摘 要:随着我国新课程改革的不断深化,为更好落实素质教育理念,各省份在高考题型上也有了相应的调整。其中浙江省的高考英语从2016年10月以来启用了新的考试题型,变化较大,最引人注目的是将传统的写作题型分为两个部分,即应用文和读后续写或概要写作。本文关注的是读后续写题,并将结合2017年6月的浙江省高考真题进行分析和范例点评。
2017年6月浙江省高考真题中读后续写部分讲述的是这样一个故事:Mac Hollan与两个朋友外出骑行,但在途中朋友的自行车坏了,要留下来修理,他们鼓励Mac自己先骑。不幸的是,Mac在前往目的地的路上遭遇了狼并受到了攻击。他用喷雾一次次地赶走了狼,但狼仍穷追不舍。这时一辆目睹了一切的轿车正好经过,Mac赶忙停下来想寻求帮助。文章是以“He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast,just a dozen yards away now”为结束语的。通过短文内容分析可以发现,文中共提到五个人物,主人公是Mac Hollan,两个朋友和两个路人Paul and Becky;涉及的场景有home,car;主要发生的行为有climb,jumped;提及的物件有wolf,bicycle。这些关键信息要应用到后续续写内容中。
续写部分设置了两个段首句,第一段是“The car abruptly stopped in front of him”,考生应抓住关键信息the car stopped,对车停后Mac如何摆脱恶狼从而获救加以描写,力求写出千钧一发的紧迫感,同时还要合乎情理。第二段是“A few minutes later,the other two cyclists arrived”。该句承上启下,需要考生展开联想,朋友到了之后会发生什么,Mac又会有何感想,在续写中加以提炼升华。
Paragraph 1:
The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Mac crashed into the car with a loud bang.As a result,he fell off the bicycle and had his left ankle twisted. Hardly had Mac stood up when the wolf arrived and was about to launch another attack.Mac was going to die when suddenly the wolf was hit right on the head by a piece of rock.The wolf fell back,howling with pain.It was Paul who did this.Becky helped Mac climb into the car,while Paul kept shouting and throwing stones at the wolf.
Paragraph 2:
A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. They were shocked at what they saw and joined Paul.One of Macs friends picked out some raw meat and threw it to the wolf. Satisfied with what he got,the wolf ran into the woods. Mac thanked Paul and Becky,“How grateful I am that you stopped to save me and I owe it to you that Im still alive.” As Mac got injured,the three men had to give up the rest of their journey and returned home.
這篇续写内容与短文的契合度较高,人物角度定位准确,与段首句的衔接自然流畅。语言运用上,动词描写特别准确到位,如Mac撞上汽车并摔倒用了crashed into,fell off,狼想发起攻击用了launch another attack,狼被击打用了was hit right on the head,狼的吼叫用了howling,Mac受伤后千方百计地想爬进车里用了climb into;语法运用上,用了had...twisted,hardly...when...,it was...who...等高级句型和结构,丰富了语言。但在逻辑上,“One of Macs friends picked out some raw meat and threw it to the wolf”这句存在一些问题,应交代下生肉是哪里来的。但总体而言,该续写逻辑清晰,表达准确,并应用到了6个关键词,是一篇优秀的习作。