

世界建筑 2017年1期


尚晋 译



尚晋 译

1 起点




2 全球/本土





1 夯土细部/Detail of rammed earth


3 审美






1 How it started

ZHANG Li (LZ):You have make rammed earth what it is in contemporary architecture, almost single-handedly. I guess this is not the first time that you have been asked about how this whole rammedearth thing started.When and where did you make up your mind that you will spend the rest of your life doing rammed-earth buildings? What were the qualities of rammed-earth that moved you onto such a path?

Martin Rauch (MR):I grew up in a small village in Vorarlberg. My father was a teacher and artist. My parents owned a small farm together. Already as a child I was fascinated by earthen materials. I loved playing outside, my toys were nature and my hands. In those days, nearly all villages still had their own loam pits, from which the whole community used to draw their loam for building and daily needs. Potential uses were very broad: from encasing springs, sealing, in the construction of ovens, up to the application in home medicine for warm compresses. This personal involvement with the material and the handicraft production of things prompted me to do an apprenticeship in furnacebuilding and later to take up studies in ceramic arts at the academy of arts in Vienna. During my studies I also started building my own, wood-fired potterykilns, and realized how much energy was needed to produce ceramics. This was the start for me to ask myself, when and where it was useful and needed to fire and heat material and when it was more logical to have the raw material show its advantages? As a result, I produced the first rammed earth pictures and sculptures which gradually evolved into accessible and heatable rooms and buildings. At the beginning however it clearly was an artistic and not an architectural approach.

Some of my siblings are active in international development work. In this context my attention caught on to global earthen architecture. Of course there are not only simple loam huts, but palaces, bazaars, places of worship and entire cities built of earth. I was also especially fascinated by the fact that earthen buildings could be built several stories high. My attention was particularly drawn towards rammed earth construction which clearly has two advantages in comparison with other earthen building techniques: you can very well build loadbearing constructions and they can be exposed to weather conditions without external cladding. This is where the full circle closes. A rammed earth building should be recognized as such from the outside. I wanted the material to speak for itself in the purest way possible. This is where a very important connection to modern architecture comes in. There is a profound structural truth and great beauty in rammed earth constructions.

2 Global/Local

LZ:Rammed-earth is believed to be inherently local by the use of local soil.Yet you are recently working on a more industrialized method of making rammed-earth,even prefabs. Most people would consider hand-craft as local,and industrial means global. Is there a danger that industrialized fabrication will hurt the name of rammed-earth as a local,vernacular material?

MR:At first this contradiction doesn't really exist. In prefabrication one can build very locally. At the Ricola Kräuterzentrum for example, the production facility was just 3 km away from the building site -the raw materials all came from sites within a 10 km radius of the finished building. At the moment we are producing directly at the building site of the new administrative head offices of the German organic-food producer Alnatura. The prefabricated blocks thus have only few meters from production site to their mounting place and final position. Our prefabrication plant is largely mobile. In the case of larger building projects it is also more economical and ecological to bring the facility to the building site, rather than transporting the pre-fab elements over long distances.

Prefabrication supplements on-site production. Prefabrication benefits consist in production being independent from weather conditions and in reducing construction time at the site. It is well-known that buildings schedules nowadays are becoming increasingly tight. Prefabrication of course, also allows a more intensive use of machinery resulting in increased efficiency. But on the other hand it also possible to cut down on machinery almost completely. At the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture in Saudi Arabia, at times up to 150 workers were employed for the filling of material, formwork, ramming and positioning of the prefab elements.

Through the prefabrication process, the application fields of rammed earth have widened considerably. That does not only concern building schedules that can be better planned, as mentioned above, and the costs, but also technical feasibility. Many of my projects would not have been possible without prefabrication.

It depends on us and not on the prefabrication model whether we excavate and use loam and earthen material locally or send it around the globe as we do with many other products. It definitely depends on us whether we value and appreciate human labor again.

3 Aesthetics

LZ:Let's face it.There are many,many people who are lured into rammed-earth by its sheer beauty. Your buildings and domestic objects are solid evidences of that. This beauty encourages imitations. Recently in China, there are buildings trying to use hand-made concrete panels to simulate the texture of rammed-earth and have been applauded.What is your comment on it?

