

农业工程学报 2017年15期

陈守开,杨 晴,刘秋常,郭 磊,汪伦焰


陈守开1,2,杨 晴1,2,刘秋常1,郭 磊1,2,汪伦焰1,2

(1. 华北水利水电大学水利学院,郑州 450011; 2. 河南省水环境治理与生态修复院士工作站,郑州 450002)

利用再生废弃混凝土骨料制备透水混凝土是目前研究的热点和趋势,其中强度和透水性是其关注及目前亟待突破的关键性能。以废弃的预制混凝土梁构件为再生骨料来源制备透水混凝土,并以水胶比0.3,砂率10%为基准,设计6组配合比,并通过标准养护下的立方体试块试验,研究了单一因素下再生骨料透水混凝土的孔隙率、透水性及其强度性能,其范围分别为孔隙率17.8%~23.8%,渗透系数0.27~0.57 cm/s以及抗压强度4.0~9.63 MPa。结果表明,再生骨料透水混凝土基本性能够满足要求,其中内掺粉煤灰能大幅提高其抗压强度,提高约44%,外掺钢纤维提高透水性,掺入萘系高效减水剂及硅粉的效果不明显。此外,再生骨料透水混凝土的毛细吸水过程与普通混凝土类似,即前期吸水快,后期趋于平缓。

混凝土; 性能;抗压强度;再生骨料透水混凝土;掺合料及外加剂;透水性;孔隙率;毛细吸水

陈守开,杨 晴,刘秋常,郭 磊,汪伦焰. 再生骨料透水混凝土强度及透水性能试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(15):141-146. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.018

Chen Shoukai, Yang Qing, Liu Qiuchang, Guo Lei, Wang Lunyan. Experiment on strength and permeability of recycled aggregate pervious concrete[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 141-146. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.018

0 引 言


利用再生骨料制备透水混凝土(以下简称再生透水混凝土)不仅可以发挥透水混凝土的功能优势(如透气性、透水性、吸声、隔热等优点),还能够减少建筑垃圾的填埋堆放和天然骨料的消耗。国内外已有一些再生透水混凝土的研究,如孙家瑛等[1]研究了再生集料透水性混凝土的物理力学性能和耐久性能,指出随着集料粒径增大或集灰比的提高抗压和抗折强度均降低,透水性能增加。Zaetang等[2]利用再生粗骨料(粒径4.75~9.5 mm)制备透水混凝土,结果表明随着替代率的增加,再生骨料透水混凝土抗压强度先增加后降低,100%再生骨料透水混凝土的抗压强度与普通透水混凝土基本相同,而劈裂抗拉强度略低于普通透水混凝土。Güneyisi 等[3]研究不同再生粗骨料取代率对透水混凝土性能的影响,并运用GLM-ANOVA进行方差分析,认为影响透水混凝土性能的2个主要因素是再生骨料取代率和水灰比,对于强度、干密度、孔隙率而言,前者影响程度大于后者;对于透水性能和耐磨性而言,后者影响程度大于前者。Sriravindrarajah等[4]研究了不同胶凝材料(水泥、矿渣)、龄期(7、28 d)、骨料(花岗岩、再生混凝土骨料)、骨料粒径(5~13 mm、13~20 mm)以及试件类型(边长150 mm立方体、φ100×200 mm)对透水混凝土性能的影响,结果表明:混凝土抗压强度主要依赖于其内部的孔隙,随着骨料粒径的减小,孔隙率降低,强度增加;在一定孔隙率下,掺入再生骨料导致透水混凝土强度降低,但是对孔隙率和透水性能无显著影响;(再生骨料)透水混凝土的抗压强度与孔隙率及透水系数与孔隙率的关系均服从指数分布。


1 试验设计

1.1 原材料

试验所需的原材料及来源:①拌合水:自来水;②细骨料:粗砂,细度模数MX=3.34;③天然粗骨料(natural coarse aggregate, NCA):天然碎石;④再生粗骨料(recycled coarse aggregate, RCA):将混凝土框架结构的拆除构件人工破碎剔除钢筋后,经颚式破碎机进行破碎后人工筛分后得到,粗骨料的基本性能指标见表1;⑤胶凝材料包括水泥(P.O 42.5普通硅酸盐水泥),粉煤灰(II级),硅粉(SiO2>95%);⑥钢纤维:剪切型钢纤维,波浪形,长度为30 mm,等效直径0.6 mm;⑦减水剂:萘系高效减水剂。由表1知,RCA的表观密度和堆积密度比NCA低,含水率和压碎指标高于NCA,其中10 min的吸水率约是NCA的12倍,这一结果与现有研究成果相符[5-6]。由于再生粗骨料制备工艺流程严谨,RCA的含泥量相比NCA低。粗骨料的性能指标均满足现行规范的指标要求,可以用于配置混凝土。

