

农业工程学报 2017年10期

邓 英,李嘉楠,刘河生,庞辉庆,田 德

(华北电力大学可再生能源学院,北京 102206)


邓 英,李嘉楠,刘河生,庞辉庆,田 德

(华北电力大学可再生能源学院,北京 102206)

为了研究风电机组尾流对下游风电机组载荷的影响,假设了几个重要尾流参数:上下游风电机组间距、上游风电机组推力系数、湍流强度等。采用Bladed软件和Matlab幅频程序,分别对1.5与3.0 MW双馈式风电机组进行各参数与载荷响应的关系计算。结果表明:风轮处风速会随着推力系数的增大非线性减小;风电机组处于尾流影响范围内时,在风速和推力系数相同的条件下,通常湍流强度受尾流影响后减小使载荷增大,但当推力系数对载荷的影响起主导作用时,虽然湍流强度受尾流影响后减小但载荷会增大;当风速大于额定风速时,应采用变桨控制减小推力系数,以减小风电机组的疲劳损伤。


邓 英,李嘉楠,刘河生,庞辉庆,田 德. 风电机组尾流与疲劳载荷关系分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(10):239-244. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.10.031

Deng Ying, Li Jianan, Liu Hesheng, Pang Huiqing, Tian De. Analysis on relationship between wake and fatigue load of wind turbines[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(10): 239-244.(in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.10.031

0 引 言


许多科学家对尾流效应等进行了研究,Alfredsson等[5]最早通过风洞试验研究尾流效应,揭示尾流对风力机出力的影响。Hand等通过显示试验对风力机叶片近远场尾流结构做出详细分析[6-7]。风场测试中,最著名的单台风力机实测是Tjaereborg、Nibe和Sexbieram测试[8-9];著名的集群实测是Horns Rev,Nysted,Middle Grunden,Vindeby,EWTW等测试[10-11]。他们建立了一些考虑尾流效应的模型,并且与实际试验风场的实测数据相匹配[12]。但是,当时的试验风场的塔架高度较低,风电机组容量、扫风面积、风电场规模较小,其尾流效应对机组的影响也比较简单。因此,现有研究普遍采用的方法都是用单一的“等效设计湍流强度”这个参量来代替所有的尾流效应[13]。这种传统方法随着风电机组的不断增高增大,风电场的规模剧增的形势下,已经越来越失去适用性。并且,随着风速差异、受力差异的扩大,风电机组不同受力部件之间产生的疲劳载荷的响应的差异性也突显出来[14]。因此,必须进一步地研究尾流效应对机组的影响。尾流模型是描述风力机尾流结构的数学模型,用于计算风力机尾流区域的速度分布和风电场中处在尾流区的风力机的功率输出[15]。现有的对风电机组尾流模拟的研究先后经过了不考虑湍流的一维线性尾流模型、二维轴对称涡旋粘性尾流模型和基于三维CFD的尾流模型[16]。

本文以Thomsen等[17]对尾流的研究为基础,分别建立1.5与3 MW风电机组模型,通过控制变量的方法,以上下游风电机组间距、上游风电机组推力系数、湍流强度的输入分别作为变量,在特定疲劳载荷工况下进行模拟计算,将对下游风电机组各部件载荷数据进行模拟分析,得到不同尾流参数对下游风电机组载荷的影响。

1 基本理论

1.1 基础尾流定理





另一种圆锥理想尾流假设为:自然风通过上游风电机组向下游传播的过程,可以理想为圆锥形,如图 1所示。上游风电机组安装在x=0处,r(x)=R+xk,其中k=tana为尾流下降系数。

图1 圆锥理想尾流假设Fig.1 Ideal conical wake hypothesis

1.2 风电机组的Jensen尾流模型



工程上用风资源分析软件进行风场设计,WAsP软件使用Jensen尾流模型[21]和Fuga尾流模型[22]。风电场微观选址软件Wind Farmer采用涡粘性尾流模型[23]。在这些尾流模型中,Jensen尾流模型因其形式简单、易于编码、计算效率高、应用方便且具有一定的精度,在风电工程领域得到了广泛的应用。Barthelmie等[24]将Jensen尾流模型和其他5个工程模型应用于海上风电场的发电量评估中,并将结果与现场试验数据进行对比分析。此外,Barthelmie等[25]经过一系列的数值试验指出,工程模型的计算结果与较为先进的CFD方法的结果相差不大。这些研究表明虽然Jensen模型为形式简单的解析模型,但它能够较好地预测风力机的尾流流场分布特征.特别是能够较好地评估风电场的发电量。


图2 Jensen模型Fig.2 Jensen model


式中r为空气密度,一般取1.225 g/L;kw为一个常数;Rw表示尾流半径,m。令k为尾流下降系数,则有k=kw(s0+sG)/Va,根据贝茨理论[27]对轴向推力进行计算可求得自然风速、通过风速和推力系数之间的关系。



