTC试验割线模量E50最大。对于参数n50,CTC试验最小,为0.719,RTC试验最大,为1.096;即RTC试验割线模量随着侧向应力增长最快,CTC试验割线模量随着侧向应力增长最慢。

表1 小麦粮堆模量模型参数


Note: parameterKis initial modulus under reference pressure, dimensionless; parameter50is secant modulus under reference pressure, dimensionless; parameternis increasing rate of initial modulus under logarithmic scale, dimensionless; parameter50is increasing rate of secant modulus under logarithmic scale, dimensionless.

2.1.2 临界状态特性

不同应力路径和侧向应力下,剪切过程中小麦粮堆的偏应力-平均法向应力路径结果如图5所示。由图5可知,本文应力路径试验的轴线应变均达到30%,远大于破坏应变。CTC试验的应力路径沿着偏应力增量与平均法向应力增量比值D/D=3升高至最大偏应力,侧向应力300 kPa时最大偏应力为400.4 kPa;CMS试验的应力路径沿着平均法向应力增量D=0升高至最大偏应力,后随着平均法向应力的微降,偏应力略有降低,侧向应力300 kPa时最大偏应力为244.4 kPa,后略降至232.5 kPa;RTC试验的应力路径沿着D/D=-3/2升高至最大偏应力,后随着平均法向应力的降低,偏应力有较大的降低,侧向应力300 kPa时最大偏应力为136 kPa,后降至60.8 kPa。

图5 剪切过程中偏应力-平均法向应力路径


在-平面上,由图5提取不同应力路径(包含CTC、CMS和RTC)和侧向应力(50~300 kPa范围)条件下的破坏点,如图6所示。由图6可见,在不同应力路径和侧向应力条件下,破坏点均落于同一直线上,该直线为小麦粮堆的临界状态线[29],小麦粮堆临界状态线的斜率为0.976,表明不同条件下破坏点的偏应力与平均法向应力呈正比。在各类应力路径和不同侧向应力下,小麦粮堆在-平面上应力状态均位于临界状态线以内,当达到临界状态线时试样破坏。

图6 q-p平面上小麦粮堆临界状态线

2.2 应力应变关系参数

2.2.1 峰值强度和残余强度

式中为表观黏聚力,kPa;为内摩擦角,(°);下标表示峰值强度对应的结果。根据公式(3)和图7a得出小麦粮堆在不同应力路径下的表观黏聚力和内摩擦角结果如表2所示,3种应力路径表观黏聚力介于7~34.2 kPa之间,内摩擦角介于34°~47.7°之间。


式中为残余偏应力,kPa;为相应的平均应力,kPa;cr为残余表观黏聚力,kPa;φr为残余内摩擦角,(°);下标r表示残余强度对应的结果。根据公式(4)和图7b得出不同应力路径下小麦粮堆的残余表观黏聚力和残余内摩擦角结果如表2所示,3种应力路径残余表观黏聚力介于11.6~29.4 kPa之间,残余内摩擦角介于29.1°~44.7°之间。

表2 小麦粮堆三次曲线模型参数

2.2.2 峰度系数


2.2.3 峰值轴向应变

式中b和m为参数,结果如表2所示;pa为大气压力常数,100 kPa。

2.3 应力应变关系模型

2.3.1 修正三次曲线模型


2.3.2 应力应变关系的模拟

本文进行了常规三轴压缩、等压缩和三轴主动压缩3种应力路径试验,试验侧向应力为50、100、150、200、250、300 kPa,覆盖粮堆通常的应力范围[38]。应用本文提出的修正三次曲线模型计算小麦粮堆偏应力应变结果,并与图2中试验结果进行对比,如图10a~10c所示。应用本文计算模型和参数,模拟Zhang等[39]的小麦常规三轴压缩试验结果,如图10d所示。

CTC试验和CMS试验实测值与计算值的相关系数2通常大于0.95,具有较好的相关性。RTC试验实测值与计算值的相关系数2通常大于0.8,图10c中,侧向应力较大的三轴主动压缩试验结果与模型计算结果存在一定的偏差。分析原因如下:三轴主动压缩路径下应力应变曲线的应变软化现象明显(偏应力达到峰值后下降),尤其是侧向应力为300 kPa时,偏应力在峰值后急剧降低,剪切面上颗粒错动和颗粒位置变化更难均匀地调整,受到两端端部和橡皮膜的约束,试样更不易产生均匀的变形,形成鼓胀变形,导致偏应力在轴向应变约4%(偏应力急剧下降点)后,略有上升后,再出现降低,引起模型计算结果与试验结果在峰值偏应力后产生差异[40]。



