The Beauty of Architecture in English Writing


校园英语·中旬 2017年9期

【Abstract】As one of the “three beauties”, the beauty of architecture in English writing has a strongly aesthetic values. Under the research on the structure of effective sentences, paragraphs, and well-organized essays. This paper is trying to analyze the beauty of architecture in English writing to conduct writing.

【Key words】English writing; beauty of architecture

1. Introduction

In Chinese poem, there are “three beauties”, including the beauty of music, painting and architecture, which is an important pioneering insight. It is easy to associate art, music, and poem when we talk about beauty. However, the beauty of English writing can been seen everywhere. The beauty of architecture can be seen in English writing with two characteristics:the beauty of effective sentences and paragraphs, the beauty of the well-designed structure of whole essay. In English writing, a well-written essay is like a big house. The paragraphs in this essay are like the walls as the structures of the house. In this project, sentences looks like the blocks to build the wall and to construct the house.

2. The beauty of effective sentences

As the brisks of the big house, sentences, the building bricks of paragraphs, are the fundamental elements in writing. The effectiveness of writing depends on how effective the individual sentence is. In other words, the quality of the writing depends largely on the strengths and weakness of the sentence. Effective sentences must be concise, varied, and emphatic. To be concise, sentence contains no wordiness and redundancies. Effective sentences says economically and clarified as possible as they can. To be varied, sentences must be at different length and structure to catch readers attentions. To achieve sentence variety, six approaches are shown as follows:1) striking a balance between long and and short sentences. 2) combining sentence and phrases by coordinating. 3) changing sentence structures. 4) combing sentences by subordinating. 5) varying the place of transitional words and phrases. 6) changing sentence beginnings. Emphasis makes the main ideas more forceful and the unimportant ideas in the background. To some extent, it can be regarded as the reflection of the authors intentions. The best way to express an idea is to give the greatest emphasis about what the author wants to say. There are five ways to obtain purposeful emphasis, including emphatic word order; loose, periodic, and balanced sentences; parallelism; subordination and coordination; active and passive voice.endprint

3. The beauty of well-designed essays

A big house can be strongly and firmly constructed by well-organized walls. An essay can be written on the base of effective sentences and paragraphs. To make the big house secure, people must follow a certain process to build it. The structure of an essay usually can be divided into three parts:an opening paragraph, supporting paragraphs, and an concluding paragraph. The purpose of the opening paragraph at the beginning of an essay is to attract readers attention, offer background information, present a thesis statement, and develop a plan. Supporting paragraphs are regarded as the body of the whole essay. In these paragraphs, the details facts, argument, examples will be listed to support the main idea of the opening paragraph. The concluding paragraph at the end of the essay is to finish what the essay wants to say. The purpose of the concluding paragraph is to reinforce the thesis, offer suggestions, or give readers a dominant impression. Generally, three are five methods of conclusion:restatement of central topic, general expression, evaluation, prediction, and recommendation.

4. Conclusion

English writing has a unique charm with the different form and content. The function of sentences, paragraphs, and structures of essays contribute to the beauty of architecture in English writing. It is important for a writer to organize the sentences, paragraphs, and structures of essays. A well-designed essay must be on the basis of effective sentences and paragraphs. In addition, the sentences must be full of conciseness, variety, and emphasis. The paragraphs must obtain the characteristics of unity, coherence, and completeness. Based on all effective tools and materials, a firm and beautiful house can be constructed. The same is true to English writing, a well-designed essay can be written on the base of all effective factors.






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