Model Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of Two Types of Channels Model
【Summary】:we firstly propose reduce transit time betweensecurity checkpoints according to the mathematical relationship amongthe service rate, the average amount of customers arriving per unit timeand the average length of the queue. Secondly, we set some buffers tooptimize the bottleneck in the process of millimeter wave scan and getthe trend of throughput of the security system with the volume of buffersbased on the theory of operation management. Thirdly, considering theinfluence of cost, we get the optimal number of security checkpoints andthe optimal service rate based on the regression analysis.
【Key words】: Two Types of Channels Model;Buffer1.Model Optimization
Considering that cultural differences affect passenger throughput inmany ways,such as 3 冘 ,冚 ,t . Only one parameter is changed at one time, andthe other parameters remain invariant. In view of the spatial limitationand the effect, we only select the parameters t3 with obvious change(waiting time of follow-up scan) to carry out the sensitivity analysis.
In this paper, based on the queuing theory, we obtain the model oftwo-channel queuing circumstance. And then, we receive the average ofthe throughput of the airport security passengers to reflect the passengerthroughput of the airport security check, the results better reflect thepassenger flow.