表1 粗骨料的基本性能Table 1 Basic properties of coarse aggregates

1.2 配合比

根据现有规范及研究,设计再生透水混凝土的水胶比为0.3,砂率10%[7-10]。以100%再生粗骨料制备的透水混凝土(再生透水混凝土)为基准,在不改变水胶比与砂率的前提下,分别设计了5种透水混凝土:①普通透水混凝土(全部采用天然骨料);②粉煤灰等量取代20%水泥;③硅粉等量取代6%水泥;④萘系高效减水剂取水泥质量的1%;⑤外掺钢纤维量为水泥质量的3%。为减小再生粗骨料高吸水性的影响,采用增加附加水量补偿的方法[11],附加水量由再生粗骨料10 min吸水量确定。


表2 透水混凝土的配合比Table 2 Mix proportions of pervious concrete

1.3 试验内容及方法

1.3.1 搅拌与成型工艺

试件的制作与养护均在室内进行。试验采用人工拌制混凝土,试件尺寸均为150 mm×150 mm×150 mm,共6组,每组9块。制作流程如图1。试件成型1 d后,放入温度(20±2)℃,湿度98%以上的养护室养护28 d。

图1 透水混凝土制作流程图Fig.1 Flow chart of production of pervious concretes

1.3.2 强度孔隙率及透水性能试验

抗压和劈裂抗拉强度参照《普通混凝土力学性能试验方法标准》(GB/T 50081-2002)[12]执行,孔隙率及透水性能试验参照《透水水泥混凝土路面技术规程》(CJJ/T 135-2009)[13]执行。

1.3.3 无损伤再生透水混凝土毛细吸水试验

毛细吸水作为水分在非饱和建筑材料中的主要传输方式,是影响结构长期性能(如耐久性能)的关键因素[14]。在前人混凝土毛细吸水试验研究[14-18]基础上,针对透水混凝土自制毛细吸水装置,如图2所示。试验步骤:1)试件尺寸为150 mm立方体,标准养护28 d取出,将试件放入鼓风干燥箱(105±5)℃中干燥至恒重,冷却至室温后,除测试的对立面以外其余2个侧面用环氧树脂密封,然后采用电子天平(精读0.01 g)称质量,室内温度设置为(20±2)℃,湿度为50%±2%;2)将试件的吸水面向下,置于自制毛细吸水装置内,然后向容器内加水至标记高度,利用支撑架控制水面淹没试件底面的高度为5 mm;3)每组3个试件,每个试件记录2个面,每个面布置5个测点。从水达到标记高度时为起始时间,然后每间隔5 min对试件吸水高度进行拍照读数,共进行6次,即30 min;4)连续吸水30 min后取出,用湿布将试件与水接触面上的多余水分擦去,然后称质量。

图2 毛细吸水试验装置图Fig.2 Capillary water absorption test device

2 试验结果与分析

2.1 掺合料及外加剂对再生透水混凝土28 d强度的影响

透水混凝土的28 d抗压强度、劈裂抗拉强度试验结果见图3。本次试验测得的透水混凝土抗压强度在4.0~9.6 MPa,文献[19-20]中推荐的透水混凝土圆柱体抗压强度范围为3.5~28.0 MPa,依据国际标准(ISO/DID 7034)得到相对应的标准立方体抗压强度为3.9~35 MPa,本次试验结果与之相符。

图3 掺合料及外加剂对透水混凝土28 d强度的影响Fig.3 Strengths at 28 days of pervious concretes containing cementing materials and admixture

由图3可知,RPC的抗压强度、劈裂抗拉强度分别为6.7和1.13 MPa,高于NPC的4.0、0.59 MPa。与普通混凝土不同,透水混凝土的强度主要取决于骨料之间极薄的水泥浆层及其与骨料的粘结性[21-23],骨料本身强度对其影响不大。因此,试验结果显示再生透水混凝土强度高于普通透水混凝土可以归结为:1)由表1可知,本次试验采用的天然骨料含泥量相比再生骨料大,一定程度上影响骨料间水泥基强度的发展;2)试验中采用附加水的方法减小了再生骨料高吸水率的影响,这部分附加水使再生透水混凝土内部能保持一定湿度,起到“内养护”的作用[11,24],有利于再生透水混凝土强度的发展;3)再生粗骨料多孔隙特性及其表面比较粗糙[25-26],增加了骨料与水泥浆间粘结强度。

