摘 要:文章立足于文本再构的理论基础和教学实践,针对现行小学英语PEP教材本身的局限性,采用行动研究法,探讨了基于现行小学英语PEP教材进行文本再构的策略。作者提出应在小学英语课堂上挖掘“原版”资源,让学生感受英语语言之美;创设相关情境学习文本,从而引领学生体验英语文化之美。
语言是活动和情境的产物,语言的学习与情境紧密相关。在教学过程中,要求所有的情景都是学生亲身经历是不可能的,通过教师运用图片、声音、文字和动画一体的多媒体教学,同样能为学生提供生动逼真的教学情境,易于调动和保持学生的学习兴趣。如PEP五年级下册Unit 1“ My day”Part B Read and write 原始文本进行再构,笔者创设情境在大海边捡到一个“漂流瓶”,里面装有一封来自于鲁滨逊的信件,通过播放鲁滨逊在荒岛上生存的动画视频帮助学生构建荒岛的画面,再构文本如下:
A new day has come to Robinson
My name is Robinson. I live on a desert island. I am so lonely and sad, but I have to be alive. I need to make things on my own. I always wake up early every day. I pick up berries for my breakfast. Then I grow wheat and corn on the island. Sometimes I build a cave with pebbles. In the afternoon, I usually go hunting in the forest. Sometimes I go fishing beside the sea. I like baking fish best. It tastes yummy! I can enjoy with my friend. He is a lovely parrot. His name is Bob. He often sings and dances for me. That makes me happy.
Read and think:
Q1: What is Robinson like?
Q2:Whats your hope for Robinson?
笔者深度挖掘原始文本进行了文本拓展,以“On the Mars”为背景,通过让学生观看《火星救援》电影视频片段创设情境,以主人公马克在火星上的一天是怎样度过的再构文本如下:
Marks one day on the Mars
Hi, I'm Mark. I am a cool spaceman from the USA. I landed on the Mars by spaceship. I always wake up early in the morning. I clean my face and teeth, then I only eat potatoes for breakfast. I often try to grow potatoes in the soil. I also try to make water. That sounds amazing,but I get it. I am good at making things.
In the afternoon,I usually go for a walk with my spacesuit(宇航服)on the Mars. Sometimes I climb a hill and enjoy the nice scene. In the evening,I always listen to my favorite songs and keep a diary of my day. Another day has gone,I am still alone. Bring me home!
筆者设计阅读任务Read and tick or cross:
(1)Mark is a spaceman from the UK.( )
(2)Mark landed on the Mars by subway. ( )
(3)Mark tries to grow potatoes on the Mars. ( )
(4)Mark wants to go home. ( )
[3]陈 琳,王 蔷,程晓堂.义务教育英语课程标准(实验稿)解读[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社,2002.