

中华胰腺病杂志 2017年2期

胡蓉蕾 邓露露 蒋慧 郑建明



胡蓉蕾 邓露露 蒋慧 郑建明

目的 探讨胰腺实性假乳头状肿瘤(SPN)的临床病理特征及淋巴细胞增强因子1(LEF-1)表达在其诊断中的应用价值。方法 收集并分析长海医院2000年1月至2015年12月间病理确诊为SPN的227例患者的临床病理资料,采用免疫组织化学方法检测132例SPN中LEF-1的表达,并与诊断SPN最常用的标志物β-catenin等的表达进行比较。结果 81.9%(186/227)的SPN发生于女性,发病平均年龄34岁;肿瘤平均直径为5.4 cm;48.5% SPN位于胰体尾部,33.0%位于胰头部;46.3%的肿瘤呈囊实性,42.3%呈实性,11.4%呈囊性。镜下观察有2例(0.9%)出现淋巴结转移,15例(6.6%)有脉管癌栓,14例(6.2%)有神经侵犯,13例(5.7%)侵犯邻近脏器。免疫组织化学结果显示,132例SPN中130例LEF-1呈核强阳性表达,阳性率为98.5%,而周围正常胰腺组织及胰腺其他肿瘤均未见LEF-1表达,特异性为100%。SPN的β-catenin阳性率为96.6%(144/149),但有1例腺泡细胞癌呈阳性表达,特异性降低。165例术后平均随访51个月,截止至2016年10月31日,162例(98.2%)存活,5例出现肝脏转移,1例复发。结论 SPN好发于年轻女性,临床表现无特异性。LEF-1可作为SPN诊断和鉴别诊断的特异性标志物之一,且较β-catenin更为准确。

胰腺肿瘤; 疾病特征; 免疫组织化学; LEF-1

Fund program:Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning,Key Denveloping Disciplines(2015ZB0202)

胰腺实性假乳头状肿瘤(solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas,SPN)是一种罕见的具有低度恶性潜能的胰腺肿瘤[1],好发于年轻女性,常因腹部不适或体检发现肿块而就诊,肿瘤完全切除后预后较好。因其临床表现无特异性,影像学检查常与其他胰腺肿瘤有重叠[2],所以SPN的术前诊断较困难。SPN组织学形态表现以实性或乳头状结构为主,其肿瘤标志物目前以β-catenin研究较多,阳性率较高。淋巴细胞增强因子1(lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1,LEF-1)是Wnt信号通路上与β-catenin在胞核内结合的因子,该因子目前主要用于淋巴瘤的研究。本研究在分析SPN临床病理特征的基础上,检测LEF-1在SPN中的表达,并与其他肿瘤标志物进行比较,探讨LEF-1诊断SPN的临床应用价值。



收集第二军医大学长海医院病理科2000年1月至2015年12月间确诊为SPN的患者227例,所有切片均由有经验的病理医师根据2010版WHO SPN诊断标准重新复核。同时收集胰腺导管腺癌、神经内分泌肿瘤、导管内乳头状黏液性肿瘤各20例,腺泡细胞癌11例,胰母细胞瘤1例作为对照。


取石蜡包埋组织,4 μm厚连续切片,常规行HE和免疫组织化学(SP法)染色。β-catenin(克隆号CAT-5H10)及LEF-1抗体(克隆号2029Y)均购自福州迈新生物技术开发有限公司;Vimentin(克隆号V9)、CAM5.2(克隆号CAM5.2)及Syn抗体(克隆号SP11)均购自上海杰浩生物技术有限公司;NSE(克隆号E27)及CgA抗体(克隆号LK2H101+PHE5)均购自上海长岛抗体诊断试剂有限公司;Ki-67抗体(克隆号MM1)购自LEICA公司。LEF-1抗体工作浓度1∶50,其余抗体均为1∶100。免疫组织化学试剂盒购自上海杰浩生物技术有限公司,按说明书操作。用已知的阳性对照切片作为阳性对照,用PBS代替一抗作为阴性对照。


结 果


227例SPN中男性41例,女性186例,男女比例1∶4.5,年龄9~82岁,平均34岁。大体上,肿瘤体积一般较大,呈圆形、卵圆形,包膜较完整,肿瘤与周围组织界限较清楚,质地稍软。肿瘤直径0.5~20.0 cm,平均5.4 cm;75例(33.0%)肿块位于胰头,30例(13.2%)位于胰颈,110例(48.5%)位于胰体尾,9例未明确部位,另有3例位于后腹膜。囊实性肿瘤105例(46.3%),完全实性96例(42.3%),完全囊性21例(11.4%),5例未明确(图1)。部分囊性变肿瘤切面可见大片出血坏死。

