

农业工程学报 2016年9期

李景海,翟国亮,黄修桥※,冯俊杰,刘 杨

(1. 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所/河南省节水农业重点实验室,新乡 453002;2. 安阳市水资源管理委员会办公室,安阳 455000)


李景海1,2,翟国亮1,黄修桥1※,冯俊杰1,刘 杨1

(1. 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所/河南省节水农业重点实验室,新乡 453002;2. 安阳市水资源管理委员会办公室,安阳 455000)

微灌石英砂滤层的反冲洗,是实现滤料再生的有效途径,为了对反冲洗过程流场进行分析,并确定合理的反冲洗速度。该文建立了石英砂过滤器几何模型并进行了网格划分,采用Eulerian模型作为石英砂滤层反冲洗数值模拟模型,分别对石英砂当量粒径为1.06、1.2和1.5 mm的3种滤层的反冲洗过程进行了瞬态模拟,并将滤层整体压降和整体密度的模拟结果与试验结果进行对比,结果显示,整体压降的最大模拟误差为7.03%,整体密度的最大模拟误差为1.93%,说明数值模拟准确可信。在此基础上,分析了石英砂滤层反冲洗过程压降的波动规律、压降均值和压降标准偏差随反冲洗速度的变化趋势;并分析了滤层密度的分布规律、密度均值和密度标准偏差随反冲洗速度的变化趋势。根据压降波动的稳定性,结合滤层密度分布的稳定性,确定了石英砂滤层反冲洗强度的合理范围,3种滤层分别为0.0149~0.0212、0.0146~0.0218和0.0191~0.0261 m/s。该研究为石英砂滤层反冲洗过程的机理研究提供了参考,为砂过滤器反冲洗性能参数的确定提供了依据。


0 引言




1 微灌石英砂滤层反冲洗试验

试验在中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所进行。试验用滤料为石英砂,采用粒径范围为1.0~1.18、>1.18~1.4 和>1.4~1.7 mm的3种滤层。经测算,3种滤层当量粒径分别为1.06、1.2和1.5 mm。结合砂过滤器实物,设计并建立了试验用模型装置,如图1所示,主过滤室使用透明有机玻璃管制作,有机玻管内径200 mm、高1 600 mm,在其上每隔100 mm高度打孔,设为测压取料孔,有机玻管上下两端使用特制的封头密封,下端封头安装3个滤帽。石英砂滤料放置于主过滤室内,滤层孔隙率0.44,厚400 mm。试验时,使用水池供水,采用涡轮流量计(LWGY-25)测流量,滤层内部压差采用U型压差计测量。


图1 试验装置示意图Fig.1 Schematic diagram of test device

2 石英砂滤层数值模拟

2.1 模拟模型









2.2 模型边界条件及算法设置


图2 石英砂过滤器数值模拟三维模型Fig.2 3D model of numerical simulation for quartz sand filter

图3 滤帽几何模型Fig.3 Geometry model of filter cap

控制方程采用二阶隐式时间方案,采用瞬态求解器计算。多相流模型采用Eulerian模型,压力速度耦合方程用PC-SIMPLE算法,空间离散化采用基于Green-Gauss的梯度方程,动量、湍动能、湍流耗散率和体积分数方程均采用一阶迎风格式,进口边界条件为velocity-inlet,出口边界条件为pressure-outlet,采用速度进口对流场进行初始化,单位时间步长为0.01 s,单位时间步长最大迭代次数为7。

3 计算结果分析

3.1 滤层压降计算结果分析

3.1.1 滤层压降的试验验证


由图4可知,当滤层当量粒径为1.06 mm时,滤层压降最大误差为6.25%;当滤层当量粒径为1.2 mm时,滤层压降最大误差为5.64%;当滤层当量粒径为1.5 mm时,滤层压降最大误差为7.03%。对比结果说明,滤层压降试验值与模拟值能够较好地吻合,模拟结果准确可信。

根据图4中曲线的变化趋势可知,在反冲洗速度较小时,滤层压降随反冲洗速度的增大呈线性变化关系。当反冲洗速度达到滤层的最小流化速度后,滤层压降达到最高值,此后,随着反冲洗速度的继续增加,滤层压降基本保持稳定。当量粒径为1.06、1.2和1.5 mm的滤层对应的最小流化速度分别为0.0121、0.0146和0.0160 m/s。

