

农业工程学报 2017年21期





为了拓展农业机器人的作业场合,该文对一种三自由度六足腿式机器人并联驱动机械腿机构进行了运动学静力学性能评价及几何参数优选。首先,求解了足端线速度和角速度之间的耦合关联矩阵,定义了该腿部机构的运动学性能评价指标,绘制了该指标的分布图。其次,建立了腿部机构驱动静力学模型,分别利用机械腿在重力方向的最大承载力和驱动关节的最大扭矩定义了该腿部机构在软、硬地面下的驱动静力学性能评价指标。基于线性空间理论求解了驱动机构的约束雅克比矩阵,定义了约束静力学性能评价指标,通过绘制驱动与约束静力学性能评价指标分布图揭示了该腿部机构静力学性能在工作空间内的变化规律。再次,结合各项运动学和静力学性能评价指标,利用搜索法对该腿部机构几何参数进行了多目标优选,并给出了一组较好的几何参数。优选结果表明:平行四边形铰链长连杆及连接连杆的几何参数分别为330 mm和140 mm,地面接触连杆几何参数为320 mm时,腿部机构的综合性能得到改善,具体表现为运动性能提升了5.46%,重力方向最大承载力提升了18.02%,驱动关节的最大扭矩减小了6.33%。该研究结果可为该六足机器人步态规划及控制和应用提供参考。


0 引 言




1 腿部机构及坐标系建立


注:RDi (i=1,2,3)为转动副中心点,Ui (i=1,2,3)为虎克铰中心点,Si ( i=1,2)为球副中心点;G为RU支链与动平台的固接点;Ri (i=1,2,3,4,5)为行走机构的各杆件之间的转动副中心点;H 为行走机构与机架连接的转动副中心点;C 为足端点;O0是RD1RD2的中点;H与O0之间的水平和竖直距离分别为ly和lz;设机构的主要几何参数为RDiUi=mi(i=1,2,3),UiSi=li(i=1,2),U3G=l3,R4R1=l4,SiG=a(i=1,2),R1R3=l5,R1R2=l6,R1B=c,SB=lg,R5C=l7,GS=l33,RD1RD2=d,(O0RD3)y=e,(O0RD3)z=h1。


2 腿部机构运动性能分析

2.1 腿部机构雅可比矩阵


2.2 腿部机构运动性能分析



3 驱动静力学分析

3.1 驱动静力学模型


注:Fi(i=x, y, z)是足端作用力在i方向的分量,N;Mi(i=x, y, z) 是地面对足端作用力矩在i方向的分量,N·m。

3.2 约束静力学模型







3.3 驱动静力学性能评价









图5 当足端点C的纵坐标为h时足端点在重力方向的最大承载力ηcF,足端的额定摩擦系数μe和驱动关节的最大驱动力矩ηcM的分布


3.4 约束静力学性能评价


图6 当足端点C的纵坐标为h时约束力和约束力矩性能评价指标kcf和kcM分布

4 腿部机构几何参数设计


式中0和η0分别为初选参数下该腿部机构的运动学和静力学性能评价指标kη的值;sign()为符号函数,>0时, sign)=1;否则,sign()=0。



图8 优化前后足端点的额定摩擦系数μe沿y轴的分布图


图9 六足机器人行走演示

Fig.9 Walking demonstration of the hexapod robot

5 结 论



2)基于全域运动学及静力学性能指标,对该腿部机构进行多目标几何参数优选,优选结果表明:杆件11、3和12(见图1)的几何参数为220、250和110 mm,杆件12、1和5的几何参数为330、140和320 mm时,腿部机构综合性能较好,具体表现为运动性能提升5.46%,重力方向最大承载力提升18.02%,驱动关节的最大扭矩减小了6.33%。基于优选几何参数研制了六足机器人样机。所研究的结果为该六足机器人的步态规划及控制提供理论基础。

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Kinematic/static performance evaluation and geometric parameter design of parallel-driving leg mechanism

Zhang Jinzhu, Jin Zhenlin※, Zhang Tianhao


In order to raise mechanization and automation level of agricultural operations, broaden the scope of application of agricultural robot, a novel three degree of freedom leg mechanism used in the six-legged walking robot was introduced. The kinematic and static performances of the leg mechanism were analyzed. The geometric parameters of the leg mechanism were optimized by multiple objectives. In this paper, firstly, the coupling relationship between the linear velocity and angular velocity of the foot was resolved. The kinematic performance index was defined based on the condition number of Jacobian matrix. The distribution diagram of kinematic performance indexwas drawn. It can be seen that kinematic performance index was small in the central area of workspace of the leg mechanism from this distribution diagram. It was shown that the kinematic performance of leg mechanism was better in the central area than other areas of workspace of the leg mechanism. Secondly, the ground surface types were summarized as hard and soft ground surfaces considering the acting generalized force types between the standing foot and the ground surface. The acting generalized forces were three-dimensional pure force when the ground surface type was hard ground. The acting generalized forces were six-dimensional force when the ground surface type was soft ground. The driving static model of the whole leg mechanism was built based on the principle of virtual work. Then according to different ground surface, the local and global static performance evaluation indices were proposed. The distribution diagrams of the local static performance evaluation indices were drawn, respectively. It can be seen that the load performance was batter in the area of>0 than the one in the area of<0 (as shown in Fig.1).Again the closer to the boundary of workspace the leg was, the better the static transfer performance of the leg mechanism was. But, the leg mechanism needed more rough ground to provide enough friction when the standing leg was in the boundary of its workspace. The constraint Jacobian matrix of the driving mechanism was built based on the theory of linear space. The constraint statics performance evaluation indices were proposed based on constraint Jacobian matrix. The distribution diagram of the local constraint statics performance indexwas drawn. From the distribution diagram, it can be seen that constraint force transfer performance index remained unchanged in everywhere of the workspace and constraint torque transfer performance index was smaller in the area of=0 than other areas. It was shown that constraint force transfer performance of driving mechanism was good and constant in whole workspace, constraint torque transfer performance of driving mechanism was better in the area of=0. Lastly, aiming at improving comprehensive property of leg mechanism, its geometric parameters were optimized using searching method. Optimization results showed that when the parameters of the long rod and connecting rod of parallelogram mechanism was 330 mm and 140 mm, respectively, the parameters of rod connected with ground was 320 mm, comprehensive property of leg mechanism was better. Compared with before optimization, the kinematic performance of the optimized leg mechanism was increased by 5.46%, the maximum gravity load was increased by 18.02%, and the maximum torque of the driving joint was reduced by 6.33%. The hexapod robot was designed based on optimized parameters. The research results provide a theoretical basis for the gait planning and control of the six legged robot. Meanwhile, optimal design method for geometric parameters of leg mechanism of the six-legged robot applied in this paper is also applicable to other six legged robot.

robots; kinematics; static analysis; parallel-driving mechanical leg; performance evaluation; parameter design