MR:I do not in any way want to criticize other projects or building techniques. I rather I argue for two very important aspects of building with rammed earth: first, one has to call everything by its honest and full name. If I mix in cement, lime and other artificial stabilizers then it is definitely not an earthen construction any more. Many of the positive properties - which are intrinsically linked to the water solubility of loam, are diminished through the use of cement and CO, or are lost entirely: the moisture-regulating effects, the easy reparability, the complete recyclability or rather the possibility to return the material entirely back to nature. Just recently I read an article on earthen-concrete我能一眼看到每个瑕疵。在这个意义上,壤土和夯土要柔韧得多。例如,瑞士巴塞尔的埃托沙馆,在P37,图4中可以看到它的入口。顶篷正下方有一处渗漏;因此雨水会比其他地方更容易侵蚀墙体。客户对此赞赏有加,以至不愿翻修。成千上万的人每年穿过这座建筑。当然有一些更小的破损,特别是在边角处。但它们都很难察觉。



4 土壤





5 成本




6 挑战







7 技术




编注/Editor's Note

i 指壤土颗粒组成中粘粒、粉粒、沙粒含量适中的土壤。质地介于粘土和砂土之间。其成因请见本文问题4/Loam is soil composed mostly of sand, silt, and a smaller amount of clay. See Q4 for "… the earthen mixture was especially treated to prevent it from softening through soaking moisture". Not only is this an inapt way to try to hide the fact that the mixture was stabilized by cement, but the author is indeed proud of depriving the loam of one of its substantial positive properties. We need to understand and recognize that the softness and solubility of loam is ultimately its greatest virtue.

Particularly so, as the additional properties of the cement are often not needed. A rammed earth wall can bear the weight of a home and can shelter its inhabitants from the environmental impacts like rain, cold and heat. Hence one must call the topic by its proper name: if you add 6, 8 or even 10% of cement to an earthen mixture, you get a poor earthconcrete and not a natural mud construction.

Often the use of cement also comes for the sake of convenience. The mixture becomes more calculable for the engineer and the craftsman and is easier to handle. By stabilizing the earth mixture the workers don't need to get acquainted so deeply with the knowledge of the material, the cement as it were, levels out the positive and negative properties of the loam. What is simply missing here is the trust in the material and one's own craftsmanship.

A big impediment to earthen construction is the fear of erosion, fear of alteration and quality loss. It's important to me to make these fears subject of a discussion and to confront them actively. Much of these is exaggerated. In rammed earth building only a few constructional precautions need to be observed: proper foundations, a thorough top coverage and a slight deceleration of the water flow through horizontal erosion barriers. These barriers can consist in fired tiles (e.g. at the House Rauch), or in trasslime mortar (e.g. the Ricola Kräuterzentrum). However there will still be a certain level of erosion which needs to be taken into account both in technically and with respect to design. I am convinced however, that a natural rammed earth wall ages a lot more dignified and with a lot more beauty than many other building materials. With surfaces trimmed to perfection, I can see every fault immediately. Loam and rammed earth is in this sense much more pliable. For example at the Etosha House in the Zoo Basel, in Switzerland. In the fig.4 on page 37 you can see the entrance, where there was a leakage directly underneath the coverage; therefore the rainwater could erode the wall somewhat more than the rest. The client appreciated it so much, that he didn't want to have it refurbished. Many tens of thousands people move through this building every year. Of course there are some smaller damages, especially on edges. But also those are hardly noticeable.

So we must relieve the anxieties. With other words - and this is the second crucial point - I want to encourage everyone to build with non-stabilized earth. In China there is a rich mud and rammed earth building tradition. On the basis of this, and improved by the constructive details mentioned above, earthen buildings have a great chance in the future.

2 位于奥地利施林斯的工作室/Studio of Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst GmbH, Schlins, Austria

Two short additional remark. In many regionsof the world there is hardly any or very little gravel suitable for making concrete. In the whole of Africa for example, it is very scarce. This is one of the reasons why the cement industry is currently discovering "stabilized earthen construction". They simply see another sales market in which they can sell even better - through labels like "loam" "ecological" and "social". But also architects should consider alternative materials like loam and earth with their inherent specifications and conditions, already in the preliminary design stage. The development of steel and concrete building techniques have strongly influenced architectural language up until today. Why shouldn't a similar trend not be possible for earthen building techniques?

4 Soil

LZ:Rammed-earth uses soil as raw materials. In China,soil is a valued commodity. We have to make use of almost all the available soil to feed our huge population.People may question that rammed-earth buildings would compete with agriculture for soil.

What is your answer to such a question?

MR:What actually is loam/clay? Loam/clay is fractured, eroded, decomposed and sedimentated rock. Erosion through water, frost, wind and tectonic earth movement is the determinant element that forms our earth sustainably and decisively. Loam silt, sand, gravel and debris are direct consequences of this process. These materials are found in all kinds of compositions all over the globe and in near endless quantities. In contrast, agriculture needs "humus", that is soil which is enhanced by organic nutrients. This topsoil is not suitable for rammed earth constructions. It needs the inorganic sediments underneath this fertile topsoil.

Also in China, this eroded material is surely available in such incredible quantity that there will never be any competition with agricultural uses. Worldwide, there are nearly 40 different building techniques with earthen materials, which have developed according to respective local loamoccurrences. The spectrum of suitable earth types is very broad. For rammed earth constructions, especially those types of earth and gravel types are best suited that can't be used in the brick or cement industry.

3 天然土壤/The soil from nature

Another very important aspect is the uncompromising recyclability of non-stabilized earth constructions. The building materials of loam, clay and earth can be reused endless times without quality losses. From that angle, earthen building materials are infinite.