与RPC相比,内掺粉煤灰可有效提高透水混凝土的抗压强度,提高约44%,达到9.63 MPa;萘系高效减水剂及硅粉对再生透水混凝土抗压强度的改善不显著,钢纤维的掺入会导致再生透水混凝土抗压强度降低。掺合料及外加剂的使用均会对劈裂抗拉强度产生不利影响,其影响程度为:减水剂、粉煤灰<硅粉<钢纤维,如内掺硅粉可降低26%,原因可能是:掺入硅粉产生火山灰反应,所生成的胶凝体虽可填充再生透水混凝土内部孔隙,改善其受力分布,但胶凝体吸水后会产生一定的体积膨胀,增大了再生透水混凝土的内部应力,导致应力集中[7,9],从而影响再生透水混凝土劈裂抗拉强度的发展。


图4 再生透水混凝土28 d典型破坏路径Fig.4 Typical crack path of RPC at 28 d


2.2 孔隙率与透水系数

透水混凝土28 d的孔隙率、透水系数及相互关系见图5-图7。本次试验测得的透水混凝土孔隙率与透水系数范围分别在17.8%~23.8%、0.27~0.57 cm/s,与透水混凝土满足渗透性要求下推荐的孔隙率、透水系数范围一致[19-20],并且满足《透水水泥混凝土路面技术规程》(CJJ/T 135-2009)中连续孔隙率及透水系数的要求(V≥10%,k≥0.05 cm/s)。



2)掺入钢纤维可有效提高再生透水混凝土的孔隙率与透水性能,孔隙率23.8%,透水系数0.57 cm/s,提高幅度分别为16%、24%,这也是导致钢纤维再生透水混凝土强度低的主要原因。



图5 掺合料及外加剂对透水混凝土孔隙率的影响Fig.5 Effect of pervious concretes containing cementing materials and admixture on its total void

图6 掺合料及外加剂对透水混凝土透水系数的影响Fig.6 Effect of pervious concretes containing cementing materials and admixture on its water permeability

图7 孔隙率与透水系数关系图Fig.7 Relationship between total void and water permeability of pervious concretes


2.3 无损伤再生透水混凝土毛细吸水过程



由图8可知,在吸水前30 min,再生透水混凝土的毛细吸水高度H和吸水时间T呈幂函数分布。掺入钢纤维在整个毛细吸水过程的吸水高度明显高于RPC,掺入硅粉、粉煤灰和萘系高效减水剂后的吸水高度与RPC基本相同,各处理毛细吸水高度与吸水时间的拟合方程见表3。与RPC相比,硅粉和粉煤灰的掺入显著增加累积毛细吸水质量,而掺入钢纤维对吸水质量影响甚微,减水剂的使用会明显减小吸水量(图9)。试验得到毛细吸水高度最大值19.4 mm,毛细吸水最大浸入量为0.01 g/cm3,掺20%粉煤灰再生透水混凝土的吸水高度约13.5 mm,吸水质量约28 g,这个数值在量级上与现有普通混凝土毛细吸水试验的成果[14,17]一致。

图8 毛细吸水高度与吸水时间的关系Fig.8 Relationship between capillary absorption time and absorption height of pervious concretes

表3 毛细吸水高度与吸水时间拟合参数表Table 3 Fitting parameters of capillary absorption time and absorption height

图9 再生骨料透水混凝土30 min毛细吸水质量Fig.9 Cumulative capillary absorption quality of RPC in 30 min

3 结 论


1)再生骨料透水混凝土的强度、透水性符合规范要求,且本文试验结果优于同配比条件下天然骨料透水混凝土,即:RPC的抗压强度、劈裂抗拉强度分别为6.7和1.13 MPa,高于NPC的4.0、0.59 MPa,因此采用再生骨料制备透水混凝土从其性能上而言是可行的。

2)粉煤灰能够提高再生骨料透水混凝土抗压强度(提高幅度约44%,达到9.63 MPa),但同时会降低其孔隙率及透水性;钢纤维能够显著提高其孔隙率及透水系数(孔隙率与透水系数分别达到23.8%、0.57 cm/s),但抗压强度反而降低;硅粉及萘系减水剂对再生透水混凝土性能有一定的改善作用,但不显著。

