Lesson Eighty-one Catheterablation ofventricular tachycardia in postmyocardial infarction


心电与循环 2018年1期

In contrast to ventricular tachycardia(VT) that occurs in the setting of a structurally normal heart,VT that occurs in patients with myocardial infarction carries anelevatedriskforsuddencardiacdeath(SCD),andimplantablecardioverter-defibrillators(ICDs)arethemainstay of therapy.In these individuals,catheter ablation may be used as adjunctive therapy to treat or prevent repetitive ICD therapies when antiarrhythmic drugs are ineffective or not desired.However,certain patients with frequent premature ventricular contrac-tions(PVCs)or VT and tachycardiomyopathy should be considered for ablation before ICD implantation because left ventricular function may improve,consequently decreasing the risk of SCD and obviating the need for an ICD.

Mechanism and S ubstrate forVT in Postmyocardial Infarction

The prototypical,and best understood,substrate for scar-related reentrant VT is post-myocardial infarction(MI)VT.1Following MI,ventricular myocardium can broadly be classified as normal,dense scar,or border zone tissue-the latter consisting of interconnected surviving myocardial fibrils interspersed among a bed of electrically inert fibrotic tissue.Together with decreased cell-to-cell coupling,partly related to altered connexin 43 expression,slow and circuitous electrical conduction through the border zone predisposes to re-entrant VT.Additionally,there are adaptive and maladaptive changes in cardiac autonomic innervation that also predispose to VT.Sympathetic and parasympathetic efferent inputs to the convergent local circuit neurons are increased,whereas afferent inputs from infarcted tissue are decreased relative to those from the border zone and normal tissue;this results in a heterogeneity of autonomic innervation,contributing to the arrhythmogenic substrate.

As multiple pathways often exist,numerous circuits are commonly present and manifest as multiple inducible VTs during electrophysiological testing.The 12-lead electrocardiogram(ECG)morphologyofeachVTdepends on the exit of the re-entrant circuit into the normal myocardium.Although most VT exit sites are subendocardial,midmyocardial or epicardial exit sites also exist.Survivingtissueintheborderzonecanbeidentifiedbased on its abnormal conduction properties and characteristic electrograms(i.e.,lateandfraction-atedpotentials)(Figure 1)andisoftenthetargetforablation.

Although this fundamental understanding of the pathophysiology of post-MI VT has not changed since the mid-1990s,recent post-MI mapping studies using ultra high-resolution mapping technologies have suggested that patients may have few arrhythmogenic border zone areas of relatively constrained size.These small,anatomically fixed areas display direction-and ratedependent slowing of conduction velocity related to highly curved activation patterns in areas of voltage<0.1 mV,and ablation of these relatively small areas resulted in VTtermination and noninducibility.However,the generalizability of this observation is unknown and requires additional study.

In addition to scar-related re-entry,certain post-MI patients may present with ventricular arr-hythmias related to the Purkinje system.First described in patients with idiopathic polymorphic VT or VF,focal premature PVCs originating from Purkinje fibers may serve as triggers for these arrhythmias.Similarly,followingMI,triggeredactivity(duetodelayedafterdepolarizations)from surviving Purkinje fibers situated along the scarbordermay cause focalPVCsthattrigger polymorphic VT/VF.Additionally,focal VT originating from the Purkinje system in the setting of acute ischemia has been attributed to triggered activity and delayed a fter depolarizations,in contrast to a re-entrant mechanism that is responsible for monomorphic VT following remote MI.Catheter ablation is possible for the treatment of these various Purkinje-related ventricular arrhythmias.

Catheter Ablation Techniques

The general approach to catheter ablation of VT involves the characterization of target VTs,delineation of the arrhythmic substrate,and radiofrequency ablation of the arrhythmic tissue.Target VTs include all clinically occurring VTs and those induced with programmed stimulation.Typically,programmed ventricular stimulation is performed at 2 drive cycle lengths with up to 3 extrastimuli delivered at progressively shorter coupling intervals at 2 ventricular locations.When VT is induced,pace termination or electrical cardioversion is performed,and programmed stimulation is continued until the same VT is repeatedly induced or multiple electrical cardioversions are required.For each VT,the 12-lead ECG morphology,the rate(or cycle length),bundle branch block morphology,axis,precordial transition,and the hemodynamic effect are all recorded.This not only helps localize the VT exit site,but also helps determine the ablation strategy as described in the following text.

