

农业工程学报 2017年24期

张 晶,左小安,杨 阳,岳喜元,张 婧,吕 朋,周 欣,连 杰,刘良旭,何钊全


张 晶1,2,3,左小安1,2※,杨 阳1,岳喜元1,张 婧1,吕 朋1,周 欣2,连 杰2,刘良旭1,何钊全2

(1. 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院乌拉特荒漠草原站,兰州 730000; 2. 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院奈曼沙漠化研究站,兰州 730000;3. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)

该研究以科尔沁沙地中草甸(meadow)、针茅草原(steppe)、疏林草地(scattered tree grassland)和沙质草地(sandy grassland)4种草地的18种优势植物为研究对象,分别测定了不同草地植物群落在封育和放牧下的高度(height)、比叶面积(specific leaf area,SLA)、叶片干物质含量(leaf dry matter content,LDMC)、叶片面积(leaf area,LA)、叶片氮含量(leaf nitrogen content,LNC)和叶片碳同位素(leaf carbon isotopes)6个相关于植物生理生态过程的功能性状指标。结果表明:1)长期放牧增加了草地中一年生植物和C4植物的丰富度和重要值,降低了沙质草地中多年生植物的相对生物量;2)沙质草地植物群落的SLA和δ13C高于其他3种草地,LDMC小于其他3种草地;3)长期放牧降低了草地植物群落的高度和LA,增加了草地植物群落的δ13C,SLA、LDMC和LNC则不受放牧的影响;4)植物功能性状中,SLA与LDMC极显著负相关且不受放牧的干扰;而长期放牧导致了高度与SLA和δ13C显著负相关以及SLA和δ13C显著正相关。科尔沁沙地长期放牧的草地中一年生植物和C4植物比例相对增加,且优势植物具有较低的高度和LA以及较高的δ13C,表明了草地植物群落通过物种竞争结构和功能性状权衡策略的改变来适应长期放牧。因此,减轻放牧压力,改善植物群落的功能性状,对于该区域退化草地的恢复及持续管理具有一定的重要意义。


0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况

研究区位于科尔沁沙地42°55′-44°41′ N,120°42′-121°33′E之间,海拔200~360 m。属温带半干旱大陆性气候,夏季炎热,冬季寒冷;年均温3~7 ℃,≥10 ℃年积温2 200~3 200 ℃;年均降水量350.0 mm,80%的降水集中在6-9月。草地类型主要有草甸(M)、针茅草原(SS)、疏林草地(SG)和沙质草地(G)。主要植物种有针茅()羊草()糙隐子草()赖草()、芦苇()、兴安胡枝子()虎尾草()狗尾草()、毛马唐()等。其中草甸主要以灰色草甸土为主,针茅草原和疏林草地主要以典型栗钙土为主,沙质草地主要以沙质栗钙土为主。

1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 取样方法

2014年8月,在该研究区域内选取长期保护封育和放牧下的草甸(M)、针茅草原(SS)、疏林草地(SG)和沙质草地(G)4种草地为研究对象。4种封育草地围栏保护大约20~30 a,冬季偶有放牧或割草,干扰程度较轻;放牧草地均为封育草地附近无围栏保护的长期公共自由放牧区,放牧强度大约每公顷2头牛、6只羊,属于重度放牧[2,39]。在每个封育草地中设置6个面积为20 m× 20 m的典型样地,样地间距最小为500 m。每个样地随机设置3个1 m×1 m样方,调查样方中优势植物种的生物量。

1.2.2 试验方法


每个样方内植物取5~10株,选择10片无病虫害的完全伸展叶,用剪刀剪下,置于湿润的滤纸之间,迅速放入密封袋贮藏于便携式车载冰箱内(内部温度<5 ℃)。回到实验室将叶片去叶柄后浸入水中,置于黑暗环境中(5 ℃)冷藏12 h。取出后迅速吸干叶表水分,在百万分之一的电子天平上称得叶鲜质量。然后将叶片平铺在扫描仪上扫描,再用ImageJ1.48v软件进行处理,得到叶面积(LA)。最后,将扫描后的叶片放入60 ℃烘箱内烘48 h,取出称得叶干质量。LDMC=叶干质量/叶鲜质量,SLA=叶面积/叶干质量。

为保证每种植物有足够的叶片用以测定样品N和δ13C,在每个样方附近获取部分植物的叶,带回实验室烘干称质量后,与原来每个样方烘干称质量后的样品混合,制成分析植物叶片N和δ13C的样品。再将每个植物叶的样品混合粉碎,过0.25 mm筛,存储备用。分析前在65 ℃的干燥箱中烘干1 h,放入干燥器中保存待测。采用元素分析仪(Costech ECS 4010,意大利)测定样方中每种植物叶的N和δ13C含量。

1.3 数据分析

1.3.1 物种相对生物量(P


1.3.2 植物群落功能性状(CWM)



1.3.3 物种重要值



1.4 统计分析

采用SPSS 17.0进行数据分析,单因素方差分析比较封育和放牧下不同草地CWM的差异;双因素方差分析比较放牧和草地类型对CWM的影响,多重比较采用最小显著性差异法(LSD)。

2 结果与分析

2.1 放牧对不同草地优势物种重要值和相对生物量的影响


表1 不同草地优势物种重要值


Note: M: Meadow; SS:steppe; SG:Scattered tree grassland; G: Sandy grassland; AS: Annual or two species; PS: Perennial species; C3: C3species; C4:C4species.



