

农业工程学报 2017年15期




(南京农业大学工学院,南京 210031)

为确定不同机械脱粒滚筒收获方式对收获后稻谷品质性状的影响,以手工收获方式稻谷为对照组,对轴流式和切流式脱粒滚筒收获方式收获稻谷的品质性状进行研究,检测不同收获方式稻谷的裂纹率、裂颖率、发芽率、幼苗生长、腹部与背部作为承压面糙米的三点弯曲破碎力、加工品质指标等。测试结果表明:机械脱粒方式收获稻谷与手工收获方式相比,裂颖率增加,发芽和幼苗生长、三点弯曲破碎力和加工品质降低,其中裂颖率最大增加约35.6%,发芽率降低最大达53%,茎秆长度最大降低15 mm,根数量最大降低2.4个,腹部和背部三点弯曲破碎力减小最大值为4.5和3.8 N,整精米率最大降低12.11%;而切流式脱粒滚筒收获方式收获稻谷与轴流式相比,裂颖率较大,发芽率降低达34%~51%,茎杆长度降低最大达12.6 mm,根数量降低最大达1.8个,腹部和背部三点弯曲破碎力差异较小,整精米率降低10.38%。总体来说不同机械脱粒收获方式对稻谷的品质性状影响具有差异性,轴流式脱粒收获方式对稻谷的机械损伤小于切流式脱粒收获方式,机械脱粒损伤稻谷品质性状的评价应该根据稻谷具体使用目的进行客观全面的评价。


李毅念,陈俊生,丁启朔,丁为民. 轴流式和切流式机械脱粒对稻谷损伤及加工品质的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(15):41-48. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.005

Li Yinian, Chen Junsheng, Ding Qishuo, Ding Weimin. Effects of axial flow and tangential flow mechanical threshing on rice damage and milling quality[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 41-48. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.005

0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料


1.2 水分含量测试

根据文献[14]中方法对稻谷籽粒含水量进行试验。每个稻谷样品取10 g,在130 ℃下烘24 h,试验重复3次,水稻样品的含水量以湿基表示。

1.3 裂颖率与裂纹率测试


1.4 发芽率与幼苗生长性能测试

取100粒稻谷在去离子水中浸泡3 h,然后均匀地排布在透明发芽盒内湿润的发芽纸床上,粒与粒之间应保持一定间距,按国标GB/T3543.4-1995[15]中规定的条件进行培养,在5 d后计算每个样本的发芽势,14 d后计算发芽率,试验重复3次。每个样本随机抽取10株幼苗,测试每株幼苗的叶片数目、叶片长度、茎杆高度、根长、根数等幼苗生长指标[16]。

1.5 三点弯曲破碎力测试

糙米抗弯折断力学性能试验采用三点弯曲测试方法[17]。为测试糙米籽粒腹部和北部三点弯曲破碎力,且能够使糙米在腹部和背部方向固定,在试验装置宽3.4 mm的槽两端加工出三角形的型槽,便于糙米腹部或背部作为承压面进行测试。试验装置结构参见文献[18]。试验使用TMS-PRO型质构仪(美国FTC公司)对籽粒力学性能进行测试,压头加载速度设置为30 mm/min,压头宽为1.2 mm,长度为10 mm。


1.6 加工品质测试

根据国标GB/T 5495-2008[19]和国标GB/T 21719-2008[20]对3个品种稻谷样品的加工品质指标进行了测试。稻谷加工设备为试验用砻谷机(型号:THU35C,佐竹机械(苏州)有限公司)和试验用碾米机(型号:CBS300AS,佐竹机械(苏州)有限公司)。试验每次加工100 g以上的稻谷籽粒,净稻谷经试验砻谷机脱壳后得到糙米,计算糙米率指标。将得到的糙米进行3 min的碾米加工,用筛子将碎米筛选出来后得到精米率、整精米率和碎米率指标。试验重复3次,误差在准许范围内则可取其平均值作为加工品质指标。

2 结果与分析

2.1 水分含量



2.2 裂颖率与裂纹率分析



2.3 发芽和幼苗生长分析

水稻种子发芽势和发芽率测试结果如表2所示。切流式收获的水稻种子的发芽势和发芽率较轴流式、手工收获相比均明显偏低,具有显著差异,切流式与手工收获相比较,淮稻5号发芽势和发芽率差异最大达52%和 53%,南粳9108发芽势和发芽率差异最小达32%和34%。在3个品种中,轴流式收获与手工收获水稻种子的发芽势和发芽率较接近或略小,差异不明显。在发芽试验过程中发现,切流式收获的种子幼苗较其他2种收获所得的种子的幼苗相比,叶片有轻微发黄现象。

