

农业工程学报 2018年2期

张 森,席德科,刘治斌,陈宝峰


张 森1,席德科1※,刘治斌2,陈宝峰2

(1. 西北工业大学航空学院,西安 710072; 2. 山西安瑞风机电气股份有限公司,运城 044402)

为了能够方便快捷的设计和修改翼型,采用两段椭圆弧来构造翼型的中弧线,并推导了描述中弧线的方程式。用该方法构造的中弧线光滑连续,且不存在拐点。选用现有翼型的厚度分布,与中弧线分布函数进行叠加,并引入厚度比例因子来实现对厚度的调整,最终得到了一种基于双椭圆弧型中弧线的翼型设计方法,称之为DEA(double ellipse arcs)翼型。选用Clark-Y翼型作为基础翼型,设计了多款DEA翼型,并利用X-foil软件对翼型气动性能进行求解,分别研究了最大相对弯度、最大弯度相对位置、最大相对厚度以及翼型中弧线的形状因子对翼型气动性能的影响。研究表明:增加最大相对弯度,可以提高翼型的升力系数,同时使翼型的升阻特性得到一定的改善;最大弯度位置前移,可以提高翼型在小攻角下的升力系数,同时增加翼型高效升阻比的攻角范围;增加最大相对厚度可以提高翼型的最大升力系数,以及增大失速攻角,同时,高效升阻比的攻角范围也随着翼型最大相对厚度的增大而增加;中弧线前、后缘形状因子对翼型气动性能的影响相对较小。


0 引 言



翼型的型线决定了绕翼型流场特性参数的分布,即翼型的气动性能,是翼型分析的基础和关键。翼型的型线表达方法主要有:外形参数化方法[16]、形函数扰动法[17]、解析函数法[18-19]。Ray T等[20]采用翼型的特征参数对翼型外形参数化,设计变量几何意义明确,但未能给出解析表达式。形函数扰动法是由原始翼型和扰动形函数的线性叠加实现[21-22]。解析函数法就是用一个解析函数直接表示翼型形状,例如早期用多项式表达的NACA的4位数、5位数系列翼型,此外也有研究用级数表达翼型的方法[23]。

Mark[24]于1989年开发了X-foil翼型分析与设计系统,该软件对于黏性流体采用了面元法和边界层理论,由于其计算简单方便,适合于低速翼型的快速分析和设计,因此得到了广泛应用[25-29]。Ashok G等[30]对比了NLF(1)-0416和NLF(1)-0215F翼型的X-foil计算结果与试验数据,指出X-foil程序可以用于优化设计中计算不同外型的翼型气动性能。邓磊等[31]研究并发展了一套进行高升阻比自然层流翼型多设计点/多设计目标的优化设计方法。为减少设计中的计算量,使用了X-foil程序进行流场计算,进一步验证了该软件的可靠性。


1 翼型几何特征参数



2 双椭圆弧型中弧线函数的构造

2.1 双椭圆弧型中弧线函数的求解


图2 双椭圆弧型中弧线示意图



2.2 中弧线形状因子k1和k2对中弧线形状的影响



图3 不同k1和k2时的中弧线型线


3 系列翼型设计方法






式(4)给出了最终的翼型型面函数表达式。本文将该方法构造的翼型称之为DEA(double ellipse arcs)翼型。

4 结果与分析


图4 Clark-Y翼型与DEA翼型的型线对比



4.1 最大相对弯度f对DEA翼型气动性能的影响




4.2 最大弯度相对位置xf对DEA翼型气动性能的影响


图6 不同xf下的DEA翼型气动性能曲线

4.3 最大相对厚度t对DEA翼型气动性能的影响


图7 不同t下的DEA翼型气动性能曲线

4.4 中弧线形状因子k1与k2对DEA翼型气动性能的影响


图8 不同k1下的DEA翼型气动性能曲线

图9 不同k2下的DEA翼型气动性能曲线

5 结 论


2)选用现有翼型的厚度分布,与中弧线分布函数进行叠加,并引入厚度比例因子来实现对厚度的控制,最终得到了一种基于双椭圆弧中弧线的翼型设计方法,本文将该方法构造的翼型称之为DEA(double ellipse arcs)翼型。



