

农业工程学报 2017年15期




(1. 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室,杨凌 712100;2. 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所,杨凌712100)

为研究植被修复状态下径流含沙量变化。该试验运用人工模拟降雨试验方法,分析了径流含沙量草被调控效益变化。结果:1)不同降雨强度或坡度下,平均径流含沙量随草被盖度的增大而减小,草被盖度从30%~70%,含沙量分别降低约10或5 kg/m3,可用线性方程显著描述。草被消减雨强对径流含沙量影响大于草被消减坡度的。平均径流含沙量随降雨强度或坡度的增大而增大,分别可用幂函数或指数函数方程显著描述,决定系数在0.5或0.8以上。2)基于单位水流功率建立幂函数模型决定系数为0.940,模型有效系数为0.986,说明模型模拟精度都较高。3)基于坡度、雨强和盖度建立指数函数模型决定系数为0.937,模型有效系数为0.894,说明模型模拟精度都较高。该研究可以预测草地坡面含沙量,为生态建设和流域管理提供指导。


王栋栋,王占礼,张庆玮,张琪琳,田娜玲. 草地植被覆盖度坡度及雨强对坡面径流含沙量影响试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(15):119-125. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.015

Wang Dongdong, Wang Zhanli, Zhang Qingwei, Zhang Qilin, Tian Naling. Experiment on influence of cover degree, slope and rainfall intensity on sediment concentration of slope runoff in rangeland[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(15): 119-125. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.15.015

0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 试验地点与供试土壤


1.2 试验设备

试验主要设备包括径流小区及模拟降雨器。径流小区为移动式变坡度钢质小区,可调坡度范围为0°~30°,小区尺度为140 cm×120 cm×25 cm,底部按10 cm的间距开孔。试验所用降雨设备为侧喷式人工降雨设备,喷头安装高度14.5 m,雨滴上喷高度1.5 m,降雨均匀度大于80%[21],实际降雨高度为16 m,能够满足所有雨滴都能达到终点速度[22]。

1.3 试验小区装土

所有试验土壤自然风干并过5 mm筛,除去杂草和石块。当自然风干土壤的质量含水量低于设计含水量时,要往土壤中加适量的水以至达到设计含水量14%。小区装土之前,在底部铺设5 cm厚的天然细沙,用透水纱布覆盖,以保持土层的透水状况接近天然坡面。装填土壤厚度为20 cm。为保证装土的均匀性,按设计容重分层(每层5 cm)装填,每次试验均装填新土。填土时,采用边填充边压实,并在所有边界0.5 cm的范围都加以夯实,以减小由于边壁所造成的对入渗和产流产沙过程及坡面侵蚀微形态发育等方面的影响,并使下垫面土壤条件的变异性达到最小,保证试验土壤容重达到1.2 g/cm3。填土后,用刮板将表面刮平整。

1.4 草地小区建设及覆盖度确定

草地小区由先建成裸土小区后再在其上种草建成,草长出后要对草地进行管护,以保证草能种活、长成,包括施肥、病虫害防治、浇水等,待草长势稳定后即可进行试验。试验选取草种为草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis L.),种草方式为条带状种植。植被盖度(C)分别为30%、40%、50%、60%、70% 5个等级,草的长势稳定后可进行试验。每次降雨试验前用数码相机对草地小区垂直拍照,再将照片拿回室内用ImageJ得到准确的植被盖度,如与设计覆盖度不一致,则要对草冠进行适当修剪,以保证试验盖度与设计盖度一致。

1.5 试验坡度、试验雨强及试验场次

试验坡度(S)选取7°、10°、15°、20°、25° 5个等级。试验雨强(I)选取0.7、1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5 mm/min五个等级。1个坡度5个雨强5个覆盖度及1个雨强5个坡度5个覆盖度组合的草地小区试验45场次,重复2次,共90场。具体试验设计见表1。

