

英语世界 2017年1期

文/叶子南 译/蔡力坚


What Lies Ahead?—Some thoughts on the 2016 U.S. presidential election1

文/叶子南 译/蔡力坚


W e observe today not a victory of either party, but a celebration of the success of one man—which probably doesn’t symbolize an end to anything, but rather a beginning of the unknown.22作者写这句话的时候也许想到了肯尼迪就职演说的开头语:We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end as well as a beginning—signifying renewal as well as change. 句式有些相像,于是译文也套用了相应的结构。Whether you are a Trump supporter or a Hillary fan, go to a liquor store, buy a bottle of whiskey and drink it to the lees, either to unleash your joy, or to soothe your broken heart.


[2] For over a year this business mogul has defied gravity3has defied gravity在这里表示“逆流而上”,行文安排的顺序有调整。. Nothing could spell doom for his campaign, not devastating scandals, nor his politically incorrect fiery talk. And indeed, nothing could stop him, not the political establishment, or big media, orbig money, or sagging poll numbers.4在中文里重复使用“不在他那边”,形成排比句式,不但不会给人以累赘的感觉,反而更加整齐有力,但在英语里似乎不宜如此重复,于是对整体结构作了调整。Against seemingly overwhelming odds, he pulled off a stunning upset5upset作为名词使用时最常见的含义是a state of being disappointed(失意),但也经常用来表示an unexpected result or situation,用在此处是表示 surprise win。over a seasoned political high fl yer and dashed the dream many had entertained that a woman would for the first time in history be at the helm of the country. While you might be tempted to attribute his unstoppable surge to gender discrimination, alleged outside interference, voter fatigue6fatigue的基本含义是(因对某事接触过多而变得)兴趣索然(a lessening in one’s response to or enthusiasm for something, typically as a result of overexposure to it)。参观博物馆多了,会产生museum fatigue;悲剧见多了,会产生tragedy fatigue;到处呼吁捐款,会产生donor fatigue,如此等等。, or a lethal blow to his opponent dealt by the FBI Director, the Trump phenomenon cannot be satisfactorily explained by these technicalities alone.


[3] What exactly gave rise to the Trump phenomenon? The answer could be found in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, among other places7原文里虽然没有用“例如”“等等”这样的词语,但实际上很明显,作者并不是说只有这几处,而是例举了几个地点。在英语里加上among other places是为了整句话更有逻辑性,更加符合原文的本意。, where the march of globalization in a digital age8许多译者在翻译“电子化”时很可能会死抠字面,将其译成digitization或informatization。这两种译法都有问题:digitization是指把其他形式或格式(如纸质或模拟格式)的文档转化为电子格式;informatization是一个几乎没人用的冷僻术语。翻译时我们也没有必要按照中文的形式保留两个“化”的对应结构。has inexorably eroded the middle-classexistence9不少人一见到“小康”可能就会想到邓小平提出“小康”概念以及官方的标准译法。“小康”的本意是可以广义适用的,用来指他国民众时其本意也不会有变,但需要指出的是那种“标准译法”可不能随便乱用。如果用在此处,那就格格不入。此处的“小康”,指的就是“中产阶级生活”,故译成middle-class existence。that thousands upon thousands of people in traditional industries used to enjoy. For too long they’ve been on the losing side10“在风雨飘摇中艰难度日”一语里的形象在英语里复制有困难,所以采用意译方式译成they’ve been on the losing side。and waiting for a change, which never comes. This prompted these people to take up a most powerful weapon made available by democratic institutions: votes. Isn’t true that America’s political landscape is dominated by business interests and big money? At least this year’s presidential election has proved otherwise. Most Trump supporters are at the lower end of the wealth and power spectrum. But these little guys identified with Trump’s proclaimed agenda, and, together with other voters also dissatis fi ed with the status quo, overcame seemingly unsurmountable hurdles11“硬是”的内在含义是这一行动极其艰难,所以用overcame seemingly unsurmountable hurdles来表示。and succeeded in sending this least “presidential”businessman cum reality TV host12原文里先提到“商人”,后提到“电视节目主持人”,所指的是同一人,在译文里为了表达上的方便合并处理:businessman cum reality TV host。cum经常用来将两件事物连在一起,例如a study-cum-bedroom(兼作书房的卧房)、 a cook-cum-dishwasher(兼作洗碗工的厨师),等等。to the White House.


[4] What does this bode for the future?13“那么未来呢?”根据上下文意思是(以上情况)对未来意味着什么?所以可译成What does this bode for the future? bode的意思是to be a sign of (a future event or situation),经常说bode well/ill,但bode也可以跟名词,如:What has happened bodes disaster for all involved.(所发生的情况对所有相关的人都是灾难。)Can a Trump presidency open a new chapter for America or will he slump into inertia as well after stepping into the White House, constrained by the institutional straightjacket14“魔咒”按字面译应该是spell,但似乎在这个语境里译成straitjacket更合适一些。, as did most of his predecessors? There’s no way we could tell now. A solution to the systemic ills that beset the current state of affairs cannot be found in palliative remedies. Any amount of effort at a micro level won’t be suf fi cient to tackle the Trump phenomenon. To fi x what’s been screwed up15“走出困局”可以有很多种译法,从字面翻译可以是to get out of the predicament、to overcome the dif fi culties等,但考虑到根据上下文,此处的“走出困局”主要是指解决前面提及的问题,我们或许可以说to fi x a broken system或to fi x what has been screwed up。requires vision and courage, plus endorsement of your agenda by an overwhelming majority of the people. With support of merely about 50 percent of voters, Trump didn’t really earn a mandate for drastic reforms. In a sense, a leader who is able to turn the tide has yet to emerge. If those in the blue states on both coasts who have bene fi ted from the technology revolution and globalization16“精英”通常的对应词是elites,笔者避免使用该词主要也是从语境角度考虑,作者在“社会与技术精英们”前面加了修饰词“过得不错的”,表明所指的人群范围较大,而不局限于elite的概念所包含的极少数人(a select part of a group that is superior to the rest)。want to stay on the path to greater prosperity -continue to send their kids to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, UC Berkeley or the like, enjoy fine dining at Alexander’s Steakhouse, drive luxury cars likeTesla, and stay in high-end hotels when travelling, the predicament blue-collar workers in places like Ohio have been dragged into would have to be relieved. A right prescription has so far seemed elusive17“解决之道”当然可以用solution,那么,“我们目前没有解决之道”可以译成A solution has yet to be found. 笔者在参考译文里的译法是另一种处理方式。. Will this stunning election result prove to be a promising fresh start or a political 9/11 that represents a relentless push to accelerate a protracted decline of this “relatively benign”empire?


[5] We now see a ship that embodies the pinnacle of 20th century American glory making an abrupt about-face at a critical historic juncture, leaving behind long cherished liberal values and dreams envied by many, yet presenting no roadmap for the journey ahead to its passengers. The ship is about to depart the harbor, but where is it heading?



Trouble I’m In