Unit 8教学设计


卫星电视与宽带多媒体 2017年24期

吉林省白山市靖宇县靖宇三中 丁运红


新目标英语八年级上第八单元“How do you make a banana milk shake?”




(2)学会在谈论食物制作过程中使用How much…? How many…?








六、重点词汇:milk shake, fruit/vegetable salad ,popcorn, turkey/chicken sandwiches ,

Beijing duck,a cup of ,chopsticks,teaspoons of , pancake, slices of bread, cut up , peel, pour…into, put…in, mix up , boil , add…to , roll , turn on ,first, next ,then ,finally


Task 1:Get ingredients ready for a party steps Teachers’ Activities Students’ Activities whys Step1 Do warming-up activity.Play a video the children in the orphanage.Let the students say sth.after watching it.Sing the song” Jingle Bells” together.Watch the video and have a short talk about what you think of it and what we can do for them.E n l i v e n t h e atmosphere.Lead into the scene.Reflect the happiness we have and take care of it .Step2 Give some advice to the students ,advise them to have a Chrismas party for the children.First prepare some food or other gifts.Give some new words about ingredients.Group work.Divide the students to 10 groups.Ask and answer in groups:What present shall we prepare?Why?What ingredients/tools do we need?Learn some countable or uncountable nouns.Express your own opinion to make the others of the group agree with you. Foster students’ability in using language.Think it over before you begin to do something.Learn from the know to the unknown.Step3 Walk around and find the problem when the students are discussing the amount Act out their dialogue of discussion. Using how many and how much .Practice the target language“how many /how much”. During the discussing of ingredients and amount , the students will decide the amount of ingredients according to the amount of people.

Task 2 Teach the children in the orphanage to make something Steps Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Whys Step 1 Present some pictures of the food or the other things what the students prepare.Ask :Can you teach them how to make it?Give some useful verbs .Move around and offer language help if necessary.Work in groups:Discuss how to make the food.Learn to use different verbs to describle the procedures.Arouse students’learning enthusiasm.G i v e s t u d e n t s a chance of learning by doing.Step 2 Ask students to write the procedure down.Using first,next ,then,finally Practice writing.A t f i r s t w r i t e b y yourself.Then change and check your little composition with the others in the group.Make sure whose is the best.P r o v i d e w r i t i n g practice using the target language.Learn to help study each other.Foster students’ability in cooperation.Pave the way for further speaking.Step 3 Invite some groups to report.Ask the other groups a few questions about the report.Group leaders give reports to the whole class one by one.The others listen to the reports and answer the questions.Provide speaking and listening practice .L e a r n f r o m e a c h other.Task 3 Get the party started Steps Teacher’ s Activities Students’ Activities Whys Step1 It’s time to get our party started.Enjoy the song “You ‘d better get the party started ”from Pink.Prepare for the party.Stand up and cheer.E n l i v e n t h e atmosphere.C a l l s t u d e n t s’enthusiasm of learning English.Step2 Please show the children your talents actively.Encourge all of the students to come before the class.Don’t be shy or nervous.Have a competition between boys and girls .Which team is more active or talented?Advocate study through practice , participation,c o o p e r a t i o n a n d communication.Step3 Assignment Make a kind of food that you learnt today for your parents at home and tell your parents what the westerns like to eat and how to make them.C o n s o l i d a t e a n d know more about western countries.Emotion education :L o v e t h e p e o p l e around us.