图1 囊实性SPN(1A)及实性SPN(1B)的大体标本

镜下见肿瘤组织呈实性片状或乳头状排列,肿瘤细胞呈圆形、卵圆形,胞质嗜酸性淡粉染或胞质透明;间质可见玻璃样变、淀粉样变;大部分肿瘤内可见大量出血坏死,部分肿瘤内可见泡沫细胞、含铁血黄素、钙化、胆固醇裂隙。106 例(46.7%)见到肿瘤组织浸润正常胰腺或肿瘤包膜,界限不清。2例见胰周淋巴结转移,15例见脉管内癌栓,14例见神经侵犯,13例累及邻近脏器,其中10例累及十二指肠,1例累及胃壁,1例累及脾脏,1例侵犯肾上腺(图2)。

图2 肿瘤组织呈乳头状排列(2A ×200);肿瘤侵犯神经(2B ×400)、十二指肠肌层(2C ×20)及淋巴结转移(2D ×100)





表1 各种肿瘤标志物在SPN中的表达情况

图3 SPN中β-catenin(3A)及LEF-1(3B)表达 (×400)

讨 论



胰腺SPN体积较大,最大直径可达20 cm,呈圆形、卵圆形,包膜较完整,与周围组织界限较清楚,质地较软。肿瘤以囊实性最多见,体积较大者倾向于囊实性或囊性,肿瘤组织位于囊壁边缘;体积较小者倾向于实性。这可能因体积大者中央区域血供不足,导致远离血管的肿瘤细胞缺血坏死所致。43.6%~61.0%的肿瘤位于胰腺体尾部,34%~39.8%位于胰头部[12-13]。SPN还可发生在胃、十二指肠、大网膜、结肠、肠系膜、腹膜后、肺、肝脏或卵巢等部位,但都很少见,且关于它们的起源目前尚未清楚[14-15]。镜下可见肿瘤组织突破纤维包膜,不规则地生长入邻近组织,如十二指肠、胃壁、脾等。Serrano等[16]认为,脉管侵犯、转移和包膜浸润与肿瘤的恶性行为有关。




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The clinicopathological features of solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas and the application of LEF-1 in its diagnosis




Objective To analyze the application of clinicopathological features and LEF-1 in the diagnosis of solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas (SPN). Methods Clinical and pathological data of 227 cases who were pathologically diagnosed as pancreatic SPN at Changhai Hospital from Jan 2000 to Dec 2015 were collected and analyzed. Immunochemical assay was used to detect the expression of LEF-1 in 132 cases of SPN, and the results were compared with β-catenin, which is most commonly used for diagnosing SPN. Results 81.9% of patients with SPN were female (186/227). Mean age at the onset was 34 years. Mean tumor size was 5.4 cm. 48.5% tumors were localized in the pancreatic tail, and 33% in the head. 46.3% tumors were cystic and solid, 42.3% were solid, and 11.4% were cystic. There were 2 cases of lymph node metastasis (0.9%), 15 cases of vascular tumor thrombus (6.6%), 14 cases of nerve invasion (6.2%), and 13 cases of adjacent organs invasion (5.7%) based on microscopic observations. Immunochemical analysis showed that 130 of 132 cases with SPN expressed LEF-1 with strong nuclear positivity, and the positivity rate was 98.5%. But no obvious expression of LEF-1 can be seen in normal pancreatic tissue and other pancreatic tumors. The specificity was 100%. The positivity of β-catenin expression in SPN was 96.6%(144/149), and β-catenin was positively expressed in only one case of acinar cell carcinoma.Tumors were completely removed by surgery in 165 cases, and the median follow-up was 51 months. By Oct 31, 2016, 162 patients (98.2%) survived, 5 had liver metastasis, and 1 had recurrence.Conclusions SPN is predominantly encountered in young female patients, and the clinical manifestations are not specific. LEF-1 can be used as a specific marker for the diagnosis and differentiation of SPN, which is more accurate than β-catenin.

Pancreatic neoplasms; Disease attributes; Immunohistochemistry; LEF-1


200433 上海,第二军医大学长海医院病理科




