丛 茜,陈廷坤,孙成彬,金敬福
丛 茜1,2,陈廷坤1,2,孙成彬1,2,金敬福1※
(1. 吉林大学生物与农业工程学院,长春 130022; 2. 吉林大学工程仿生教育部重点实验室,长春 130022)
农产品冷藏设备换热表面上的结冰堆积造成能源消耗,并影响了农产品的储藏品质。该文基于水结冰相变过程中的膨胀应力及不同冰点的溶液相变时差对结冰界面稳定性的影响现象,采用带有不同尺寸的凹坑且表面粘附双向拉伸聚丙烯薄膜(biaxially oriented polypropylene, BOPP)的6061铝合金为冻粘基体,探究凹坑直径、凹坑深度及凹坑内的不同质量分数的乙醇溶液对结冰附着强度的影响规律。对试验结果进行方差分析,建立了评价指标与各影响因素的数学回归模型,确定防结冰表面对结冰附着强度影响的主次顺序为凹坑深度、乙醇溶液质量分数、凹坑直径,结合响应面分析得到对结冰附着强降低率具有显著作用的工艺参数组合为:质量分数为8.05%的乙醇溶液和直径23.172 mm、深度4.349 mm的凹坑时,表面结冰附着强度的降低率达到了92.72%。利用水冻结成冰的过程中,释放的冻结膨胀能,破坏冰与材料之间接触界面的稳定性,降低了结冰附着强度,提高冷藏设备表面的主动除冰特性,为后期基于相变膨胀进行防除冰方法的开发提供新思路及试验依据。
0 引 言
随着中国经济快速的发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们对肉类、海鲜、水果、蔬菜等农副产品保鲜质量的要求越来越高[1-3],推动了农副产品贮藏保鲜业的快速发展,增加了冷库、冷藏车等农产品冷藏保鲜设备的保有数量[4-6]。为大力支持和促进农副产品冷藏保鲜行业的发展,微型冷库等冷冻冷藏设备已经连续5 a被列入农业部补贴项目指南[7],并且国家发展和改革委员会和国务院于2010年、2014年分别印发了《农产品冷链物流发展规划》和《物流业发展中长期规划(2014-2020年)》[8-10]。
1 防覆冰模型作用原理
1.水 2.弹性边界 3.刚性边界 4.低冰点水溶液 5.基底 6.冰Ⅰ 7.冰Ⅱ
2 结冰附着强度测试试验
2.1 试验条件与材料
试验采用冷藏保鲜设备常用的6061铝合金材料作为冻粘试样(尺寸为60 mm×60 mm×6 mm),在表面制备凹坑,填充不同质量分数的乙醇溶液,并且表面覆盖双向拉伸聚丙烯薄膜(biaxially oriented polypropylene,BOPP)。利用项目组自制的结冰附着强度测试装置,如图2所示。在温度为−25 ℃的低温环境下,冻结1 h进行冰的制取。
图2 切向结冰附着强度测试装置
2.2 试验方法
2.2.1 试验指标
2.2.2 试验因素
防覆冰模型采用凹坑内低冰点液体冻结释放的相变膨胀能,影响冰在材料表面的结冰附着强度。因此,乙醇溶液的质量分数、凹坑的尺寸决定凹坑内液体释放相变膨胀能的大小,达到影响材料表面结冰附着强度的目的。根据中国冬季的平均气温、试样的尺寸以及初期试验中凹坑尺寸对结冰附着强度的影响,该文中选取质量分数为6%~20%的乙醇溶液、22~30 mm的凹坑直径、2.3~4.7 mm的凹坑深度进行回归模拟试验。
2.2.3 试验设计
表1 因素水平编码表
Note:represents the distance between asterisk point and central point,=1.414.
2.3 回归模型建立与显著性分析
表2 试验方案及相应结果
表3 结冰附着强度降低率G回归模型的方差分析
Note:<0.05 represents significance,<0.01 means extremely significance.
