

农业工程学报 2017年15期





(1. 温州职业技术学院机械工程系,温州 325035;2. 浙江理工大学机械与自动控制学院,杭州 310018;3. 浙江省种植装备技术重点实验室,杭州 310018)



吴国环,俞高红,项筱洁,王林伟. 三移栽臂水稻钵苗移栽机构设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(15):15-22. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.002

Wu Guohuan, Yu Gaohong, Xiang Xiaojie, Wang Linwei. Design and test of rice potted-seedling transplanting mechanism with three transplanting arms[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 15-22. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.002

0 引 言




1 设计要求与工作原理

1.1 水稻钵苗移栽机构的设计要求

根据水稻钵苗移栽的农艺要求和移栽臂姿态要求,提出图1中轨迹2为移栽轨迹,该轨迹在文献[17]提出的椭圆—不完全非圆齿轮行星系水稻钵苗移栽机构中有良好应用。但文献[17]的机构在3套移栽臂的机构中无法满足秧苗直立度的要求,在模拟田间作业时,轨迹前倾明显,容易造成秧苗的倒伏、漂秧现象。在空转模拟时,移栽臂之间容易干涉。若要实现较好移栽效果,需要修改轨迹的形状,同时为了满足移栽农艺要求,仍需保留图1所示轨迹右上方的“环扣状”轨迹。因此本文重新提出了图1中的轨迹1,该轨迹在保留右上方的 “环扣状”的同时,轨迹明显后凸,在推完苗后,让移栽臂能往后移动更多距离,有利于田间模拟试验的动轨迹(提高直立度);同时轨迹变大,可以增大移栽臂之间的距离,有效减小移栽臂干涉的概率;而且相比较于图中的轨迹2,环扣略有增大,将会有利于取苗。

图1 水稻钵苗移栽轨迹Fig.1 Rice potted-seedling transplanting trajectory

1.2 机构的实现方案

图2 非圆-不完全非圆齿轮行星轮系水稻钵苗移栽传动机构Fig.2 Transmission schematic of rice potted-seedlingtransplanting mechanism of planetary gear train with non-circular gears and incomplete non-circular

1.3 机构工作原理


2 移栽机构的运动学模型

2.1 移栽机构的运动分析假设

在进行移栽机构的运动学建模时,假设各构件均为刚体,不考虑零件间的配合间隙,设定主动件行星架的工作转速为顺时针100 r/mim,行星架角速度为常数w1。(本文规定逆时针为正方向)。

2.2 不完全非圆齿轮与中间非圆齿轮的节曲线模型


图3 不完全非圆齿轮和中间非圆齿轮啮合Fig.3 Engagement of incomplete non-circular gear and intermediate non-circular gears














2.3 移栽机构的位移模型



图4 非圆齿轮—不完全非圆齿轮行星系运动图Fig.4 Schematic of planetary gear train with non-circular gears and incomplete non-circular gear






2.4 移栽机构的速度模型






3 移栽机构参数优化、虚拟仿真及样机试验

3.1 移栽机构的参数优化

基于Visual Basic可视化编程软件,开发了三移栽臂非圆-不完全非圆齿轮行星轮系水稻钵苗移栽机构的辅助分析与优化软件,借助人机交互的方式对移栽机构进行参数优化[27]。通过优化软件综合分析不同参数对移栽静轨迹的影响,得到一组满足移栽目标的较优的移栽机构参数。图5为各参数对移栽静轨迹的影响。


综合上述参数的影响,参数各自确定的范围内进行微调,直至获得满足姿态和尖点轨迹的一组较优参数:a=14.3,b=0.55,c=−0.6,α=288°,λ=46°,δ=26°,φ0=76°,S=152 mm;优化得到移栽轨迹如图6所示,其中该动轨迹为株距为180 mm情况下移栽臂取苗爪尖点运动得到的轨迹,通过动轨迹可以看出移栽机在田间作业的工作情况,竖直线假设为秧苗,动轨迹回程段基本与竖直线基本平齐,降低了秧苗回带的可能。

3.2 移栽机构的仿真分析


3.3 移栽机构样机试验

为了进一步验证移栽机构设计的正确性与实际工作的可行性,加工制造了移栽机构的物理样机,安装到试验台开展移栽机构物理样机的运动学试验。利用高速摄影设备对移栽机构工作进行高速摄像完成图像采集,利用Blaster’s MAS图像分析软件对采集得到的图片进行处理及分析,用红色线逐个连接(如图8所示)并与虚拟样机模拟仿真得到的移栽静轨迹进行对比,同时测得取秧角和推秧角与理论计算得到的取秧角和推秧角进行对比。通过水平测量仪分别测量移栽机构的取秧角和推秧角,如表2所示。