The myocardial scar is identified using a 3-dimensional(3D)electroanatomic mapping system that allows:1)spatial localization of a mapping catheter;2)generation of a 3D anatomic representation of the ventricle that is color-coded based on electrogram voltage amplitude recorded from the mapping catheter to differentiate normal myocardium from scar or border zone tissue;and 3)cataloging of myocardial channels and potential VT circuit isthmus sites identified on the basis of abnormal electrogram characteristics,entrainment,or pace mapping.Normal myocardium is typically characterized by bipolar voltage>1.5 mV,dense scar by bipolar voltage<0.5 mV,and border zone tissue by bipolar voltage of 0.5 to 1.5 mV.As previously described,myocardial channels responsible for re-entrant VT reside in the border zone.These channels have characteristic bipolar electrograms and can be classified as fractionated electrograms or as late (or isolated)potentials.Fractionated electrograms have multiple components without an isoelectric segment and an amplitude≤0.5 mV,a duration≥133 ms,and/or an amplitude/duration ratio≤0.005.A late or isolated potential occurs after the QRS complex and is separated from the ventricular electrogram by an isoelectric interval of>20 ms (Figure 1).Limitations of voltage mapping include variation of bipolar and unipolar amplitudes due to wave front direction,electrode size and spacing,as well as annotation of multiple component signals to the largest peak.

Sites demonstrating late or isolated potentials correlate with critical portions of the VT circuit isthmus and are desirable targets for ablation.Fractionated and late/isolated potentials may be underappreciated during sinus rhythm and may manifest only with ventricular pacing.In sinus rhythm,these electrograms may demonstrate superimposed local electrical activity and far-field ventricular activity inscribed during the QRS complex.Ventricular pacing may cause a delay of the local electrogram and cause separation from the far-field component.These abnormal electrograms,together with fractionated and late/isolated potentials,are broadly classified as local abnormal ventricular activity(LAVA)and have also been shown to be desirable ablation targets for VT.However,it should be noted that zones of slow conduction or deceleration may be more functionally relevant than the latest activated regions.

After VT induction and delineation of the arrhythmic substrate,ablation strategies typically include a combination of entrainment mapping, activation mapping,pace mapping,and substrate modification for VT. Certain sites demonstrating fractionated electrograms,late/isolated potentials,or LAVA in sinus rhythm may show diastolic electrogram activity during VT.However,not all of these locations will be critical for maintaining VT;they may simply represent diastolic activity due to passive activation (Figure 2).The most reliable method for determining the relevance of a channel of activation is to utilize entrainment maneuvers during VT.A detailed description of entrainment is beyond the scope of this paper;briefly,it involves overdrive pacing of VT from a site to determine whether that site is a critical component of the tachycardia circuit or is a bystander site.Targeting of the sites that fulfill entrainment criteria for VT circuit isthmus sites has a high incidence of terminating VT.

Activation mapping involves the identification of the earliest site of electrical activation in a cardiac chamberin comparison to an arbitraryreference electrogram during VT.This information can be color coded and recorded on a 3D electroanatomic map so that the earliest site of local electrical activation can be identified.This is particularly useful for focal VT that has a single earliest site with centrifugal activation away from thatlocation.Because electricalactivity is continuous,activation mapping in re-entrant VT is not useful to delineate early and late activation;however,it can be used to identify VT exit sites along the scar border and identification of diastolic corridors during VT.These areas of diastolic activation may or may not represent critical components of the VT circuit(isthmus vs.bystander sites)but are often targeted for ablation.2

Figure 1 Myocardial Scar and Substrate for Re-Entrant VT.(Left)Electrical activation from the normal myocardium through border zone tissue is slow and delayed (dark grey arrows).Multiple myocardial channels are present and can be identified by characteristic electrograms that can be classified as fractionated electrograms (top,asterisk),late potentials(middle,asterisk),or local abnormal ventricular activity(bottom).In this case,LAVA is best appreciated with ventricular pacing,which separates the local abnormal electrogram (dashed arrow)from the far-field electrogram with demonstration of local entrance block to the site with the third complex.These myocardial channels may all serve as potential pathways for different ventricular tachycardias.LAVA=local abnormal ventricular activity;MAP=mapping catheter.

