

世界建筑 2018年6期

















In a highly globalised 21st century world, more and more countries are getting reluctant to take the issue of identity seriously.Lithuania is one of the few exceptions. Today, it is not news that identity is a haunting subject, a politically dangerous one in particular.So why tackle the weight of contentious history processes while there is the reassuring easiness of circulating cheerful, universal stuff across the internet? The Lithuanian answer to this is an unmistakable one:because it is a must; because it is what we are.

A small nation sitting in the marginal overlays of regional powers is never blessed with geo-political security. However, such a nation is usually blessed with rich and exciting cultural cross fertilisation. Lithuania is such a case. In more than a century of the recent past, Lithuania has been trying to solve the identity conundrum upon the intertwining substrate consisting of European traditions, the Soviet years and the reestablishment of an independent Baltic nation. Nevertheless it is exactly this anxious quest that has given Lithuanian architecture a passion to make, a latitude to adapt and a courage to transform. A brief looking back would end up with a century of shifting modernity: once pursued, then forgotten, then re-discovered. In terms of architectural language, we have to embrace the richness of a multi-faceted milieu, best defined by what it is not rather than by what it is, in the typical Adorno's fashion.

The success of Kaunas in the early 20th century was a phenomenal opening of Lithuanian modernity. It well precedented the emerging capital cities of the 21st century, albeit with less money and more intellect. What made it unique was its inseverable connection with pre-industrial craft. The coolness of Miesian technocracy suddenly turned into a soothing reconciliation between what was industrial and what was not. We witness the same affection with material and craft continuing in the Soviet years, quietly residing beneath the neoclassical surface grandeurs. When Lithuanian architecture turned back to the more bottom-up discourse after the 1990s, the obsessions with wood, stones and concrete returned in even more exciting experiments.The architecture that seeks both time and timelessness among the orchestrations of textures, colours and shapes has since been prevailing.What the poet Marius Burokas wrote in his Turn me in to a Dice gives us a hint of the Lithuanian way of perceiving a tangible space of things and associating it with a meaning:


I meekly submit my head

and everything – that's not mine –

the bike, the bakery in the morning

with bodies smothered in pleasure,curdled asphalt,

the general store

with foot-worn floor,



then we can face each other

over the cloth-covered table,

here while time is ours

before everyone drowns

in the roaring green

It is this Lithuanian way that we are seeking in our publication of Lithuanian architecture. We believe the Lithuanian quest in identity can lend some ideas and inspirations to our own in China.We also believe that this WA special issue on Lithuanian architecture,coinciding with the Lithuanian Centenary, would be the first step of a series of culture collaboration projects in the coming future.

Our special thanks to the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in People's Republic of China, Architects Association of Lithuania, Lithuanian Culture Institute, Ms. Agnė Biliūnaitė and Ms. Rūta Leitanaitė. □


Super Strong Beard 超级结实的大胡子
立陶宛睡眠医学会Lithuanian Sleep Medicine Society
寻找那些镜头背后的英雄 反转王M. Night Shyamalan(M·奈特·沙马兰)