2.2 放牧对不同草地CWM的影响


表2 植物群落功能性状CWM方差分析表



表3 草地类型和管理方式对CWM的影响


Note: Different small letters indicate multiple comparison of plant functional traits in community level in different grasslands at 0.05 level, different capital letters indicate multiple comparison of plant functional traits in community level in different management modes at 0.05 level, the same as below.

表4 放牧对不同草地CWM的影响

注:*, **分别表示不同管理下同一草地CWM在<0.05和<0.01水平上的差异。

Note: *, ** express multiple comparison of CWM of different treatment in same grassland at 0.05 and 0.01 level.


表5 草地CWM相关关系

3 讨 论



此外,Cruz等的研究发现,15 a放牧处理后草地中以C4植物为优势,这些植物群落通过低的叶组织密度、高的比叶面积、高的光和效率,快速增长来恢复损失的组织,增强地上部的生长能力,从而使得植物具有更强的耐牧性[55],表现出植物对放牧干扰的“快速资源获得型策略”;也有研究表明,放牧导致了植物叶片具有低的SLA、叶片氮含量和高的LDMC,从而使得植物具有低的光合能力和养分周转速率,表现出植物对资源利用的“保守性策略”[14]。本研究的草甸植物群落在放牧干扰下,SLA显著降低,LDMC显著升高,属于“资源保持型”策略,主要原因可能是草甸中优势物种为多年生的禾本科植物,其植物群落对于放牧的抵抗性较强,主要通过降低光合速率来应对干扰。同时,LDMC较高的叶片,木质素和纤维素成分相应较高,叶片相对较硬,适口性较差且不利于反刍动物的消化代谢[14]。本研究中草甸植物群落在放牧干扰下LDMC升高,也是草地植物“避牧”的一种生存策略。植物群落化学计量特征对于放牧的响应存在明显的滞后性,植物群落作为一个整体需要在很长的时间尺度上做出反应[56-57],这也是本研究中叶片氮含量在草地类型和放牧下无显著差异的主要原因。


4 结 论


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Response of plant community functional traits in different grasslands to enclosure and grazing in Horqin Sandy Land

Zhang Jing1,2,3, Zuo Xiaoan1,2※, Yang Yang1, Yue Xiyuan1, Zhang Jing1, Lü Peng1, Zhou Xin2, Lian Jie2, Liu Liangxu1, He Zhaoquan2

(1.,,730000,; 2.,,,730000,; 3.,100049)

Functional traits as a link between plants and environment, express plants’ physiological, phenological and morphological adaptive strategy when plants face environment changes. In recent years, some trait-based means show that plant functional traits are some of the most reliable predictors of ecosystem, increasingly used to assess and predict the ecosystem feature and succession. Grazing is one of the most common utilization methods for pasture, affecting the semiarid and arid grassland ecosystems in various ways.It not only alters individual plant growth and population dynamics, but also changes soil properties, ultimately changing the vegetation composition and structure. The influence of grazing on plant communities is much greater than that of individual plant.At the community level, herbivores have extensive range of food intake, and different plant species have different response to nibbling, and therefore, it is more reasonable to explore the influence of grazing at the community level.Based on the changes of 18 dominant species in 4 different types of grassland under grazing and enclosure in Horqin sandy land,in this study, we compared the plant community functional traits in the meadow,steppe, scattered tree grassland and sandy grassland. We measured the 6 functional traits related to the process of plant growth and photosynthesis in different types of grassland under the condition of enclosure and grazing, and these traits included the plant height, specific leaf area(SLA), leaf dry matter content(LDMC), leaf area(LA), leaf nitrogen content(LNN) and leaf carbon isotopes(δ13C). The results showed that:1) Long term grazing increased the species richness and dominance of annuals and C4species, as well as decreased the relative biomass of perennials; 2) The SLA and δ13C in sandy grassland were higher than the other 3 types of grassland, while LDMC showed a reversed trend; 3) Grazing decreased the plant height and LA and increased the δ13C, while the other functional traits in different grasslands did not differ due to grazing; 4) Correlation relationship analysis showed that SLA was significantly and negatively correlated with LDMC in different types of grassland under both grazing and enclosure, suggesting that long term grazing did not change the negative associations of SLA and LDMC; however, long term grazing resulted in the significant and negative correlations between plant height, SLA and δ13C, as well as a significant and positive correlation between SLA and δ13C. In Horqin sandy land, long term grazing increased the proportion of annuals and C4species, and these species had the lower plant height and LA and the higher water use efficiency, which illustrates that the grassland community adapts to the long term grazing through the change in species competition structure and function strategy trade off. Therefore, to improve the functional traits of plant community by reducing grazing pressure is helpful and meaningful to the vegetation restoration and sustainable management in the degraded grasslands.

plants; growth; physiology; grass land; grazing;plant community traits; enclosure








张 晶,女,甘肃榆中人,博士生,主要从事植物生态方面的研究。


张 晶,左小安,杨 阳,岳喜元,张 婧,吕 朋,周 欣,连 杰,刘良旭,何钊全. 科尔沁沙地草地植物群落功能性状对封育和放牧的响应[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(24):261-268. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.034

Zhang Jing, Zuo Xiaoan, Yang Yang, Yue Xiyuan, Zhang Jing, Lü Peng, Zhou Xin, Lian Jie, Liu Liangxu, He Zhaoquan. Response of plant community functional traits in different grasslands to enclosure and grazing in Horqin Sandy Land[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 261-268. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.034


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