图5 各参数对移栽静轨迹的影响Fig.5 Influence of different parameters doing to transplanting static trajectory

表1 各参数影响结果Table 1 Effect of various parameters

图6 VB理论计算移栽轨迹Fig.6 Transplanting trajectory of theoretical calculation in VB

图7 ADAMS仿真静轨迹Fig.7 Static trajectory of ADAMS simulation

图8 物理样机试验轨迹Fig.8 Test trajectory of physical prototype

表2 理论计算和实际测量的比较Table 2 Comparison of theoretical calculation and actual measurement


4 结 论

1)基于Visual Basic6.0 可视化编程软件,开发了非圆-不完全非圆齿轮行星轮系水稻钵苗移栽机构的辅助分析与优化软件,根据不同结构参数对移栽静轨迹的影响优选出一组较优机构结构参数,完成机构结构设计。



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Design and test of rice potted-seedling transplanting mechanism with three transplanting arms

Wu Guohuan1,2, Yu Gaohong2,3※, Xiang Xiaojie1, Wang Linwei2,3
(1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wenzhou Vocational & Technical College, Wenzhou 325035, China; 2. College of Machinery and Automation, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China; 3. Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Transplanting Equipment and Technology, Hangzhou 310018, China)

Rice potted-seedlings transplanting is one kind of rice planting way, and it can increase the production and improve rice quality because it has the advantages of not hurting root and not needing recovering period. The rice pot seedling transplanting will have a good prospect in the future, but at present the application of rice pot seedling transplanting machine is less in China because there are defects for domestic transplanter with tossing transplanting such as uncontrollable seedling perpendicularity, complex structure, low efficiency and heavy vibration. Foreign rice potted-seedling planting technology is not suitable in China for complicated structure and high cost, and the key to improve the mechanization of rice planting is to research the rice potted-seedling transplanting mechanism suitable to China. Aiming to the above problems, a three-transplanting-arm rice potted-seedling transplanting mechanism of planetary gear train with non-circular gears and incomplete non-circular gear, which is applied in automatic rice potted-seedling transplanter, was designed. The mechanism consists of an incomplete non-circular gear, 3 pairs of conjugate non-circular gears and 3 planting arms, which can transplant seedlings 3 times a week. It means that under the same transplanting efficiency, it can reduce the transplanting spindle rotation, so as to reduce the vibration and improve the success rate of transplanting. Firstly, the shortcomings of the rotary transplanting mechanism with 2 transplanters were analyzed, and the design requirements were put forward. According to the requirements, the implementation plan was advanced. Then, the operation principle of rice potted-seedling transplanting mechanism was introduced, the mathematical expression in parametric form for the trajectory and the equations of non-circular gears and incomplete non-circular gears were derived, and the kinematic model of transplanting mechanism was established. A computer-aided analysis and optimization software of this kind of rice potted-seedling transplanting mechanism was developed with the Visual Basic 6.0. With the method of human-computer interaction based on visualization, the optimization design of the transplanting mechanism was carried out. Using this software, by tuning the design parameters, the influence of every parameter on the optimization object could be found out. The curve of non-circular gears was optimized and the structural parameters were obtained, which can satisfy the requirements of trajectory and attitude in the transplanting process for rice potted-seedling. The 3D (three-dimensional) model of transplanting mechanism was built and assembled in UG’s entity modeling module. The virtual prototype was imported into Adams software after the interference checking of 3D model assembly was finished. According to the comparison between the virtual prototype simulation and the theoretical analysis of VB (Visual Basic), the trajectory of them was fundamentally consistent, so the correctness of the model of VB was verified, and the simulation results initially showed the design of mechanism was rational. In order to further verify the correctness of the design, the core components of transplanting mechanism were machined and assembled. Then, the physical prototype of the transplanting mechanism was developed to carry out the kinematics test in the test shelf. The results turned out that the static trajectory of the elastic tip of this transplanting arm and transplanting posture were basically consistent between the virtual prototype simulation and the physical prototype test, which proved the rationality and effectiveness of the parameters of transplanting mechanism. And the feasibility of this transplanting mechanism was verified. At the same time, the mechanism proposed solved the problem of seedling lodging and low transplanting success rate, and the efficiency of transplanting was improved. The research can provide a theoretical basis for developing transplanting mechanisms of rice potted-seedling.

mechanization; design; optimization; transplanters; rice potted-seedling transplanting; test








吴国环,男,助教,博士生,主要从事农业机械设计和机构数值分析与综合研究。温州 温州职业技术学院机械工程系,325035。

※通信作者:俞高红,男,教授,博士,博士生导师,主要从事农业种植机械设计与机构学研究。杭州 浙江理工大学机械与自动控制学院,310018。

