

风景园林 2017年7期




1 波斯坦利人行景观桥和日落休息室平面图Site plan of Bostanli Footbridge and Sunset Lounge

波斯坦利(Bostanli)人行景观桥和日落休息室由埃佛伦·巴斯布格建筑事务所(Studio EvrenBaşbuğ Architects)设计,作为“伊兹密尔海(Izmir Sea)”沿海再生项目中“海岸(Karşıkıyı)”概念方案的一部分。

波斯坦利溪流(Bostanli Creek)流入海湾的地方承载着这个城市独特的记忆,海岸线呈几何形。这两处景观构筑物在此作为自然景观的干预设施,位置相邻且彼此呼应,形成了一个极具吸引力的海岸新景点。自2016年7月开放以来,该场地深受城市居民的喜爱,已成为伊兹密尔市(Izmir)卡尔舍亚卡(Karşıyaka)地区最受欢迎的公共景点之一。



2 鸟瞰Aerial view

















3 鸟瞰Aerial view

4 俯瞰人行桥以及日落休息室Overlook Bostanli Footbridge and Sunset Lounge

5 人行桥连接着波斯坦利河岸两侧Bostanli Footbridge connects two sides of Bostanli Creek

6 人行景观桥轴测图Axonometric view of Bostanli Footbridge

7-8钢结构的桥身和木制表面The steel structure and the wooden surface


9 人行桥连接着波斯坦利河岸两侧Bostanli Footbridge connects two sides of Bostanli Creek

10 游人在具有舒适碳化木面层的桥梁上休息Users are resting on the bridge welcoming thermo-wood surfaces

11 波斯坦利日落休息室与人行桥相连,为人们提供另一处观景场所Bostanli Sunset Lounge is adjacent to the bridge, providing the passengers another place to enjoy the view

12-14 波斯坦利日落休息室由一系列带高差的平台组成,利于观景Bostanli Sunset Lounge is a set of cascading thermo-wood covered platforms which offers a better view

15 人们在木制平台上休憩People are resting on the wooden platforms

17-18 游人在具有舒适碳化木面层的桥梁上休息Users are resting on the bridge welcoming thermo-wood surfaces


19 拱形的桥体允许船只通过With its slightly bow shaped longitudinal-section, the bridge allows the passage of small boats underneath

Bostanlı Footbridge and Bostanlı Sunset Lounge have been designed by Studio EvrenBaşbuğ Architects as part of the 'Karşıkıyı' concept created for 'İzmirSea' coastal regeneration project.

These two architectural interventions that are positioned in close proximity and in reference to each other, have generated a new, integrated coastal attraction together, where Bostanlı Creek flows into the bay, on a very special and unique spot due to the geometric form of the coastline, and the urban memory possessed. The site has become one of the favorite public attraction points in Karşıyaka, İzmir and has been embraced and visited by the residents from all around the city since the opening in July 2016.

In alignment with the masterplan decisions of 'Karşıkıyı' concept, 'Bostanlı Footbridge', was proposed to connect two sides of Bostanlı Creek and thus to complete one of the missing pieces of the continuous coastal promenade. With its slightly bow shaped longitudinal-section and specially designed girder geometry, the bridge allows the passage of small boats underneath and provides access to the fl oating pontoon located in the creek. This new urban structure, oriented according to its unique position which provides a view of the bay on one side and the city on the other, has therefore been designed with an asymmetrical cross-section. This special section is formed by several cascading thermo-wood surfaces installed on a steel frame, allowing users to enjoy the view of the bay either sitting or sprawling. Thus, the bridge goes beyond being an infra-structural urban element which is solely used for passing through, and de fi nes a public leisure and attraction point in a sensitive relation with its environment.

'Bostanlı Sunset Lounge', which lays on one of the few coastal fragments facing directly west in Karşıyaka, is a set of cascading thermo-wood covered platforms which form an inviting urban surface, streching between the artificial slope covered with trees and the embankment itself. The simplicity and fl uence in the surface geometry, encourage the user to experience a more direct relationship with the setting sun and the sea. Just as in the case of the footbridge, this wide ash wood covered surface also has a welcoming sensation which is mostly an in fl uence of the natural texture of the material. 'Sunset Lounge' helps users to re-discover a long forgotten İzmir ritual which is still present in the urban memory, and invites city residents to watch the sunset and spend quality time together every evening.

20 波斯坦利日落休息室的木质平台The wooden platform of Bostanli Sunset Lounge


23-24 黄昏时的景色View of the lounge at dusk

21-22 人们在木制平台上休憩People are resting on the wooden platforms

25 在波斯坦利日落休息室远眺View from Bostanli Sunset Lounge

26 波斯坦利日落休息室的木质平台The wooden platform of Bostanli Sunset Lounge

27 在波斯坦利日落休息室夜景The night view of Bostanli Sunset Lounge

28 人行桥夜景The night view of Bostanli Footbridge

29 波斯坦利日落休息室夜景The night view of Bostanli Sunset Lounge

These two urban installations, facing each other on the same spot, sustain the general framework defined in 'Karşıkıyı' proposal, the master plan for Karşıyaka coastline. Natural, independent, ingenuous and inclusive; both of the designs serve as genuine 'counter-spaces' in Lefebvre's terms. Footbridge and Sunset Lounge, both promise a new urban space to experience different forms of 'idleness', by employing the social, geographical and historical backgrounds of this unique location. These new coastal interventions also fi t perfectly with the 'Easy Way of Living' vision established for the city of İzmir, by 'İzmirSea' coastal regeneration project.

Bostanli Footbridge

Design: EvrenBaşbuğ

Project Team: HüseyinKomşuoğlu, UmutBaşbuğ, Can Özcan, DilşadKurtoğlu

Technical Consultants: CemalCoşak, Mustafa Şahin, KorhanŞişman Construction Drawings Team Leader: Aylin Göknur (Izmir Metropolitan Municipality/ Urban Design and Urban Aesthetics Branch Directorate)

Construction Drawings: Studio EvrenBaşbuğ Architects, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality/ Urban Design and Urban Aesthetics Branch Directorate

Photo Credits: ZM Yasa Architecture Photography

Bostanli Sunset Lounge

Design: EvrenBaşbuğ

Project Team: Can Özcan, DilşadKurtoğlu

Construction Drawings Team Leader: Aylin Göknur (Izmir Metropolitan Municipality/ Urban Design and Urban Aesthetics Branch Directorate)

Construction Drawings: Izmir Metropolitan Municipality/ Urban Design and Urban Aesthetics Branch Directorate

Photo Credits: ZM Yasa Architecture Photography

Translator: ZHENG Dai-dan

Proofreader: ZHANG Xi

Bostanli Footbridge & Bostanli Sunset Lounge, Turkey

Studio EvrenBaşbuğ Architects


