Sherlock Holmes Words Worth Investigating
The language in Sherlock Holmes is as intriguing as the stories.
T he Sherlock Holmes canon is fi lled with language worth exploring, either because of the rarity of the words or because of their unique context.
De fi nition
a close- fi tting hat with a visor at the front and the back and with ear fl aps that may be worn up or down
About the word
Surprisingly, Arthur Conan Doyle never mentions a deerstalker hat in his Sherlock Holmes stories, though he describes Holmes’s “sharp, eager face framed in his ear-flapped travelling cap” in Silver Blaze. It was the original illustrator, Sidney Paget, who added this detail to scenes of Holmes in the country (it would have been inappropriate to wear a deerstalker in town, where a top hat or homburg would have been more likely choices).The curved meerschaum pipe associated with Holmes was not in the Doyle stories, either: it was the choice of actor William Gillette and stuck with the character.
De fi nition
Merriam-Webster defines sociopath as a synonym of psychopath:
a mentally ill or unstable person; especially: a person affected with antisocial personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder is de fi ned as:
a personality disorder that is characterized by antisocial behavior exhibiting pervasive disregard for and violation of the rights, feelings, and safety of others starting in childhood or the early teenage years and continuing into adulthood
为回应他人将其归为“精神病患者”,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇所饰演的歇洛克自称具有“高智商反社会人格”。反社会者与精神病患者之间的差别非常细微,韦氏词典认为它们基本上是同义词。两个词都没有被列入标准心理学参考书——《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》,此书更倾向于使用 “反社会人格障碍”这一术语。一些心理学家认为,反社会者一般紧张不安,情绪反复无常,无纪律性,而精神病患者则一般小心翼翼,善于操纵他人,有魅力。反社会者还有一点儿良知,但精神病患者一点儿都没有。
About the word
Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock describes himself as a “high-functioning sociopath” in response to being characterized by others as a “psychopath.”The distinction between sociopath and psychopath is subtle; the dictionary regards them as virtually synonymous. Neither term is entered in the standard psychology reference, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders1简称DSM,诊断精神疾病的常用指导手册,书中对精神疾病进行定义和分类,并制定精确和具体的诊断标准。,where the preferred term is antisocial personality disorder. Some psychologists assert that sociopaths are nervous, volatile, and disorganized, while psychopaths are careful, manipulative, and charming. A sociopath has a bit of a conscience, but a psychopath has none at all.
De fi nition
Gooseberry can mean a kind of berry, but it also has a very speci fi c de fi nition found only in the Oxford English Dictionary and Webster’s Unabridged from 1934:
A chaperon, esp. one who is indulgently unobservant; as, to play gooseberry; a super fl uous third person
监护人,尤指特别不善于观察、不识趣的人,用法如to play gooseberry(当电灯泡);多余的第三者。
About the word
In The Hound of the Baskervilles, a romantic meeting between Sir Henry Baskerville and Miss Stapleton takes place despite Holmes’s strict orders that Sir Henry never leave Watson’s sight because of the curse of the “ fi end dog.” Sir Henry insists he must go alone, saying to Watson, in dialogue that was invented for the TV version (with Jeremy Brett as Holmes and Edward Hardwicke as Watson): “You’d make a very civil gooseberry, but no—I’m afraid I have to go alone.” Since the scene is recounted in a letter from Watson to Holmes in the original story,this word choice represents a charming piece of faux2模仿的。Victorian English.
De fi nition
a person of a weak or sickly constitution; especially : one whose chief concern is his or her ill health
About the word
The strange character of Thaddeus Sholto in The Sign of Four is presented as a fi dgety and nervous person. Conan Doyle’s description (in Watson’s voice) shows how varied and interesting his vocabulary was (befrogged here means“adorned with a front fastening of braid in an ornamental looped design”and closeness means “hot and stuffy conditions”):
Our new acquaintance very deliberately coiled up the tube of his hookah, and produced from behind a curtain a very long, befrogged topcoat with astrakhan collar and cuffs. This he buttoned tightly up, in spite of the extreme closeness of the night, and fi nished his attire by putting on a rabbitskin cap with hanging lappets which covered the ears, so that no part of him was visible save his mobile and peaky face. “My health is somewhat fragile,”he remarked, as he led the way down the passage. “I am compelled to be a valetudinarian.”
Valetudinariancomes from the Latin word for “sickly” or “in fi rm.”
Queer Street
De fi nition
an embarrassing situation or condition;especially: a condition marked by fi nancial dif fi culties
About the word
Queer Streetis used twice in the Holmes stories. Here, by Inspector Lestrade, upbraiding an inattentive constable:
It’s lucky for you, my man, that nothing is missing, or you would find yourself in Queer Street.3出自福尔摩斯探案故事《第二块血迹》。
And here it is used by Watson describing a hotheaded and financially unwise racehorse owner:
Well, he has the name of being a dangerous man. He is about the most daredevil rider in England—second in the Grand National a few years back. He is one of those men who have overshot their true generation. He should have been a buck in the days of the Regency—a boxer, an athlete, a plunger on the turf, a lover of fair ladies, and, by all account, so far down Queer Street that he may never fi nd his way back again.4出自福尔摩斯探案故事《肖斯科姆老宅》。
Tri fl e
De fi nition
Something of little value, substance, or importance
About the word
Holmes does use the wordclue, as we might expect, but he often usestri fl eto describe the kind of small detail, usually missed by others, that leads him to the solution of a case. He says to Watson:“You know my method. It is founded upon the observation of tri fl es,”5出自福尔摩斯探案故事《博斯库姆溪谷谜案》。and: “It is, of course, a tri fl e, but there is nothing so important as tri fl es.”6出自福尔摩斯探案故事《翻唇男子》。
The idiomatriflemeaning “to some small degree” or “slightly” is also used in the stories: “a trifle rusty”; “a trifle before your time”; “a tri fl e too obvious.”7依次出自福尔摩斯探案故事《驼背男子》《证券行办事员》《诺伍德的建筑商》。
Triflealso can mean “a dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake often soaked with wine or spirits (as brandy or rum) and topped with layers of preserves, custard, and cream.”Holmes appears not to have been very interested in complicated desserts.
习语a trifle是指“有点儿”或“稍微”,故事当中也出现过:“有点儿生锈”“到得稍微早了一点儿”“一目了然得有点儿过了头”。