

农业工程学报 2017年24期

王 刚,关卓怀,沐森林,汤 庆,吴崇友


王 刚,关卓怀,沐森林,汤 庆,吴崇友※

(农业部南京农业机械化研究所,南京 210014)

为探究油菜联合收获机脱粒系统对油菜籽粒的收获效果,寻求较优的脱粒装置结构及运行参数,以喂入量、脱粒滚筒间隙、脱粒滚筒转速和脱粒元件型式种类为影响因素,油菜种子籽粒发芽率、脱粒损失为评价指标,开展油菜联合收获脱粒试验、发芽率试验及无损伤籽粒发芽率对比试验,探究了联合收获油菜籽粒的脱粒损伤机理。结果表明:影响油菜种子籽粒脱粒损伤的主次因素依次为脱粒元件型式、脱粒滚筒间隙、脱粒滚筒转速、喂入量;所选因素水平下,综合考虑脱粒损伤及损失,采用喂入量3.2 kg/s、脱粒滚筒间隙9 mm、脱粒滚筒转速856 r/min、全钉齿时为较优组合。分析表明:联合收获脱粒会对油菜种子籽粒造成损伤,影响脱粒损伤的直接因素为种子籽粒在滚筒内受打击次数及打击力大小;通过调整脱粒系统结构及运行参数,能够显著降低油菜的脱粒损伤及损失,本文为脱粒装置结构及运行参数的优化提供参考。


0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 油菜联合收获试验

油菜联合收获试验于2016年6月5日至6月6日在江苏省东台市弶港镇进行,油菜品种为宁杂1818,种植方式为机械直播。按照GB/T 8097-2008《收获机械联合收割机试验方法》、NY/T12 31-2006《油菜联合收获机质量评价技术规范》的规定,进行作物的基本特性信息采集,结果如表1所示。


表1 油菜基本特性参数

图1 NJS-2.2型移动式联合收获机脱粒清选试验台

根据已有研究,影响油菜联合收获脱粒效果的主要因素有喂入量、脱粒滚筒间隙、脱粒滚筒转速和脱粒元件型式种类[24-27]。根据文献所述,李耀明等[28]试制短纹杆-板齿脱粒滚筒并进行脱粒对比试验;宗望远等[29]分析滚筒转速对脱出物质量的影响[28-29]。选取常用的脱粒滚筒转速范围为760~1 010 r/min;移动试验台的脱粒滚筒由链轮传动,更换中间轴上的链轮可获得不同的转速。改变脱粒滚筒齿杆在脱粒滚筒幅板上安装位置可以调节脱粒间隙,如图2所示。通过前期研究,选取脱粒间隙调节范围为9~13 mm,当脱粒间隙大于13 mm时含杂率显著增加,当脱粒间隙小于9 mm时会提高功耗,且造成滚筒堵塞。

图2 脱粒间隙调节



表2 联合收获试验因素水平

选取长势均匀,密度、植株高度产量水平一致性较好的油菜进行联合收获试验。在作业地块中确定试验区域并分为准备区、测定区和停车区。准备区长度10 m,测定区长度20 m,停车区长度10 m,均不临地边。机具在准备区和测定区内满幅作业、割茬高度保持一致,试验过程中不改变工况。每次到达试验区前,先清空粮箱;试验结束后,人工将粮箱内的籽粒搅拌均匀,采用五点取样法,从每个点获取200 g籽粒,共1 kg,装入接样袋中保存并编号。联合收获试验共9组,每组试验重复4次,共36次,获得联合收获籽粒样本36袋。每次试验时收集滚筒脱出物料,筛选出物料内的油菜籽粒称重得出脱粒损失。

联合收获的同时,人工收获相同地块长势相同的油菜。进行人工割倒、晾晒,待角果干燥可以脱出籽粒时进行人工脱粒,每株全部角果脱粒干净,收集脱出籽粒并搅拌均匀,从籽粒中随即取出1 kg装入接样袋中保存编号。选取4块区域重复人工收获试验4次,获得籽粒样本4袋,收获试验共获得籽粒样本40袋。

