On the Far Side of the Mountain (Excerpt IV)《远方山林》(节选四)


英语世界 2018年1期

文/琼·克雷格黑德·乔治 译析/吴文安

By Jean Craighead George











Sam, I say to myself as I start across the bridge, you must stop these thoughts and start thinking about what to do now that you have no falcon.

[2] Life, my friend Bando once said,is meeting problems and solving them whether you are an amoeba or a space traveler. I have a problem. I have to provide Alice and myself with meat. Fish,nuts, and vegetables are good and necessary, but they don’t provide enough fuel for the hard physical work we do.Although we have venison now, I can’t always count on getting it. So far this year, our venison has been only road kill from in front of Mrs. Strawberry’s farm.

[3] I decide to take the longest way home, down the flood plain of the West Branch of Delaware to Spillkill, my own name for a fast stream that cascades down the south face of the mountain range I’m on. I need time to think.Perhaps Alice and I should be like the early Eskimos. We should walk, camp and hunt, and when the seasons change,walk on to new food sources. But I love my tree and my mountaintop.


[4] Another solution would be to become farmers, like the people of the Iroquois Confederacy who once lived here. They settled in villages and planted corn and squash, bush beans and berries. We already grow groundnuts in the damp soil and squash in the poor land.But the Iroquois also hunted game. I can’t do that anymore.

[5] I’m back where I started from.

Slowly I climb the Spillkill. As I hop from rock to rock beneath shady basswoods and hemlocks, I hear the cry of the red-tailed hawk who nests on the mountain crest. I am reminded of Frightful and my heart aches. I can almost hear her call my name, Creee,creee, creee, car-ree.

[6] Maybe I can get her back if I plead with the man who is in charge of the peregrines at the university. “But it’s the law,” he would say. I could write to the president of the United States and ask him to make an exception of Alice and me. That won’t work. The president swore to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States when he took of fice.

[7] I climb on. I must stop thinking about the impossible and solve the problem of what to do now. I must find a new way to provide for us. Frightful is going to be in good hands at the university, and she will have young.

[8] I smile at the thought of little Frightfuls and lift my reluctant feet.

[9] When I am far above the river, I take off my clothes and moccasins and bathe in a deep, clear pool until I am refreshed and thinking more clearly.Climbing up the bank, I dress and sit down. I breathe deeply of the mountain air and try to solve my problem more realistically.








【第八段】原文reluctant feet属于移就修辞手法,表明山姆步履迟缓,思路混乱。等他想到“惊悚”也应该养育自己的幼鸟,心里稍有宽慰,步伐才轻快起来。

【第九段】第一句原文稍嫌复杂,译文调整了语序,使之更符合中文逻辑。最后一句的译文也没有恪守原文语序,而是调换了mountain air的位置,这样中文更加顺畅。

【小结】这一段选文里有几个专有名词需要注意并适当传译。同时,这一部分文字属主人公的意识流,有的句子意思不完整,需要在译文里补足才好。原文还有几句话语序搭配较为特殊,不宜照搬到中文里,按照中文习惯加以调整会更顺畅。 □