2.4 响应面分析
2)当凹坑直径保持26 mm不变时,得到乙醇溶液的质量分数1和凹坑深度3与结冰附着强度降低率的关系及其响应曲面图4分别为
3)当固定凹坑深度保持3.5 mm时,得到乙醇溶液的质量分数1和凹坑直径2与结冰附着强度降低率的关系及其响应曲面图5分别为
2.5 讨 论
结合表2及响应面分析可见,试样表面的凹坑尺寸及凹坑内填充的乙醇溶溶液影响了试样表面的结冰附着强度,具有显著的降低作用,并且不同尺寸的凹坑、不同质量分数的乙醇溶液对结冰附着强度的降低作用不同。当凹坑直径为23.172 mm、凹坑深度为4.349 mm、填充8.05%质量分数的乙醇溶液,试样表面的结冰附着强度降低率可达到92.72%;质量分数为8.05%的乙醇溶液填充在直径为28.828 mm、深度为2.651 mm的凹坑,结冰附着强度降低率为47.77%。
3 结 论
2)采用二次回归正交组合设计方法,已确定乙醇溶液的质量分数、凹坑直径和凹坑深度对结冰附着强度降低率影响的数学模型,并且各因素对结冰附着强度降低率的影响显著性顺序依次为:凹坑深度、乙醇溶液的质量分数、凹坑直径,并且凹坑深度、凹坑直径分别与乙醇溶液质量分数对结冰附着强度降低率的影响具有交互作用。当防覆冰模型中采用质量分数为8.05%的乙醇溶液、凹坑直径为23.172 mm、凹坑深度为4.349 mm时,可使表面结冰附着强度降低率达到92.72%。
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Design of active de-icing surface for refrigeration equipment of agricultural by-products
Cong Qian1,2, Chen Tingkun1,2, Sun Chengbin1,2, Jin Jingfu1※
(1.130022,; 2.130022,)
The accreted ice on the exposed surface is well known to result in severe accidents to power transmission lines, aircraft, boats, and so on, and cause the significant economic losses. The refrigeration equipment of the agricultural by-products is no exception. With the rapid development of the refrigeration industry and the improvement of the food requirement, the number of the China’s refrigeration equipment to store the agricultural by-products increases gradually every year. The problem of the influence of the ice accumulation on the refrigeration equipment has become outstanding gradually. In order to reduce the harm and the economic losses of storage of agricultural by-products caused by the icing adhesion phenomenon, an active de-icing model was designed according to the volume expansion during the freezing process. The de-icing model adopted the swelling force as the active power to destroy the stability of the contact interface between the ice and the substrate surface. During the experiment, ternary quadratic regression orthogonal experiment method was adopted to design the experiment conditions, like the range of the solution mass concentration and the size of the pits, and the mathematic model was set up to analyze the relationship between the experimental factors and the ice adhesion strength. The test used the 6061 aluminum alloy whose size is 60 mm × 60 mm × 6 mm as the sample material and took the laser processing or milling to fabricate the different sizes of pits. And the pits were full of different mass concentrations of ethanol solution. The sample surface was covered by the biaxially oriented polypropylene (the abbreviation is BOPP). The experimental results showed that the de-icing model significantly reduced the ice adhesion strength, and the different pit sizes and mass concentrations of filled ethanol solution had different effects on reducing the ice adhesion strength. When the pit diameter was 23.172 mm, the depth was 4.349 mm, and the pit was filled with 8.05% ethanol solution, the reduction rate of ice adhesion strength by the model was 92.72%. The regression analysis method was used to solve the regression equation. And the order of the influence of different experiment factors on decreasing ice adhesion strength was determined, which was pit depth, mass concentration of ethanol solution and pit diameter from high to low. The mechanism of the de-icing model was analyzed through the adopted regression equation. The paper considered that the freezing of solution in the pits would release the expansion energy in a short time and directly act on the freezing interface due to both rigid sides of the pit. The ethanol solution would contain more and more phase transformation energy with the increasing of the pit depth. The higher the energy density acting on the BOPP film, the greater the damage to the stability of the contact interface, the greater the ice adhesion strength decreased. When the mass concentration of ethanol solution in the pits was reduced, it would generate more expansion energy. That meant that the elastic film would bear more expansion force under the same conditions and it would increase the reduction rate of the ice adhesion strength. However, the decrease rate of the ice adhesion strength would not increase as the radius of the pit increasing. As the radius increased, the area of the expansion load acting on the contact interface would increase in square. Therefore, it decreased the power density on the BOPP film and the reduction rate would be reduced. The study takes the phase expansion force to improve the surface active characteristics of the refrigeration equipment and provides the experimental basis for developing the active de-icing method and a new thought for de-icing methods.
refrigeration; freezing; regression analysis; expansion; adhesion strength
丛 茜,女,吉林长春人,教授,博士,博士生导师,主要从事工程仿生学、材料防冻粘的方向研究。Email:chentk16@mails.jlu.edu.cn
丛 茜,陈廷坤,孙成彬,金敬福. 利用冻胀能的农产品冷藏设备防结冰表面优化设计[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(24):283-289. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.037 http://www.tcsae.org
Cong Qian, Chen Tingkun, Sun Chengbin, Jin Jingfu. Design of active de-icing surface for refrigeration equipment of agricultural by-products[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 283-289. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.037 http://www.tcsae.org