

英语世界 2018年1期







In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of parents who educate their children themselves at home instead of sending them to school. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?




Contrary to the conventional practice of sending their kids to school, more and more parents today choose to educate their children themselves at home.While this “home-education” model may be bene ficial in some ways, home can never replace school as the major place for the education of kids.



作文开头有多种方法,但万变不离其宗:首先是引入话题(introduction),然后是重述题目观点(restatement),最后提出自己的观点(overall view)。引入话题的方式很多,各种模板也很多,比如“when asked about..., people...”“when it comes to..., people...”,应该说这些模板都是可行的,在想不到其他办法时,可以使用,但如果能找到更为新颖的话题引入方法,要尽量避免使用模板。老雅的建议是:如果可能,烤鸭可学会使用描绘的办法引入话题,而不是简单地提出某个话题。


本题的原文是:... there has been an increase in the number of parents who educate their children themselves at home instead of sending them to school.(……在家教育孩子而不是将孩子送到学校的父母的数量在增加。)老雅范文的开头是:Contrary to the conventional practice of sending their kids to school, more and more parents today choose to educate their children themselves at home. (与将孩子送到学校的传统做法相反,越来越多的父母选择在家自己教育孩子。)可见,无论是句型,还是词汇表达,老雅都对原句进行了一定程度的改造,同时保持基本意思没有变化。有些同学可能会问:这种替换能力从何而来?老雅认为:首先你得有这种替换的意识,然后多做句型转换练习,只有这样才能获得这种能力。

Admittedly, home-education can bring about great bene fits. With only one kid to teach, the parents will be able to know completely about the problems the kid has. In contrast, the teachers in school can not spend that much time on the same kid because they have dozens of others to take care of. The natural result of this is that the home-educated kid may be given full attention to while his counterpart in school may well be ignored by his teachers. It is, therefore, very possible that a kid receiving home education excels a kid in school in terms of test scores.


本段先扬,论述家庭教育的好处。写这种段落的时候,学生不要着急,不要一上来就写具体的好处,而是要先写一句统领全段的话。这里老雅写的是:Admittedly, home-education can bring about great bene fits. 接下去,你当然可以写“ first, ..., secondly, ..., finally, ...”,但老雅没有这样做,而是开始有顺序地论述在家教孩子的好处。“只教一个孩子,父母能够知道孩子的所有问题。相反,学校的老师无法在一个孩子身上花大量的时间,因为他们需要照顾众多孩子。”(With only one kid to teach, the parents will be able to know completely about the problems the kid has. In contrast, the teachers in school can not spend that much time on the same kid because they have dozens of others to take care of.)请仔细揣摩老雅这里的论说方式:抓住一个核心点(家庭教育只教一个孩子),然后由这个核心点往下渗透(父母知道孩子的所有问题),由这点再朝下挖掘,这么做的好处是什么呢?就是孩子能够得到全部的关注(the kid may be given full attention to),而得到全部关注的结果是什么呢?那就是孩子的考试成绩可能高于去学校学习的孩子(the kid excels others in terms of test scores)。老雅这里使用的是一种典型的“自然接续法”,从一个点逐渐渗透,直到讲清楚这个点带来的最终结果。自然接续法可以确保论证富有逻辑性,也容易讲清楚。


(1)With only one kid to teach, the parents will be able to...(独立主格结构)

(2)The natural result of this is that the home-educated kid may be given full attention to while his counterpart in school may well be ignored by his teachers.(while引导转折)

(3)It is, therefore, very possible that a kid receiving home education excels a kid in school in terms of test scores.(it is引导的主语从句)

Nevertheless, test score is not the only objective of education. As far as I understand, education is more about telling a kid to become a better person and the first step towards this aim is learning to get along with people. In this regard,home-education can do very little. However, when the kid is sent to school, he will learn how to work out a problem in cooperation with his peer classmates and in this process, he will understand the art of cooperation and leadership. A home-educated kid, however much he achieves in tests, is just like a flower in greenhouse which easily withers away when exposed to the rain outside.


本段后抑,转折回来论述孩子去学校的好处。第一句承接上段结尾的test score,说明考试分数不是教育的唯一目标。那教育的目标还有哪些呢?很自然就写出:As far as I understand, education is more about telling a kid to become a better person and the first step towards this aim is learning to get along with people.(在我看来,教育更应教会孩子怎样成为一个好的人,而实现这个目标的第一步就是学会与人相处。)这里就引出了“与人相处”这个话题。接下来就要具体说清楚在这方面学校为什么比家要好:… when the kid is sent to school, he will learn how to work out a problem in cooperation with his peer classmates and in this process, he will understand the art of cooperation and leadership. 最后用一句大家都熟悉的话结尾:在家教育的孩子,无论成绩有多好,都不过是温室中的花朵,一旦暴露在外面的风雨中就容易凋谢。这里老雅使用的仍然是自然接续法:先说教育的目的是为了让学生成为更好的人,为了成为更好的人,学生要学会与人相处,在这方面,学校教育就比家庭教育更有优势,因为在学校学生可以学会与同学一起解决问题,这样就能学到合作和领导的才能,而家庭教育的孩子则像温室花朵。


Unlike many worried parents who prefer to educate their kids at home, I believe school is the best place for kids’ education. While there may be some bad in fluences outside home, there are also many excellent people who could be role models for kids. Most important of all, it is just in not so pure a place as school that kids can learn to tell right from wrong, good from bad and eventually become a physically and psychologically sound person when he grows up.


本段提出自己的观点:学校比家庭教育好。双边讨论的写作中,最后一段需要提出自己的观点或立场,而为了提出这个观点,就需要说出你的判断标准。这里,老雅提出学校比家庭好的标准是:学校里有优秀的榜样(role models)供孩子学习,以及学校虽然不及家庭单纯,但正因如此,孩子才能学会辨别是非的能力(tell right from wrong),这样长大后才能身心健康(physically and psychologically sound)。


(1)Unlike many worried parents who prefer to educate their kids at home,I believe... (介词短语置于句首,who引导的定语从句)

(2) While there may be some bad in fluences outside home, there are also...(While转折句)

(3)... it is just in not so pure a place as school that kids can learn to tell right from wrong... (强调句型)

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