黑 天 鹅


英语世界 2018年1期


我们在世界许多地方的天然湖泊或动物园里可以看到黑天鹅(black swan)。可是,17世纪以前,欧洲只有白天鹅(white swan)。欧洲人普遍认为天鹅是白色的,世上不存在黑色天鹅。例如:

1. In ancient Europe, people generally presumed that all swans must be white because all historical records of swans reported that they had white feathers.在古代欧洲,人们普遍认为所有的天鹅都必定是白色的,因为所有关于天鹅的历史记载都报告说天鹅有白色的羽毛。

古罗马讽刺诗人尤文纳(Juvenal,公元60?—140?年)最早使用了black swan这个表达方法。例如:

2. The Roman poet Juvenal coined the term “black swan” to refer to the characterization of something being “a rare bird in the lands and very much like a black swan”. 古罗马诗人尤文纳创造了“黑色天鹅”这个名词,用“世间罕有之鸟,酷似黑色天鹅”这样的表达来描述某种事物的特征。

3. As the black swan was presumed not to exist, Juvenal’s term “black swan” became a common expression in the 16th-century London as a statement of impossibility. 由于黑色天鹅被假定不存在,尤文纳的“黑色天鹅”这一名词在16世纪的伦敦成为表达“不可能”的正式说法。

1697年,荷兰探险家威廉·德弗拉明(Willem de Vlamingh,1640—1698)等人在澳大利亚发现了黑天鹅这个新物种,使人们认识到以前的结论是片面的,并非所有的天鹅都是白色,“黑色天鹅”确实存在。

此后,在西方人眼中,black swan的内涵由“不可能的”变为“事先以为不可能而后来证明是可能的”。“黑天鹅”这个名词成为隐喻。哲学家讨论了Black Swan problem(“黑天鹅问题”)。例如:

4. The Black Swan problem in philosophy is a problem of induction, which refers to the central dif ficulty of generalizing from available information, or of learning from the past, the known, and the seen. 哲学上的黑天鹅问题是一个归纳法问题,指的是归纳可获取信息或从过去、所知及所见中学习的主要困难。

5. In the 19th century, the English philosopher John Stuart Mill (1806–1873)used the black swan logical fallacy as a new term to identify falsi fication. 19世纪,英国哲学家约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒使用“黑天鹅逻辑谬误”作为新名词来证伪。

6. The philosopher Karl Popper (1902–1994) pointed out that only a single black swan is required to falsify the theory that “all swans are white” even when there are thousands of white swans in evidence. 哲学家卡尔·波普尔(1902–1994)指出:即使有数千只白天鹅作为证据,但仅需一只黑天鹅便可证伪“所有天鹅都是白色的”这一理论。

2007年,美国学者纳西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒布(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)在The Black Swan(《黑天鹅》)一书中发展了“黑天鹅理论”(Black Swan theory)。例如:

7. In his 2007 book The Black Swan, Taleb extended the Black Swan metaphor to events outside of financial markets. He regards almost all major scientific discoveries, historical events, and artistic accomplishments as “black swans”. 塔勒布在他2007年出版的《黑天鹅》一书中,将“黑天鹅”这一隐喻延伸至金融市场以外的事件。他将几乎所有的重大科学发现、历史事件和艺术成就都看作“黑天鹅”。

“黑天鹅”现已成为具有重大意义的意外事件的代名词。“黑天鹅事件”译为Black Swan event。例如:

8. Mr. Taleb de fines a Black Swan as an event that is unexpected, and has an extreme impact. It can be both positive and negative. 塔勒布先生将“黑天鹅”定义为未曾预料到并具有极大影响的事件。它既可以是正面的,也可以是负面的。

9. Globalization has arrived at a crossroad with a series of Black Swan events occurring in Western countries. 全球化已到达一个十字路口,西方国家出现了一系列“黑天鹅事件”。

10. China is confident that it can avoid the political and economic consequences caused by the prevalence of so-called Black Swan events in recent years. 中国有信心避免近年来由所谓“黑天鹅事件”盛行所造成的政治和经济影响。 □