5 Cost

LZ:Given the low human labor cost in China,concrete is currently the most costeffective for building construction. Rammed-earth also involves a lot of human labor. So it might be interesting to ask your perspective of cost comparison between rammed-earth and concrete in China.

4 夯土混合物/Rammed earth mixture(1,3-4 图片来源/Copyright: Ricola AG,摄影/Photos: Markus Bühler-Rasom)

MR:Not least, concrete building material is so cost-effective mainly because the raw resources for cement and the energy needed for its production are so cheap. But this does not tell the cost-truth entirely. In addition, the cement industry does notentirely. In addition, the cement industry does not require a lot of work force but emits vast amounts of CO2in the production process and transportation. On the other side, the rammed earth building technique is very labor intensive. Low wages also profits building with earthen materials. Would there be true-cost pricing for the vast energy consumption and the environmental consequential damages, cement and concrete would need to be a lot more expensive.

The triumph of concrete building types has dominated the building industry in the last 100 years. The enhancement of traditional earthen building techniques and the necessary research involved was completely neglected. Would we only invest a fraction of the research put into concrete building techniques, we could create incredible change and revolutionize earthen building techniques. We would possess the technological means today for creating much more cost-effective earthen building types and constructions in order to sustainably establish earthen architecture as the healthiest building material for the future of man and environment. Especially in China, with its profound earthen building tradition still present in a lot of its regions, there is an enormous potential. It is important to build on this tradition and at the same time modernize it. As said before, I do see here a crucial solution approach for creating costeffective and high-quality housing.

6 Challenges

LZ:How is it that earthen building techniques are still a niche in the construction sector? Why are there no other companies like yours that can build with earth in a larger scale? What are the biggest obstacles and challenges for a broader development of building with rammed earth?

MR:As mentioned already, one of the major obstacles are concerns about water-solubility. But there are other factors as well. Until today, industrialization has been one of the most farreaching changes. Before the advent of railways and many other inventions, it was necessary to make do with what was available locally. Today's global logistic possibilities have hardly any boundaries. Up until today, earthen building materials were and are used in times of crisis or by the poorer parts of world population. This is not only due to the fact that the material that is freely available. It is also a material which lends itself to do-it-yourself construction like no other. However, over the centuries these aspects have proved not only advantageous but also disadvantageous. At least in central Europe there was never a craftsmanship guild developed around earthen construction. There were carpenters, bricklayers, blacksmiths, masons, but never any earth-builders. On the contrary: the established building crafts fought against earthen building techniques - calling it filth, muck and grime. Though the knowledge of the material was passed on from one generation to the next it was never being further developed. By the way, this is something which makes earthen architecture even more appealing to me: there is still so much development potential in the material.

With that I'll come to the last hurdle. Building with earth is defiantly a widely un-standardized building technique. This also keeps many from considering earth as a building material. Not only do I generally perceive the exuberant bureaucratization in the construction industry as a major cost driver, but above all, also as a potential preventor of innovation. On the other hand, the fact that rammed earth is not subject to any building norms gave me with stimulus and chances to always go a step further, take risks and try out the material.

If earthen building techniques are to be further developed on a grand scale, the material must eventually find its place in our schools for construction where architects and craftsmen are taught and trained. For those who understand the material, are more likely prepared to take a certain risk for innovation.

Perhaps there is a chance in China - like nowhere else - to link up with its rich earthen building tradition and pound out of its own earth both technically and architecturally profoundly high-quality earthen buildings.

What I consider also very important is that construction companies and craftsmen in sizable numbers step up and recognize their economic future in earthen building techniques and by realizing earthen buildings implement a completely new image. In parallel, respective framework conditions need to be created that allow sustainable economic development.

7 Know-how

LZ:You gained most of your expertise with rammed-earth through working in Africa and Europe. do you think there is some hidden knowhow in doing rammed-earth in China? If so,what are the mostly likely aspects?

MR:In China, as all over the world - people have built with earth and still do. As a matter of course I also see a great treasure of know-how particularly in China. We have spoken a lot about techniques and artificial materials sometimes added, but hardly about the material of loam and earth itself. Earthen mixtures themselves are varied and this is good. Above all, the art of earthen buildings rests with the knowledge of the material and its properties, recognizing its specific qualities and realizing how best to use and implement it in a building. In our world which is dictated by figures, we often rely on doing extensive and elaborate lab testssetting narrow parameters and codifying them. This however will never match up to the material properties and diversities. One has to haptically feel the material, work with it, and practically try it out. This will never be something you can learn from just reading nor can it be written down once and for all. We need to work with earthen materials, learn by doing, recognize and discover, and progress with new innovations and solutions.

As said before - in China, there was and is much earthen architecture. This traditional, partly endogenous and intuitive knowledge of the people needs to be tapped into and utilized.□

Interview with Martin Rauch

Martin Rauch, ZHANG Li

Translated by SHANG Jin




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