【关键词】词块 词块教学 高中英语
首先,在词块的识别和记忆中,可用词块知识导入文章,培养学生的词块意识。在牛津高中英语教材模块五第一单元Reading中,本课的导入就是让学生们讨论与话题friends相关的谚语,如:Friends are thieves of time; The best mirror is an old friend; If you can buy a persons friendship, it is not worth having; True friends have hearts that beat as one.这样的导入,耳目一新,刺激了学生对于话题的兴趣,并且输入了地道的语言用法,增强了学生的词块意识。此外,在问题设置中,也应侧重于设置引导学生发现词块的问题。在模块五第二单元reading中,目标词汇为:cut back on production 课文原句:it is our duty to try to cut back on production and reduce the number of things we make and buy. 问题:what is Lingshuiqings suggestion?再次,牛津教材的一个重要特征就是每个单元都有中心话题,因此,以单元主题为单位总结相关词块也是帮助学生积累的重要方式。
第二,在语块的运用和强化过程中,教师应让学生将目标语块进行模仿、运用、巩固,使其更加扎实地掌握其用法,以期达到准确应用的程度。概括语篇就是一种很好的活动形式。例如,在模块十第二单元中,笔者要求学生用前一节课总结出的相关词块完成课文概括(划横线的是要求学生填写的词块)。例如:For decades, Florida has been attracting older people. It is home to the largest population of people aged 65 and older. This group makes up over 17percent of the states population. People give a variety of reasons for their move. They dont like snow, because snow can turn into ice, which is easy to slip on. Older people prefer staying comfortable, and thats why they are moving somewhere warmer. As the number of older Americans moving Florida increases, more changes are made to cater to them. Most young adults are electing to live in cities. Some are looking for a good job, while some others seek exciting and fun things to do.
在词块产出性练习中,paraphrase也是一个很有效的办法,这一做法对于提高学生的词汇表达也有积极的意义。例如,针对模块六第二单元重点词块 in high spirits,笔者设计了如下练习。(划横线处为学生填写内容)
Everyone who saw her all said she stayed cheerful.
Everyone who saw her all said she was in high spirits .
重点词块 be aware of
练习:A coach changed the way the equipment was set up, but Sang Lan didnt know the change until it was too late.
A coach changed the way the equipment was set up, but Sang Lan was not aware of the change until it was too late.
在词块复习中,让学生尝试根据所给图片使用所给词块描述图片也有利于形成语言的深入内化和自动输出。如笔者在对模块九重点词块compete with, are content with, be worthy of进行复习时,给了学生如下图片:
学生经过思考,写下了以下一段话:Polly competes with his competitors in the race, unfortunately, he fails. He is not content with his performance so he feels so sad. His best friend Lily comforts him with great care, who is really worth of his trust.