图4 滤层压降随反冲洗速度变化关系图Fig.4 Relation curve of filter layer pressure drop with change of back washing velocity

显然,只有当滤层完全流化后,才能达到较好的反冲洗效果。本文选取滤层完全流化后的5个反冲洗速度,并选取滤层高度H为15、25和35 cm的3个横截面对滤层压降和密度进行分析。对于当量粒径为1.06 mm的滤层,选取的反冲洗速度v分别为:0.0121、0.0149、0.0180、0.0212和0.0240 m/s。对于当量粒径为1.2 mm的滤层,选取的反冲洗速度v分别为:0.0146、0.0196、0.0218、0.0246和0.0291 m/s。对于当量粒径为1.5 mm的滤层,选取反冲洗速度v分别为:0.0160、0.0191、0.0222、0.0261 和0.0310 m/s。

3.1.2 滤层压降的波动规律




图5 压降随时间变化关系曲线(当量粒径为1.06 mm)Fig.5 Relation curve of pressure-drop and time (Filter equivalent particle size is 1.06 mm)

图6 压降随时间变化关系曲线(当量粒径为1.2 mm)Fig.6 Relation curve of pressure-drop and time (Filter equivalent particle size 1.2 mm)

图7 压降随时间变化关系曲线(当量粒径为1.5 mm)Fig.7 Relation curve of pressure-drop and time (Filter equivalent particle size is 1.5 mm)

图8 压降均值随反冲洗速度的变化关系曲线Fig.8 Relation curve of average pressure drop and backwashing velocity

图9 压降标准偏差随反冲洗速度的变化关系曲线Fig.9 Relation curve of pressure drop standard deviation and backwashing velocity

分析图8和图9可知,对于当量粒径为1.06 mm的滤层,当反冲洗速度≤0.0212 m/s时,3个截面的压降均值随反冲洗速度的增加基本保持稳定,压降标准偏差值较小,也基本保持稳定。当反冲洗速度≥0.0240 m/s时,压降均值仍然保持稳定,但压降标准偏差却明显增加,这说明滤层波动幅度增大,稳定性开始变差。所以,对于当量粒径为1.06 mm的滤层,反冲洗速度不宜超过0.0212 m/s。

同理可知,对于当量粒径为1.2 mm的滤层,反冲洗速度不宜超过0.0218 m/s。对于当量粒径为1.5 mm的滤层,反冲洗速度不宜超过0.0261 m/s。

3.2 滤层密度的分布规律分析

3.2.1 滤层密度的试验验证

将滤层混合体密度的试验值与模拟值(图10)对比可知,当滤层当量粒径为1.06 mm时,滤层水砂混合体密度的最大误差为0.81%;当滤层当量粒径为1.2 mm时,滤层水砂混合体密度的最大误差为0.87%;当滤层当量粒径为1.5 mm时,滤层水砂混合体密度的最大误差为1.93%。对比结果说明,滤层水砂混合体密度的试验值与模拟值能够较好地吻合,模拟结果准确可信。

图10 滤层密度随反冲洗速度变化关系图Fig.10 Relation curve of filter layer density with change of backwashing velocity

图11 密度随时间变化关系曲线(当量粒径为1.06 mm)Fig.11 Relation curve of density and time (Filter equivalent particle size is 1.06 mm)

3.2.2 滤层横截面的密度分布




图12 密度随时间变化关系曲线(当量粒径为1.2 mm)Fig.12 Relationship of density and time (Filter equivalent particle size is 1.2 mm)

图13 密度随时间变化关系曲线(当量粒径为1.5 mm)Fig.13 Relationship of density and time (Filter equivalent particle size is 1.5 mm)


图14 密度均值随反冲洗速度的变化关系曲线Fig.14 Relation curve of average density and back washing velocity

图15 密度标准偏差随反冲洗速度的变化关系曲线Fig.15 Relation curve of density standard deviation and back washing velocity