Figure 2 Myocardial Scar and Mechanism of Re-Entrant VT.(A)A VT circuit(dark grey arrow) is dependent upon slow and circuitous electrical activity through border zone tissue during the diastolic period (light grey dashed lines),which are recorded as diastolic electrograms(black asterisk)on the MAP.Locations distal to the VT circuit(light grey asterisks)may also demonstrate diastolic electrograms due to passive activation(light grey arrows).Critical locations are identified only with entrainment and termination of VT with ablation.The QRS morphology of the VT is dependent upon the exit site from border zone tissue to the normal myocardium(dark grey star).(B)Another VT circuit with a different exit site would demonstrate a different QRS morphology on electrocardiography.MAP=mapping catheter;VT=ventricular tachycardia.

Entrainment and activation mapping cannot be per- formed in the presence of hemodynamically unstable VT,which is reported to occur in 69%of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy undergoing VT ablation.After scar delineation in sinus rhythm,pace mapping is a methodology utilized to target these unstable VTs without requiring VT induction.This involves pacing along the scar periphery to match the paced 12-lead ECG morphology with the clinical VT morphology,thereby identifying the VT exit sites.Pacing adjacent to the exit site,but further within the scar,may identify potential VT isthmus sites,characterized by latency between the pacing stimulus and the paced QRS(stimulation to QRS interval>80 ms).Alternatively,substrate modification of the scar can be performed that targets all fractionated/late potentials and LAVA.

The traditional approach to ablation of scar-related VT has involved using a combination of entrainment/activation mapping for hemodynamically tolerated VT and pace mapping and substrate modification for unstable VT.

词 汇

prototypical adj.原型的,典型的

fibrils n.小纤维,原纤维

intersperse vt.点缀,散布

inert adj.惰性的,呆滞的,迟缓的,无效的

connexin n.接合素,联接蛋白

circuitous adj.迂曲的,绕行的,迂回线路的

convergent adj.收敛的,会聚性的,趋集于一点的

constrain vt.驱使,强迫,束缚

delineation n.描述,画轮廓

annotation n.注释,注解,释文

underappreciated adj.未受到充分赏识的,未得到正确评价的

superimpose vt.添加,重叠,附加,安装

inscribe vt.题写,题献,铭记,雕

注 释

1.The prototypical,and best understood,substrate for scarrelated reentrant VT is post-myocardial infarction (MI)VT中的substrate并非指基质,而是相当于example,瘢痕相关折返型室性心动过速的经典心脏疾病是陈旧性心肌梗死。其他心脏疾病如扩张型心肌病、致心律失常右心室心肌病、肥厚型心肌病和心脏结节病等也可发生瘢痕相关室性心动过速。

2.These areas of diastolic activation may or may not represent critical components of the VT circuit(isthmus vs.bystander sites)…指激动标测中标测到的舒张期电活动来源于边缘区,如该区域位于室性心动过速环路中,消融该部位能中止室性心动过速,证实为室性心动过速环路的峡部,但也可与室性心动过速环路相连,而不参与室性心动过速环路,该部位消融不能中止室性心动过速,称之为旁观者。

















图1 折返型室性心动过速的心肌瘢痕和基质。(左)来自正常心肌的电活动通过边缘区时缓慢而延迟(深灰箭头)。多个心肌通道存在,可通过特征性电图识别,分为碎裂电图(上部,*),晚电位(中部,*),或局部异常心室激动(底部)。该患者LAVA在心室起搏下充分展示,心室起搏将局部异常电图(虚线箭头)与远场电图分开,证实到第3个综合波部位的局部传入阻滞。这些心肌通道可成为不同室性心动过速发作的潜在径路。LAVA=局部异常心室激动;MAP=标测电极。

图2 心肌瘢痕与折返型室性心动过速的机制。A:一种室性心动过速环路(深灰色箭头)依赖于舒张期经过边缘区组织缓慢而迂回的电激动(浅灰色点线),这在MAP上记录到舒张期电图(黑色*)。室性心动过速环路远端部位(浅灰色)也可证实源于被动激动(浅灰色箭标)的舒张期电图。关键的部位只能经拖带和消融中止室性心动过速而确定。室性心动过速的QRS形态决定于从边缘区到正常心肌组织的出口部位(深灰色★)。B:出口部位不同的另一种室性心动过速环路在心电图上呈现不同的QRS形态。MAP=标测电极;VT=室性心动过速。

[1] Dukkipati SR,Koruth JS,Choudry S,et al.Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia in Structural Heart Disease:Indications,Strategies,and Outcomes-Part II.J Am Coll Cardiol,2017,70:2924-2941.doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2017.10.030.