1.2 油菜籽粒发芽试验

从每个接样带中随即选取400颗籽粒,分为2组,每组200颗,分别放入带有双层纸床的培养皿中并编号记录,共80组。将双层纸床吸足水分后沥去多余水分放置在编号的培养皿内,纸床pH值为6.0~7.5,种子籽粒均匀铺放在纸床上并保持一定距离。将培养皿放入人工气候箱中,按照国家经济作物种子发芽标准GB4407.2-2008进行发芽试验。气候箱内保持20°恒温,湿度为70%~80%,每天光照12 h,试验周期为7 d。

7 d后,从气候箱中取出培养皿,数出已发芽和未发芽的油菜籽粒数。设发芽率为,则



2 结果与分析

2.1 试验结果


表3 发芽率试验方案与试验结果

2.2 油菜籽粒发芽率与籽粒损伤之间的关系


2.3 油菜联合收获与籽粒损伤之间的关系


2.4 脱粒装置结构及运行参数与籽粒损伤之间的关系

对联合收获的油菜籽粒发芽率结果进行极差分析,结果如表4所示。根据极差R的大小,可以判断影响油菜籽粒发芽率的主次因素依次为脱粒元件形式>脱粒间隙>滚筒转速>喂入量。依据试验指标k的大小可以判断损伤率较小的水平组合为脱粒元件为全钉齿,脱粒滚筒间隙9 mm,脱粒滚筒转速1 010 r/min,喂入量2.2 kg/s。

表4 发芽率极差分析


表5 发芽率方差分析


Note:<0.01(highly significant, **),<0.05(significant,*).



2)在不同的脱粒间隙下,油菜籽粒的发芽率相差4.9个百分点,脱粒间隙对油菜籽粒的收获损伤有较大的影响。在当前试验参数下,随着脱粒间隙的增大,发芽率先减小后增大,损伤率先增大后减小,与文献[3]中的试验结果一致。根据文献[9]的研究,籽粒损伤与其所受打击力的大小和次数有关。打击力越大、次数越多,越容易损伤。脱粒间隙越小,籽粒受到的打击力越大,同时籽粒也更容易脱出离开脱粒系统,受到打击的次数越少。脱粒间隙为9 mm时,由于滚筒内空间小,物料在滚筒内的揉搓作用明显,籽粒更容易从荚果中脱出,脱出的籽粒从滚筒内筛出后不再受到滚筒的打击,籽粒受打击次数少,所以损伤低,发芽率高。油菜籽粒的损伤率与脱粒间隙之间并非正相关,需要进一步的研究才能定性说明。在当前试验参数下,脱粒间隙的较优水平为9 mm。

3)在不同的滚筒转速下,油菜籽粒的发芽率相差4.3个百分点。脱粒滚筒转速对油菜籽粒的收获损伤有较大的影响。在当前试验参数下,随着滚筒转速的升高,发芽率先减小后增大,损伤率先增大后减小,与文献[3]中的试验结果一致。根据文献[17]的能量理论和文献[18]的加载理论,滚筒转速越快,脱粒元件和籽粒之间碰撞的产生的表面能越大,籽粒越容易损伤;但是滚筒转速越快,籽粒离开脱粒系统的速度越快,受到打击的次数越少。滚筒转速为1 010 r/min时,打击力较大,籽粒从荚果中更容易脱出,脱出的籽粒从滚筒内筛出后不再受到滚筒的打击,籽粒受打击次数少,所以损伤率低,发芽率高。所以,油菜籽粒的损伤率与滚筒转速之间也非正相关,需要进一步的研究才能定性说明。在当前试验参数下,脱粒滚筒转速的较优水平为1 010 r/min。


2.5 脱粒损失及脱粒损伤综合分析





3 结论与讨论


2)在试验所选的参数范围内,综合考虑脱粒损伤及损失情况下,采用喂入量3.2 kg/s、滚筒间隙9 mm、滚筒转速856 r/min、全钉齿时为较优组合。此时损失率为0.18%,损伤率为2.6%,喂入量较大,收获效率高、机器功耗较低。通过调整脱粒系统结构及参数,能够达到较好的收获脱粒效果。