3)在无损状态下,再生骨料透水混凝土毛细吸水前30 min内,其毛细吸水高度和吸水时间成幂函数关系,毛细吸水的过程与普通混凝土类似,即:在前期曲线呈线性增长,后期曲线趋于平缓。钢纤维能够有效提高毛细吸水高度,但对吸水质量影响小;硅粉、粉煤灰和萘系高效减水剂对其吸水高度影响不明显,但硅粉和粉煤灰会显著增加毛细吸水质量,而减水剂会降低吸水量。

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Experiment on strength and permeability of recycled aggregate pervious concrete

Chen Shoukai1,2, Yang Qing1,2, Liu Qiuchang1, Guo Lei1,2, Wang Lunyan1,2
(1. School of Water Conservancy, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450011, China; 2. Water Environment Governance and Ecological Restoration Academician Workstation of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450002, China)

To prepare pervious concrete with recycled concrete aggregate is a hot point and the trend of the current research, while strength and water permeability are the key performance highlighted and to be broken through at present. With waste prefabricated concrete beam members as the source of recycled aggregate, pervious concrete was prepared, and 6 groups of mixture ratios were designed with water cement ratio of 0.3 and sand ratio of 10% as the benchmark. Besides, through the experiment on test cubes under standard maintenance, the porosity, water permeability and strength performance of recycled aggregate pervious concrete (RPC) under a single factor were studied. The grain size of coarse aggregate was 4.75-9.5 mm and the natural coarse aggregate (NCA) came from gravels. With the pervious concrete prepared with 100% recycled coarse aggregate as the benchmark, 5 kinds of pervious concretes were designed on the premise of not changing the water-binder ratio and sand ratio: 1) ordinary pervious concrete (wholly made of natural aggregate); 2) equivalent replacement of 20% cement with fly ash; 3) equivalent replacement of 6% cement with silica fume; 4) adding naphthalene superplasticizer equivalent to 1% of the mass of the cement; 5) external addition of steel fiber equivalent to 3% of the mass of the cement. To reduce the influence of the high water absorption of the recycled coarse aggregate, the method of increasing additional water compensation was adopted and the amount of additional water was determined as the amount of water absorbed in 10 min by the recycled coarse aggregate. On the basis of the test and research of the capillary water absorption of concrete by predecessors, a capillary water absorption device for pervious concrete was self-made. It was measured in the experiment that the range of porosity, permeability coefficient and compressive strength was 17.8%-23.8%, 0.27-0.57 cm/s and 4.0-9.63 MPa respectively. According to these results, the basic performance of pervious concrete made of recycled aggregate could satisfy the requirements. Compared with RPC, adding fly ash could realize effective improvement of the compressive strength of the pervious concrete to 9.63 MPa, an increase of about 44%, the external addition of steel fiber could improve the water permeability, and the mixing of naphthalene super plasticizer and silica fume didn’t have obvious effect. Admixtures and additives would both exert adverse effect on the splitting tensile strength, and their affecting degree was super plasticizer, fly ash < silica fume < steel fiber. The ratio of the measured splitting tensile strength to the compressive strength (ratio of tension to compression) was 9.5%-16.9%, with the average value being 13.5%. The water permeability increased with the increase of the porosity, and the two presented an exponential relationship, which was basically consistent with the description of ordinary pervious concrete. In addition, it was figured out in the experiment that the maximum capillary water absorption height was 19.4 mm, and the maximum immersion amount in capillary water absorption was 0.01 g/cm3; the water absorption height of RPC internally doped with 20% fly ash was about 13.5 mm, while the amount of water absorbed was about 28 g, both values being consistent with the test results of capillary water absorption of existing ordinary concrete in terms of the order of magnitude. In nondestructive condition, the capillary water absorption process of previous concrete made of recycled aggregate was similar with that of ordinary concrete, namely, fast absorption in the early stage and steady absorption in the late stage.

concretes; performance; compressive strength; recycled aggregate pervious concrete (RPC); cementing materials and admixture; permeability; porosity; capillary water absorption







陈守开,男,浙江温州人,博士,副教授。主要从事混凝土材料试验及水工混凝土结构数值仿真等方面的研究。郑州 华北水利水电大学水利学院,450011。