表1 试验设计Table 1 Experiment Design

1.6 降雨历时及观测时间

降雨历时为40 min。开始产流后前6 min每隔1、2、3 min观测1次,以后每隔3 min观测一次,观测时间至降雨结束(最后1个观测时距小于3 min),用小桶接取时段全部径流泥沙。用高锰酸钾测定径流表层流速,用温度计测量浑水温度,然后计算出雷诺数并判定水流流态,将不同流态的表面流速乘流速修正系数计算获得水流断面平均流速[23]。小区出口的流量用小桶接取时段全样后,用天平称取浑水样质量,然后澄清、撇掉清水、烘干称质量后计算出径流含沙量(SC)。

1.7 水力学参数计算







式中U为单位水流功率,m/s;s 为单位面积,m2。

1.8 数据分析

采用Excel2003绘图及SPSS 18.0数据统计分析软件做相关性分析,将数据分成2组,一组27场数据基于坡度雨强盖度或最佳水力学参数(单位水流功率)建模,另外一组18场数据用来验证模型。具体验证指标见下式分析可知,不同盖度条件下,草地植被径流含沙量随降雨强度或坡度的变化趋势不同。同一坡度下雨强从0.7增加到2.0 mm/min,径流含沙量增加约10 kg/m3,雨强从2.0增加到2.5 mm/min,径流含沙量降低约3 kg/m3;同一雨强下坡度从7°增加到25°,径流含沙量增加约40 kg/m3。


2 试验结果

2.1 草被盖度对平均径流含沙量的影响

图1为不同降雨强度条件下含沙量对盖度的响应。不同降雨强度或坡度下,平均径流含沙量随草被盖度的增大而减小,草被盖度从30%增加到70%,含沙量分别降低约10或5 kg/m3。由表2可知,不同降雨强度或坡度条件下,平均径流含沙量随草被盖度变化可用线性方程描述,方程可简化SC=−aC+b形式,决定系数在0.8以上,显著性水平为0.01。对比方程系数a发现,不同降雨强度下的方程系数整体大于不同坡度下方程系数。可见,草被消减雨强对径流含沙量影响明显大于草被消减坡度对径流含沙量影响。


图1 不同雨强或坡度下含沙量随盖度变化Fig.1 Variations of sediment concentration with cover under different rainfall intensities or slopes

图2 不同盖度下含沙量随雨强或坡度的变化Fig.2 Variations of sediment concentration with rainfall intensity or slope under different cover

表2 不同降雨强度或坡度下草被盖度与平均径流含沙量的经验方程Table 2 Empirical equations between cover and sediment concentration under different rainfall intensities or slopes

表3 不同盖度下降雨强度或坡度与平均径流含沙量的经验方程Table 3 Empirical equations between rainfall intensity or slope and sediment concentration under different covers

2.2 草被盖度对黄土坡面径流含沙量与水力学参数耦合关系的影响


表4 径流含沙量与水力学参数的经验方程Table 4 Empirical equations between sediment concentration and hydrodynamic parameters

2.3 径流含沙量模拟

2.3.1 基于坡度、雨强 和草被盖度模拟




2.3.2 基于单位水流功率模拟




3 讨 论

同一坡度不同雨强下,在中小雨强0.7增加到2.0 mm/min时,径流产生的动能只能分离表层土壤,土壤可蚀性系数很低,只要径流动能增加,侵蚀量就会急速增加,从而造成中小雨强0.7增加到2.0 mm/min,径流含沙量呈急速增加趋势。在大雨强2.0增加到2.5 mm/min时,径流需要分离深层土壤,而草被紧固较深层土壤可蚀性系数明显提高,分离出来土壤减少。再加上土壤入渗能力和蓄水能力有限,径流量随之增加。从而造成在大雨强情况下,径流含沙量呈降低趋势。同一雨强下坡度从7°增加到25°,试验坡面汇水量降低,重力作用和流速增加,侵蚀动能反而增加,而坡面土壤稳定性降低,可蚀性系数降低。从而造成坡度增加,径流含沙量呈急速增加趋势。