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Optimization of operating parameter and structure for seed thresher device for rape combine harvester

Wang Gang, Guan Zhuohuai, Mu Senlin, Tang Qing, Wu Chongyou※


Rapeseed germination rate is directly related to rapeseed yield, which is one of the most important indices to evaluate the rapeseed quality. Combine harvesters have greatly improved the harvest efficiency, but rapeseeds would be damaged by the mechanical threshing equipment during harvesting, and mechanical damage extent of rapeseeds was directly correlated to the design characteristics of the threshing apparatus, such as the movement speed of rasp bars, feeding rate, clearance between the drum and the concave. The rapeseed damage caused by mechanized harvest has aroused the concern of scholars, but there is no study on the rape harvest. In order to explore the damage of rapeseed caused by combine harvester during threshing process and the superior parameters of the threshing mechanism, rape combine harvest comprehensive experiment and germination rate experiment were carried out. Germination rate was used as an index to evaluate the damage. The type of rasp bars, the movement speed of rasp bars, the clearance between the drum and the concave and the feeding rate were taken as the influencing factors in the rape combine harvest comprehensive experiment and each factor had 3 levels. The evaluation indices were the germination rate and loss rate, the undamaged rapeseeds grown in the same plots were used as the comparison. The germination of mechanically harvested rapeseeds and hand harvested rapeseeds was tested in the same environment. The parameters of threshing apparatus with the highest germination rate (lower damage rate) were obtained through the comparison of germination rates between undamaged rapeseeds and mechanically harvested rapeseeds. The results showed that the germination rate of hand harvested rapeseeds was 99.8%, and the highest germination rate for mechanically harvested rapeseeds was 97.6% and the lowest was 85.7%. Therefore, mechanized harvest did cause damage to rapeseed and the damage rate was 2.4%-14.3% within the range of parameters selected. Through the range analysis of germination rate experiment, the factors affecting the damage of rapeseed were the threshing component form, the clearance between the drum and the concave, the movement speed of rasp bars and the feeding rate in turn. Through the variance analysis of germination rate experiment, the feeding rate (=0.727) had no significant effect on the test results, the threshing gap (=0.004) and threshing component form (0.001) had highly significant effect on the results, the drum speed (=0.012) had a significant effect on the results, and the repeated experiment error (=0.202) had no significant effect on the test results, and the test results were reliable. The threshing component form had a great influence on the harvest damage of rapeseed. The germination rate was 88.3% when using striped rod and was 97.3% when using full nailed tooth, which had 9 percentage points difference. For the rapeseed, striped rod was more likely to cause threshing damage than nails. Due to the limitation of the number of experiments, the relationship among drum rasp bars speed, clearance between the drum and the concave and rapeseed damage couldn’t be concluded. But the optimal parameters should exist between drum rasp bars speed and clearance between the drum and the concave. It needed further research to clarify the relationship among drum rasp bars speed, clearance between the drum and the concave and rapeseed damage. The effect of feeding rate was not significant. The change range of germination rate was less than 1.1 percentage points under different feeding rates. The optimal combination of threshing parameters was: nailed tooth, threshing drum clearance of 9 mm, drum rasp bars speed of 856 r/min, and feeding rate of 2.2 kg/s, and the damage rate was lower. In order to verify the accuracy of the combination of superior parameters, the artificially harvested rapeseed was threshed by experiment bench and different combinations of parameters were used for the comparison. The germination rate under the optimum parameters combination was 97.4%, which was the highest. Combine harvest damage could be reduced to a very small extent through adjusting the threshing system parameters. The study provides a reference for the design of combine harvester threshing system.

mechanization; optimization; crops; rapeseed; threshing damage; combine harvest; germination rate








王 刚,安徽阜阳人,助理研究员,主要从事收获机械的研究。


王 刚,关卓怀,沐森林,汤 庆,吴崇友. 油菜联合收获机种子籽粒脱粒装置结构及运行参数优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(24):52-57. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.007

Wang Gang, Guan Zhuohuai, Mu Senlin, Tang Qing, Wu Chongyou. Optimization of operating parameter and structure for seed thresher device for rape combine harvester[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 52-57. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.007

