Research on Two Types of Channel System based on the Queuing Theory
【Summary】:The queuing security process in the airport is a quiteannoying problem. In this paper, we establish a Two Types of ChannelSystem based on the Queuing Theory, which consists of two sub-modelsto explore the problem areas and bottlenecks in the security process. Inour Two Types of Channel Systems Model, one channel is for pre-checkpassengers, and the other channel is for the regular passengers. Wecalculate the average queue length by using the known data and thenadopt the littles law to get the throughput of the security system. Afterthat, we apply the logic analysis and mathematical analysis to find theproblem areas and bottlenecks.
We recognize that the security devices, process and staffing all havean effect on the throughput of the security system. Then, we apply theGenetic Algorithm to find the best officer matching, thereby proposing afundamental recommendation that the security system employ officerswho work more efficiently. Next, we obtain different throughput indifferent channel matching. We also find that the transit time in securitycheckpoints and passengers time of wiping off and getting back items,which are not available in the table, might be the potential bottlenecks.
we can conclude that the airport has optimized the bottlenecks byincreasing the screening speed and increasing the physical check-upbuffer to improve passenger throughput during the airport securityprocess. By the calculation , we can get the original passenger throughoutis 208.17 person/hour, and the optimized passenger throughput is 329.43person/hour. The passenger throughput increased siginificantly, Whichproves that the basic model and the optimization model are correct andapplicable.