随着加拿大卡尔加里的城市核心区持续发展壮大,新公共空间的成败在于能否通过提供方便灵活、富有弹性的休闲空间来增加丰富多样的社会活动。卡尔加里城市广场(C-Square)位于东村(East Village)边缘,在快速发展的城市社区中发挥着交流通道和集会空间的作用。
该项目场地被卡尔加里轻轨线(C-Train line)沿着南北轴划分为两个部分。在轻轨线以东且平行于轻轨的区域,城市基础设施限制了场地的形态和使用方式。很大程度上,该场地的设计是根据其与基础设施的关系所决定的。设计团队所面对的问题是如何在这个基础设施周边创造一个充满活力、宜居的城市环境。
1 总平面图Key plan
2 鸟瞰图Aerial view
3 平面图Plan
4 活动空间类型研究,餐车小卖Occupational studies, food trucks
5 活动空间类型研究,季节转变Occupational studies, seasonal shifts
6 活动空间类型研究,夜间活动Occupational studies, evening program
As Calgary continues to cultivate growth within its urban core, the success of new public spaces will be defined by their ability to facilitate a critical density of social activity through the provision of flexible, resilient amenity spaces. Located at the edge of the East Village, C-Square serves as both a gateway to and a gathering space for a rapidly evolving urban community.
The project site is bisected by the C-Train (Calgary's Light Rail Transit) line, which divides the site along its North-South axis. East of and parallel to the C-Train line, a utility right of way limits the amount and type of surface development. To a great extent, the site is de fi ned by its relationship with infrastructure. The question asked by the design team was, 'in this infrastructural landscape, how do we create a dynamic, habitable urban condition?'
In response to this question, two means of spatial modulation inform the design of the project. The first is the transformation of the existing C-Train infrastructure into a mechanism for the animation of the public realm. A new array of perforated aluminum fins, designed to capture and emit light as a shifting, re fl ective veil, frames connections to and from the train, projects the energy of the train into the public space, and transforms an existing site liability into a dynamic spatial asset.
The second means of modulation is the creation of a continuous ground-plane that sutures the site as a whole while transforming to accommodate and promote various modes of occupation. A generous plaza space occupies the territory defined by the underground utility right of way, while 'folds' in the ground plane define an amenity spine along the eastern edge of the train tracks. On the plaza space's east side, a series of shifts in the ground plane create a permeable, inhabited edge and de fi ne zones of soft landscaping, including a punctuated allée of trees whose canopies provide a spatial counterpoint to the veil on the opposite side of the plaza.
By leveraging the transit corridor's capacity for animation by harnessing the theatricality of the passing trains, and capitalizing on the utility right of way's limitations in terms of above ground development, the site is transformed into a space of social exchange and performance. Infrastructure is recast as a vital element in the construction of inimitable social and spatial experiences.
7 光束如镜面反射到过往车辆和行人身上Light armature as lens between LRT occupant and pedestrian
8 南视图View looking south
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Year: 2014-2016
Type: Public realm
Collaborators: Scatliff+Miller+Murray, Arriola&Fiol, Calgary Municipal Land Corporation
Translator: CHENG Dan-lu
Proofreader: TANG Yu-wei
C-Square, Canada
MBAC (The Marc Boutin Architectural Collaborative Inc.)
9 南视图View looking south
10 南视图夜景Evening view looking south
11 北视图View looking north