4 结 论

1)不同降雨强度或坡度下,平均径流含沙量随草被盖度的增大而减小,草被盖度从30%增加到70%,含沙量分别降低约10或5 kg/m3,可用线性方程描述,决定系数在0.8以上,显著性水平为0.01。对比分析发现草被消减雨强对径流含沙量影响明显大于草被消减坡度对径流含沙量影响。不同盖度条件下,平均径流含沙量随降雨强度或坡度的增大而增大,可用幂函数方程描述;随坡度变化可用指数函数方程描述,决定系数在0.5或0.8以上,显著性水平为0.01。同一坡度下雨强从0.7增加到2.0 mm/min,径流含沙量增加约10 kg/m3,雨强从2.0增加到2.5 mm/min,径流含沙量降低约3 kg/m3;同一雨强下坡度从7°增加到25°,径流含沙量约增加40 kg/m3。



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Experiment on influence of cover degree, slope and rainfall intensity on sediment concentration of slope runoff in rangeland

Wang Dongdong1, Wang Zhanli1,2※, Zhang Qingwei1, Zhang Qilin1, Tian Naling1
(1. State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100,China;2.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Yangling 712100,China)

The purpose of this study was to model sediment concentration of sheet erosion on rangeland, which has a major impact on strengthening river basin management and controlling the source of soil erosion. The impact of herbaceous vegetation on sediment concentration under different slopes or rain intensities was studied by artificial rainfall experiment. The relationship of sediment concentration and slope gradient, rainfall intensity, and hydraulic parameters, such as shear stress, stream power and unit stream power, was investigated to derive an accurate experimental model. Each experiment soil pan with metal frames was 140 cm long, 120 cm wide and 2.5 cm deep. The experiment soil sample was collected from Ansai County, Shaanxi Province in China. After the soil was packed, herbaceous vegetation (Poa pratensis L.) was transplanted in a banded uniform layout. Poa pratensis L. was a gramineous plant, and the current year’s Poa pratensis L. was selected. The duration of all simulated rainfall events was 40 min. The experiment was conducted at 5 herbaceous vegetation cover densities (30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%), 5 rainfall intensities (0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 mm/min) and 5 slopes (7°, 10°, 15°, 20°, and 25°), respectively. All combinations were tested with 2 replicates of each run, a total of 90 experimental units. All statistical analyses were carried out using Excel or spss 18.0. Results show that: 1) Herbaceous vegetation not only decreases sediment concentration, but also reduces the effect of rainfall intensity or slope on it, which would increase with cover increasing. Cover increases from 30% to 70%, herbaceous vegetation decreases sediment concentration by more than 5 kg/m3, and reduces the effect of rainfall intensity or slope on it by more than 10 kg/m3. Under different slopes or rainfall intensities, sediment concentration decreases as linear equations with cover, and the relationship between sediment concentration and cover is significant (P<0.01). Under different covers, sediment concentration totally increases as power equations or exponential equations with rainfall intensity or slope, the relationship between sediment concentration and rainfall intensity is very well (P<0.01), and the relationship between sediment concentration and slope is also good (P<0.01). 2) Unit stream power is the parameter most suitably describing sediment concentration with an exponential equation among the 3 hydraulic parameters considered in this paper. Sediment concentration increases as shear stress or stream power increases, and both can be described by a logarithmic equation, but the relationship between sediment concentration and shear stress or stream power is poor. 3) Rainfall intensity, slope and cover can be used to predict sediment concentration with an exponential function accurately, which was satisfactory for predicting sediment concentration with the R2value of 0.937 and the NE (Nash coefficient) of 0.894. Meanwhile, unit stream power also can be used to predict sediment concentration with a power function equation, which was satisfactory for predicting sediment concentration with the R2value of 0.940 and the NE of 0.986. Vegetation species, layout and root morphology affect the simulation effect of sediment concentration on rangeland. In the later period, the vegetation species, layout and root morphology should be studied to quantify the sediment concentration and optimize the sediment concentration model.

soils; erosion; runoff; sediment concentration; herbaceous vegetation; hydrodynamic parameters; soil erosion model; cover








王栋栋,男,山东省东营人,博士生,主要从事土壤侵蚀与林草生态方面研究。杨凌 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所,712100。

※通信作者:王占礼,男,陕西榆林人,博士,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事土壤侵蚀过程及预报模型研究工作。杨凌 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所,712100。Email:zwang@nwsuaf. edu. cn


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