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Design method for series airfoil based on mean camber line consisting of double ellipse arcs

Zhang Sen, Xi Deke, Liu Zhibin, Chen Baofeng

Institute of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, ChinaShanxi Anrui Fan Electric Co., Ltd, Yuncheng, China

Airfoil, as a product of aviation technology, has been widely used in the design of fluid machinery products. The aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils are a key factor in determining the performance of fluid machinery. When the existing airfoils are not able to meet the engineering requirements, it is necessary to redesign or trim the original airfoils. In this research, 2 ellipse arcs were used to form the mean camber line of the airfoil, and the corresponding equation was deduced. This equation controls the shape of the mean camber line by changing the maximum camber and the relative position of maximum camber, and adjusts the local shape by changing the 2 shape factors of the mean camber line. The mean camber line constructed by this method is smooth and continuous, and there is no knee point. Then the thickness distribution of the existing airfoil was superposed with the distribution function of mean camber line, and a thickness scale factor was introduced to adjust the thickness distribution. Ultimately, the design method for a series of airfoils based on mean camber line of double ellipse arcs is achieved, which is called DEA (double ellipse arcs) airfoil. The airfoil profile function constructed by this method has definite physical meaning, simple and reliable, and it is easy to realize serialization. In order to study the influence of airfoil characteristic parameters on aerodynamic performance of the DEA airfoil, the Clark-Y airfoil was taken as the basic airfoil, and a number of DEA airfoils were designed using the thickness distribution of the Clark-Y airfoil. Then the aerodynamic characteristics of the designed airfoils were solved by the X-foil software to study the influence of the maximum camber, the relative position of the maximum camber, the maximum thickness and the shape factors of the mean camber line on the DEA airfoil aerodynamic performance. There are 5 characteristic parameters in all that influence the shape of the DEA airfoil. We selected one of the 5 characteristic parameters as variable and fixed the other 4 characteristic parameters to design different DEA airfoils. And the aerodynamic characteristics were achieved at Reynolds number of 1.0×105. The calculation results of the 4 DEA airfoils with different values of maximum camber show that the increase of the maximum camber can improve the lift coefficient and ameliorate the characteristics of the lift-drag ratio. The calculation results of the 4 DEA airfoils with different values of relative position of the maximum camber show that as the relative position of the maximum camber moves forward, the lift coefficient under small angles of attack is improved, and the range of efficient lift-drag ratio gets broadened. The calculation results of the 4 DEA airfoils with different values of maximum thickness show that the increase of the maximum thickness can increase the maximum lift coefficient and the stall angle. At the same time, with the increase of thickness, the range of efficient lift-drag ratio also gets broadened. The calculation results of the DEA airfoils with different shape factors of the mean camber line also were achieved. At small attack angle, the change of the leading shape factors of the mean camber line has little influence on lift coefficient. With the decrease of the leading shape factors of the mean camber line, the interval of efficient lift-drag ratio has a tendency to move to high attack angle range. With the decrease of the trailing shape factors of the mean camber line, the lift coefficient and lift-drag ratio decrease gradually. Moreover, the interval of efficient lift-drag ratio also decreases and the decrease is mainly at the range of small attack angle. According to the adjustment principle of the above parameters, a new airfoil can be designed or modified to meet the needs of the target task.

design; airfoils; numerical analysis; mean camber line; double ellipse arcs








张 森,河南新乡人,博士生,研究方向为航空高科技军转民技术及流体机械设计。


张 森,席德科,刘治斌,陈宝峰. 基于双椭圆弧型中弧线的系列翼型设计方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(2):40-46. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.02.006

Zhang Sen, Xi Deke, Liu Zhibin, Chen Baofeng. Design method for series airfoil based on mean camber line consisting of double ellipse arcs[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(2): 40-46. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.02.006


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