图3 自然风速和推力系数与通过风速之间的关系曲线Fig.3 Curve of transit-wind speed related to different nature-wind speeds and thrust coefficients

图3a中的从上到下分别对应自然风速为12、10和8 m/s时,VT关于CT的变化规律曲线。由图3a可知,在自然风速一定的情况下,随着推力系数的增大,风轮处风速会非线性减小,如果推力系数CT能足够大,那么经过风轮的风速VT将会趋于 0。不过实际的机组运行中,并不会出现推力系数大于等于1的现象。

由方程式(11)还能得到另一结论:在推力系数CT一定的情况下,VT将随V0线性变化,规律如图3b所示。图3b中的3条曲线由上至下分别对应推力系数CT=0.2、0.4、0.6时,经过风轮的风速VT随自然风速V0变化过程线,从图 3b中都能看出,VT随V0线性增大,随着推力系数CT的增大,风轮处的风速VT将逐渐减小,结论与图3a所得完全一致.Jensen尾流模型认为来流风速通过风电机组后,在向下游传播的过程中,尾流的膨胀与速度的损失与尾流的传输距离成线性关系。


如果尾流下降系数k取0.08,自然风速V0为8 m/s,推力系数CT等于0.2,那么尾流风速Vx随距离x的变化规律将如图4a所示。从图4a可知,尾流的风速Vx随距离x的增加而增加,但增加的趋势较平缓。而对于不同的风轮半径R,其值越大,曲线越接近线性变化,也越平缓。

图4 尾流风速与距离和m的关系曲线Fig.4 Curves of wake speed related to distance andm



2 风电机组尾流对下游风电机组载荷影响的仿真分析

2.1 湍流强度、推力系数与动态载荷的关系


图5 不同因素对叶根载荷的影响Fig.5 Effects of different factors on blade root loads

湍流强度是描述大气湍流运动特性的重要的特征量,是湍流总体水平的度量,主要用来描述风速随时间变化的程度[29]。风力发电机组承受气动载荷的主要部位是叶片和塔筒,叶片与塔筒所受风载都以弯矩和推力的形式直接作用于风电机组上[30]。图 5中的差值为未受尾流影响时的数值与加入尾流影响后的数值之差。图5a为推力系数为0.4、风速为7 m/s时,7D间距的叶根载荷差值与湍流强度差值的响应曲线,图中湍流强度的变化对载荷影响明显,图5b显示5D间距的湍流强度和载荷变化量的变化趋势与图5a相同,并且相比7D间距的载荷偏大。图5c所示的推力系数为0.2、0.5时,5D间距下的叶根载荷差值变化曲线表明,推力系数为0.5的载荷比推力系数为0.2的载荷变化大,经统计计算增量大9.3%,说明推力系数影响载荷,推力系数越大载荷越大。


为了进一步研究上游风力机推力系数、机组间距、风速(为标准湍流风)的尾流影响,假设实际风电场小范围风电机组布机的种类一般是同种风力机,同时假设上游风电机组风能利用率较高,叶尖速比可设为8;采用Bladed风电机组建模仿真软件,分别按照 FL1500/70和FL3000/90双馈式兆瓦风电机组的参数,进行风场环境条件、风湍流模型、风电机组参数的设定。

2.2 不同推力系数对下游风电机组主频载荷幅值的影响

对上游风电机组推力系数进行假设。假设推力系数为0时,上游3.0 MW风电机组处于停机状态,对下游风电机组无尾流影响。推力系数取值分别为0、0.4、0.55、0.7、0.85,得到叶根摆振弯矩Mx和叶根扭转弯矩MZ主频(主频为0.3 Hz附近)幅值关于推力系数的变化,如图6所示。

图6 叶根摆振弯矩与叶根扭转弯矩主频幅值随推力系数变化Fig.6 Dominant frequency amplitude of edgewise bending moment of root and pitching moment of root relate to thrust coefficient

随着推力系数的增加,Mx、Mz的趋势均为下降。主要原因是来流风速下降从而影响Mz,驱动转矩下降使Mx下降,Mx为风电机组提供转矩,直接影响风电机组的发电量。但在推力系数为 0.7之后,Mz有明显增大,可见水平方向有较大风速,而Mx并未明显增大,可判断此时为湍流强度增大造成Mz增大。因此,在上游机组推力系数大于0.7后,尾流效应明显,下游机组的疲劳损伤会增加。

2.3 尾流对下游风电机组载荷的影响

假设1.5 MW双馈式风电机组间距为5、6、7倍风轮直径,为了得到下游风电机组的叶片根部等效疲劳载荷的响应,本案例进行了1.1工况下风电机组疲劳载荷的仿真计算,假设推力系数为0.4,得到5D、6D、7D尾流间距的载荷曲线如图7所示。