轴流式收获和手工收获方式水稻种子幼苗生长的茎杆长度和平均根数量均大于切流式收获方式,且轴流式与人工收获方式较接近。切流式与手工收获相比较,茎秆长度相差最大的为淮稻5号15 mm,根数量相差最大的为南粳51达2.4个,茎秆长度相差最小的为南粳51达7 mm,根数量最小的为淮稻5号达1.6个。轴流式收获与切流式收获比较,茎杆长度差异最大的是淮稻5号达12.6 mm,根数量差异最大是南粳9108达1.8个。3种收获方式下水稻种子幼苗生长的平均根长度、平均叶片数量和叶长度无明显差异。其中南粳51品种幼苗茎杆长度切流式与轴流式和人工收获方式差值较小,南粳9108其次,淮稻5号差异最大,说明不同品种水稻种子对机械损伤特性存在差异。


2.4 三点弯曲破碎力分析

在糙米籽粒进行三点弯曲破碎力学性能试验时,以腹部作为承压面时,腹部受压应力,背部受拉应力;相反之,当以背部作为承压面时,则背部受压应力,腹部受拉应力。籽粒压应力强度极限远远大于拉应力强度极限[24-25],故籽粒首先应从籽粒承受拉应力一侧断裂并且向另一侧延伸,直至籽粒完全断裂。糙米腹部、背部作为承压面的三点弯曲破碎力平均值如表3所示,除南粳51糙米籽粒腹部破碎力3种脱粒方式接近外,其他手工收获方式的腹部和背部破碎力均大于机械收获方式;糙米腹部作为承压面的三点弯曲破碎力大于背部作为承压面的三点弯曲破碎力,根据稻谷籽粒拉压强度极限值,可推测糙米籽粒背部的拉应力强度大于腹部的拉应力强度,即籽粒背部结构强度大于腹部结构强度[26]。机械收获导致糙米籽粒腹部和背部三点弯曲破碎力与人工收获相比较减小,淮稻5号切流式腹部和背部减小4.5和3.8 N,轴流式腹部和背部减小2.6和1.1 N;南粳9108切流式腹部和背部减小0.3和2.9 N,轴流式腹部和背部减小3.5和3.1 N;南粳51切流式和轴流式腹部与人工收获变化不大,近似相等,背部减小1.7和2.3 N;说明机械脱粒对稻谷籽粒产生了损伤使其结构强度降低从而使三点弯曲破碎力减小。



2.5 加工品质指标分析


图1 不同机械脱粒收获方式糙米籽粒腹部、背部三点弯曲破碎力分布特性Fig.1 Distribution features of three-point bending breaking force on ventral side and dorsal side of brown rice under different mechanical threshing patterns

表4 不同机械脱粒方式稻谷加工品质Table 4 Milling quality of rice under different mechanical threshing patterns



2.6 稻谷籽粒品质性状评价指标之间相关关系分析


表5 不同机械脱粒方式下稻谷籽粒品质评价指标之间相关关系分析Table 5 Correlation analysis of appraise indices for rice quality under different mechanical threshing patterns

2.7 讨 论

机械收获稻谷籽粒的裂颖率和裂纹率增加,发芽性能、幼苗生长、力学性能和加工品质指标降低等与采用不同脱粒收获方式有关,轴流式脱粒滚筒脱粒的形式,滚筒转速505 r/min,对水稻损伤较小;切流式脱粒滚筒加双轴流板齿分离滚筒的组合结构,滚筒转速800~900 r/min,分离滚筒长度3 344 mm,且为双滚筒结构,分离面积更大,脱粒能力更强,稻谷籽粒和秸秆一起被送入脱粒装置进行脱粒,秸秆与稻谷籽粒缠绕在一起,脱粒需要较大的速度和撞击力,对稻谷籽粒作用时间亦较长,因此,对稻谷籽粒损伤也较严重。




稻谷籽粒在脱粒过程中受到脱粒机械作用力,导致糙米籽粒产生损伤,力学性能降低,稻谷的整精米率降低,因此糙米的整精米率与其籽粒力学强度可能存在一定的相关关系,糙米的整精米率与籽粒在两平面间的压缩性能相关性较小[32],与籽粒抵抗三点弯曲破碎力强度大于20 N的百分率密切相关,即此百分率越大稻谷的加工整精米率越大[33],但本研究中相关性仍然较低,因此有待进一步研究。

3 结 论

1)机械脱粒收获稻谷籽粒裂颖率较手工收获大,裂颖率最大增加约35.6%,机械脱粒收获稻谷发芽势和发芽率降低,切流式与手工收获相比较发芽势和发芽率降低最大达52%和53%,最小达32%和34%;幼苗生长性能亦降低,茎秆长度最大降低15 mm,最小7 mm,根数量最大降低2.4,最小1.6个;切流式脱粒滚筒收获方式收获稻谷与轴流式相比,裂颖率较大,发芽率降低达34%~51%,茎杆长度降低最大达12.6 mm,根数量降低最大达1.8个;