3 结 论


1)相同侧向应力下,CTC试验的初始模量最大,RTC试验的初始模量最小。各应力路径下初始模量、割线模量50均随着侧向应力呈幂函数增长。CTC、CMS试验的割线模量50与初始模量相比发生较大的降低,而RTC试验割线模量50与初始模量相比没有明显降低。参考压力(大气压力)下,CTC试验初始模量最大,为24.1 MPa,RTC试验结果最小,为7.9 MPa;CTC试验初始模量随着侧向应力增长最慢,RTC试验结果增长最快。参考压力下CTC试验割线模量50最小,为7.7 MPa,RTC试验结果最大,为9 MPa;CTC试验割线模量随着侧向应力增长最慢,RTC试验结果增长最快。




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Mechanical properties and stress strain model for bulk wheat based on stress path test

Jiang Minmin1,2, Chen Guixiang1,2

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Total amount of stored grain in China is about 200 million tons, which is of great importance to ensure the quality and safety of grain during storage period, and to modernization of agriculture engineering. When a storage cycle is ended, grain will be discharged from bins, and then loaded in for another storage cycle. Vertical stress increases in loading process, while decreases in discharging process, and different stress path will be generated in the bulk grain, resulting in complicated pressure and frictional force on bin wall, which will cause crack, failure or even overturn of bin structures. It is vital to study stress strain relation and strength properties of bulk grain under different stress paths. Geotechnical constitutive models have been used in grain bin simulation, however, the feasibility of these models for bulk grain has not been validated. In this study, stress path triaxial test was utilized to simulate complicated load path in grain bins. Wheat purchased from grain depot in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province was used in this study. Specimen had water content of 10.9%, bulk density of 0.85 g/cm3, diameter of 61.8 mm and height of 125 mm, the average axial length of wheat kernel was 4.5 mm, and the ratio of specimen diameter to kernel axial length was 13.7, which was larger than the minimum specified ratio for triaxial test. Three types of stress paths were investigated in this study: conventional triaxial compression (CTC), constant mean normal stress compression (CMS), and reduced triaxial compression (RTC). In CTC test, radial stress was set as constant, while axial stress increased simultaneously; in CMS test, radial stress decreased, while axial stress increased simultaneously to keep mean normal stress constant; in RTC test, axial stress was set as constant, and radial stress decreased simultaneously. Stress path triaxial test procedure was as follows: After bulk wheat specimen was mounted on triaxial apparatus, isotropic stress was applied from 0 to prescribed value (50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 kPa); then CTC, CMS or RTC stress path was applied on specimen, and stress strain result was recorded until axial strain reached 30%. Initial modulus, secant modulus and critical state properties were determined from stress strain curve, strength and stress strain parameters were determined, and finally new model was proposed to depict stress strain relation for bulk wheat under different stress paths. Test results show that, under the same radial stress, CTC test has the largest initial modulus, and RTC test has the lowest value. Under all stress paths, initial modulus and secant modulus are found to be in a power function growth with the ascent of radial stress. In CTC test and CMS test, secant modulus is significantly lower than initial modulus; while in RTC test, secant modulus is not significantly reduced compared with initial modulus. Under reference pressure (atmospheric pressure), CTC test has the largest initial modulus of 24.1 MPa, and RTC test has the lowest value of 7.9 MPa; while initial modulus of RTC test has the largest increasing rate, CTC test has the lowest increasing rate. Under reference pressure, CTC test has the lowest secant modulus of 7.7 MPa, and RTC test has the largest value of 9 MPa; secant modulus of RTC test has the largest increasing rate, and CTC test has the lowest increasing rate. Deviator stress increased during shearing process, and specimen failed at the peak point on-(deviator stress - mean normal stress) plane. Under all stress path and radial stress situations, failure point fell on the same critical state line. Critical state line for bulk wheat has straight line form, and critical state stress ratio is 0.976. New modified cubic curve model for bulk wheat grain under different stress path conditions was proposed. In the model, strength conforms to Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion; crest reduction coefficient has linear relation with residual strength ratio; peak axial strain has linear relation with radial stress. Model parameters comprised apparent cohesion, internal friction angle, residual apparent cohesion, residual internal friction angle, parameterandfor crest reduction coefficient, and parameterandfor peak axial strain. Calculated results show that the proposed model can simulate the results of all stress paths under different confining stress levels. The model can reflect strain softening and strain hardening properties of bulk wheat; peak shear strength and residual shear strength can be determined; and the simulated stress and strain curve coincide well with the test results. The result of this paper provides more accurate parameters for grain bin load calculation considering the stress path conditions, and the new model can be used to estimate stress and deformation of bulk wheat, and to improve the designing method of grain bins.

stress; strain; models; bulk wheat; stress path triaxial test

蒋敏敏,陈桂香. 基于应力路径试验的小麦粮堆力学特性和应力应变关系模型[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(7):280-287. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.07.036

Jiang Minmin, Chen Guixiang. Mechanical properties and stress strain model for bulk wheat based on stress path test[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(7): 280-287. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.07.036