当上游机组的间距为5D时,通过变桨控制使上游机组推力系数分别为 0.5、0.6、0.8,得到下游风电机组的叶根摆振弯矩Mx的等效疲劳载荷与风速的关系曲线,如图8所示。

图7 不同机组间距下叶根挥舞弯矩与应力-寿命曲线反斜率的关系曲线Fig.7 Curves of flapwise bending moment of root related to Stress-Life curve inverse slop under different distances between wind turbines

图8 机组间距为5D时不同风轮推力系数下的叶根摆振弯矩与自然风速的关系曲线Fig.8 Curves of edgewise bending moment of root related to nature wind speed under different thrust coefficients when distance between wind turbines equals 5D

图8表明,随自然风速增大Mx载荷下降;随着推力系数减小,叶根摆振弯矩Mx的变小,推力系数为0.5时,疲劳载荷最小。因为独立变桨距控制可有效减小由于风速沿高度分布不均匀造成的气动轴向力的周期性变化,减轻桨叶的气动疲劳载荷[32],所以在风速大于额定风速12 m/s以后,Mx减小幅度增大主要是因为变桨控制让推力系数变小,使下游风电机组的风湍流强度增加,波动载荷降低。


3 结论与讨论






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Analysis on relationship between wake and fatigue load of wind turbines

Deng Ying, Li Jianan, Liu Hesheng, Pang Huiqing, Tian De
(Renewable Energy Institute, North China Electric Power University, Beijing102206,China)

With the continuous development of wind power industry, the power record of single wind turbine is constantly expanded, and the scale of wind power generation is becoming larger and larger. For large wind turbines, the wake effect cannot be ignored. It has an important influence on the fatigue load of the wind turbine, and also has a significant impact on the output power characteristics of the wind turbine. In order to study the influence of wind turbine wake on the load of the downstream wind turbine, several important wake parameters such as upstream and downstream wind turbine spacing, upstream wind turbine thrust coefficient and nature wind speed are assumed according to the theoretical results of some researchers. The physical quantity of wake region can be obtained according to the momentum theory. The relation between the natural wind speed, the wind speed and the thrust coefficient can be obtained by calculating the axial thrust based on the Bates’ theory. The wind speed increases linearly with the natural wind speed, but with the increase of the thrust coefficient, the wind speed of the wind rotor will gradually decrease.When the natural wind speed is fixed, with the increase of thrust coefficient, the wind speed of the wind turbine will be reduced, and if the thrust coefficient can be large enough, then the wind speed of the wind rotor will tend to 0. However,there will be no thrust coefficient greater than or equal to 1 in the actual operation of the wind turbine. Use GH Bladed software to build a model of FL1500/70 1.5 and 3.0 MW doubly-fed wind turbine, and calculate the load response of the wake model to the downstream wind turbine. The conclusions are obtained by analyzing the calculation results which are as follows: 1) When the natural wind speed is constant, the wind speed at the wind rotor will decrease nonlinearly with the increase of thrust coefficient. The wake wind speed increases with the distance between 2 wind turbines, but the trend is gradually stabilized. But for different wind rotor radius, the larger the value, the closer to linear variation the relationship curve of wake wind speed and distance. 2) When the wind turbine is in the influence range of the wake,under the same wind speed and thrust coefficient, the farther the distance, the less the load will be affected by wake. In the case of larger absolute value of turbulence intensity difference, the load difference increases with the decrease of turbulence intensity difference, which is due to that the decrease of turbulence intensity under the wake effects makes the load increase; sometimes the load difference decreases with the increase of the difference of turbulence intensity, which means under the wake effect the turbulence increases and at the same time the load is reduced. The reason is when the turbulence increases, the load increases, but at the same time the wind speed affected by the wake effect becomes smaller,so the thrust coefficient decreases, followed by the decrease of the load. Comparing the turbulence intensity with the thrust coefficient, the reduction of thrust coefficient has a more influence on the load. 3) When the thrust coefficient of the upstream wind turbine increases, the load will increase; when the wind speed is greater than the rated wind speed, the thrust coefficient should be reduced by adopting the pitch control so as to reduce the fatigue damage of the wind turbine.4) Based on the wind turbine modeling and numerical simulation calculation with Bladed software, the influence of upstream wind turbine wake on the fatigue loading of the wind turbine is discussed. The accuracy of this calculation which is used to determine the load response characteristics of wind turbines is limited, but it is very difficult to carry out on-site verification of the fatigue load data of wind turbine. Therefore, the data provided by the chart in this paper are for reference only.

wind turbines; computer simulation; models; distance; thrust coefficient; wind speed; wake; fatigue load








邓 英,女,湖南,教授,主要从事风力发电的技术研究。北京华北电力大学可再生能源学院,102206。


不同串列布置间距下2 MW风力机尾流的研究