2)机械脱粒收获糙米腹部和背部三点弯曲破碎力小于手工收获糙米腹部和背部三点弯曲区破碎力,切流式脱粒收获破碎力降低最大,腹部和背部减小最大值为4.5和3.8 N,轴流式脱粒收获其次,腹部和背部减小最大值为3.5和3.1 N,因此机械脱粒对稻谷籽粒结构强度产生了损伤;切流式脱粒滚筒收获方式收获稻谷与轴流式相比,腹部和背部三点弯曲破碎力差异较小;



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Effects of axial flow and tangential flow mechanical threshing on rice damage and milling quality

Li Yinian, Chen Junsheng, Ding Qishuo, Ding Weimin
(School of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210031, China)

Rice grains would be damaged by the mechanical threshing equipment during harvesting, and mechanical damage extent of rice grains was directly correlated to the threshing cylinder patterns and operating parameters of threshing cylinder, such as roration speed of cylinder and threshing time. On the other hand, there were not objective and whole indices to appraise the mechanical threshing damage extent of rice grains. In order to ascertain the effect of harvest pattern with different mechanical threshing cylinder on rice quality characters, taking manual harvesting rice as control group, the quality characters of the rice harvested by axial flow and tangential flow mechanical threshing cylinder were investigated. The appraisal indices of rice quality characters, fissuring rate and glume-opening rate, germination potential and rate and seedling growth properties, three-point bending breaking force, head rice yield and broken rice rate, were selected and tested according to relevant methods and standards. Experiment results show that the fissuring rate and glume-opening rate for mechanically harvesting rice are higher than that for the hand-harvested rice, and the maximum difference of glume-opening rate is about 35.6%; the fissuring rate and glume-opening rate for axial flow mechanical threshing cylinder are less than that for tangential flow mechanical threshing cylinder. But the germination potential and rate for mechanically harvested rice are lower than that for the hand-harvested rice, and the maximum difference of germination rate is 53%. The germination potential and germination rate for axial flow mechanical threshing cylinder are larger than that for tangential flow mechanical threshing cylinder, and the maximum difference of germination rate is 34%-51%. The stem length and number of roots of rice seedling for axial flow mechanical threshing cylinder and that of the hand-harvested rice are larger than that for tangential flow mechanical threshing cylinder. The maximum differences of the stem length and number of roots between tangential flow mechanical threshing cylinder harvesting and hand-harvesting are respectively 15 mm and 2.4, and those between tangential flow threshing cylinder and axial flow threshing cylinder are respectively 12.6 mm and 1.8. The stem length and number of roots of rice seedling for axial flow mechanical threshing cylinder are adjacent to that for the hand-harvested rice. There are not significant differences for root length and number of leaves and leaves length between the hand-harvested rice and mechanical threshing harvested rice. The three-point bending breaking force for mechanical harvested rice is also lower than that for the hand-harvested rice, and the maximum differences of the three-point bending breaking force for ventral side and dorsal side are 4.5 and 3.8 N respectively. There is not large difference for the three-point bending breaking force between axial flow and tangential flow mechanical threshing cylinder harvesting. The milling quality of hand-harvested rice is also superior to mechanically harvested rice, and the maximum difference of the head rice yield between them is 12.11%. The head rice yield for axial flow mechanical threshing cylinder is 10.38% higher than that for tangential flow mechanical threshing cylinder. The broken rice rate for the hand-harvested rice is correspondingly lower than that for mechanically harvested rice. Cross correlation analysis for all appraisal indices of rice quality characters manifests that the fissuring rate and glume-opening rate are cross-correlated, the germination potential, germination rate and stem length and number of roots for rice seedling are cross-correlated, the three-point bending breaking force for ventral side and dorsal side are cross-correlated, and the milled rice rate and head rice yield are cross-correlated. The mechanical threshing harvest causes the damage to rice quality, and the damage extent of rice quality for different mechanical threshing cylinder harvesting is different. The threshing damage to rice quality for axial flow threshing harvest cylinder is lower than that for tangential flow threshing harvest cylinder. Rice seeds should be harvested by using harvester with axial flow threshing cylinder. On the other hand, the appraisal indices of quality characters of rice seeds harvested by the mechanical threshing cylinder should select the fissuring rate and glume-opening rate, germination potential and rate and seedling growth properties. The appraisal indices of quality characters of food rice harvested by the mechanical threshing cylinder should be the fissuring rate and glume-opening rate, three-point bending breaking force, head rice yield and broken rice rate. The appraisal indices for the rice harvested by mechanical threshing cylinder should been wholly determined according to the used aim of rice.

mechanization; crops; processing; rice axial flow threshing; tangential flow threshing; threshing damage; milling quality








李毅念,男,副教授,主要从事农产品加工及其品质方面的研究。南京 南京农业大学工学院,210031。


300 MW轴流式送风机振动故障分析及处理