

世界建筑 2017年11期




Over Our Heads or Under Our Feet








Roof is an architectural element that we are well aware of.Together with the walls, it completes the basic envelope of the built space. It certainly continues to perform the key role in providing shelter.

For a long time, there had been an assumption regarding the relation between the roof and the human body: it is over our heads.With that exclusive position, the roof enjoys a commanding pose and all associated feelings coming from us the human beings that may well be defined as admiration or even worship. Only through the triviality of penthouses and dormer windows have we tried to touch the myth of the roofs. Industrialisation however, changed everything. Through the new flat, accessible roofs, the roof gradually changed its position,from over our heads down to under our feet. Most of its monumental features are replaced by public activities. The roof is starting to pose itself as a new typology with serious public potentials, catching the attention of architects from all around the world. In this edition of World Architecture, we are going to have a tour of this new typology, under the guide of our guest editor, Professor and Architect Gustavo Ambrosini.

Regarding the roof changing from over our heads to under our feet, there is one thing we have to make clear: such a change is not only typological, it is also ideological. The view you take at the roof eventually ref l ects the view you take at the world.

In pre-industrial times, both in the East and the West, the roof had become a key carrier of symbolic meanings. Symbolic roofs was the dominating idea about the roof. It is quite understandable that at a time of low technological capabilities, with its physicality hanging high above, overlooking everyone below and manifesting the highest possible construction achievement, the roof had to be associated with a lot of symbolic meanings. From the outside, the profile and the texture of the roof forms the syntax of collective value expression. Be it the dome of the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, the spike of the British Parliament, or the axial sequence of the Zunhua Qing Tombs,the roof unmistakably presented the belief of the community by whom it was built. From the inside, decorations in the ceiling became the detailed, if not redundant, collection of symbols, entertaining architects, semiologists and symbolists alike. The tradition of symbolic roofs has extended far beyond the turn of the twentieth century. The beauty contest between the Empire State and the Chrysler in early Manhattan was just one of many similar stories. Even after the turn of the twenty-first century, symbolic roofs have launched yet another wave of offensive quite unexpectedly, this time mainly in capitals of emerging economies, accompanied by the vulgarity of Post-Modernism and the brutality of shameless commercialism. It is fair to say that whether you like it or not, symbolic roofs will be around for a while.

At the peak of industrialisation, with the rise of "naïve functionalism" stated by Aldo Rossi, the roof (usually flat and surrounded by tall parapets) became a dump yard for unwanted mechanics. This led to an appalling view to the roof: mechanics roofs. Not only practical guides to architects have listed all kinds of mechanical components to be put onto the roof, but also building codes and regulations forcing architects to let mechanics penetrating the roof by large quantities. This mechanical rationality soon enabled ugly roofs dominating the skies of modern cities. Ironically, the original idea that roofs could hide all those unwanted gadgets was based upon the invisibility of the top surface of the roofs. Yet it is exactly industrialisation that had made our cities taller and taller, exposing more and more of the roofs. Today, it is not difficult to meet one or two city administrators or engineers who are still in awe of mechanics roofs. Fortunately, their number is shrinking.

It is post-industrialisation that finally brought about the real revolution in roofs. The revolution may ref l ect some early pioneering experiments by those of Le Corbusier and Antonio Gaudi, but it is in the post-industrial cities that the idea materialised into true public life. The roof is no longer over our heads, but under our feet. Public accessibility to the roof is dramatically improved, making the roof practically a theatre of human activities. This is the idea of piazza roofs, the new typology that regards the roof as the third ground(after the urban ground and the sky walk) rather than the fifth façade,and takes the democratisation of urban space in the air as the only priority. Through the works of offices like Snøhetta, we witness a trend that is now spreading over major culture facilities around the world. They combine the use of form and the provision of public space,redefining the roof vocabulary with look-out decks, giant slopes, or floating gardens. Most of the products of this trend are highly visible urban entities. In contrast, there is also another trend taking at the less visible urban artefacts such as residential blocks, which too democratises roofs, albeit through fractal small scale interventions inspired by traditional villages. Comparing with the former one, the latter trend might be even more useful to contemporary Chinese cities,where it is the generic buildings, not the high profiles ones, that are crying out for quality improvements.

We have to give special thanks to our guest editor, Professor Gustavo Ambrosini. It is his exceptional research that makes this edition of World Architecture possible.□