分析图14和图15,对于当量粒径为1.06 mm的滤层,由密度标准偏差变化趋势可以看出,当反冲洗速度为0.0121、0.0149、0.0180和0.0212 m/s时,密度标准偏差的变化趋势比较平缓,而当反冲洗速度为0.0240 m/s时,标准偏差明显增大,说明密度波动的稳定性变差,不利于反冲洗效果的增强。同时,由密度均值的变化趋势可以看出,密度均值随反冲洗速度的增加而呈减小趋势,密度变小,说明水的体积分数增大,对反冲洗有利。但反冲洗速度0.0121 m/s对应的滤层密度高于1 920 kg/m3,几乎接近于滤层的静止状态,因而不适于进行反冲洗。因此,对于当量粒径为1.06 mm的滤层,适宜的反冲洗速度范围为0.0149~0.0212 m/s。

同理可知,对于当量粒径为1.2 mm的滤层,适宜的反冲洗速度范围为0.0146~0.0218 m/s。对于当量粒径为1.5 mm的滤层,适宜的反冲洗速度范围为0.0191~0.0261 m/s。

3.3 合理反冲洗速度的确定

综合滤层压降与密度的波动规律可知,对于当量粒径为1.06 mm的滤层,适宜的反冲洗速度范围为0.0149~0.0212 m/s;对于当量粒径为1.2 mm的滤层,适宜的反冲洗速度范围为0.0146~0.0218 m/s;对于当量粒径为1.5 mm的滤层,适宜的反冲洗速度范围为0.0191~0.0261 m/s。

4 结论与讨论

4.1 结 论



3)结合滤层密度和压降的波动规律,确定了3种滤层反冲洗速度的合理范围,分别为0.0149~0.0212、0.0146~0.0218和0.0191~0.0261 m/s。

4.2 讨 论


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Numerical simulation and flow field analysis of backwashing of quartz sand filter in micro-irrigation

Li Jinghai1,2, Zhai Guoliang1, Huang Xiuqiao1※, Feng Junjie1, Liu Yang1
(1. Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Water-saving Agriculture in Henan Province, Xinxiang 453002, China; 2.Water Resources Management Committee Office of Anyang City, Anyang 455000, China)

Backwashing of quartz sand filter in micro-irrigation is an effective way to realize the regeneration of quartz sand filter media. Analysis of flow field in the backwashing process of quartz sand filter and determination of reasonable backwashing velocity play an important role in the design and operation of the quartz sand filter. The method of numerical simulation has obvious advantage in the analysis and investigation of the flow field in the filter layer. In order to realize the numerical simulation of the backwashing process of quartz sand filter, the geometric model of quartz sand filter was established through Gambit software, and the mesh division of the geometric model was carried out. Because the backwashing process of quartz sand filter layer is a solid-liquid multiphase flow system interacted by both water and quartz sand, in which quartz sand particles are distributed only in a part of the region during the process of backwashing, not being carried away to outside of the filter by the stream, and in which quartz sand accounted for a larger proportion of the whole volume, the Eulerian model was adopted as a model for numerical simulation of backwashing. At the same time, because the backwashing process of quartz sand filter layer is a dynamically stable process, the transient simulation solver was adopted. The simulation objects were three kinds of quartz sand filter layer with the same thickness of 400 mm, but the equivalent particle size were 1.06, 1.2 and 1.5 mm respectively. In order to verify the reliability of simulation results, backwashing experiments were conducted in Farmland Irrigation Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, in 2014. The parameters such as backwashing velocity, pressure drop and expansion height of filter layer were measured. The simulation results were compared with the experimental results. Comparison showed that the maximum simulation error of the whole pressure drop of filter layer was 7.03%, and the maximum simulation error of filter layer density was 1.93%. It was proved that the numerical simulation results were reliable. On this basis, the fluctuation trend of pressure drop with time and the variation trend of the mean value and the standard deviation of the pressure drop with backwashing velocity in backwashing process of quartz sand filter layer were analyzed. If the standard deviation of pressure drop is large, it shows that the fluctuation of pressure drop is unstable, and the unstable fluctuation of pressure drop will affect the effect of backwashing. This result can determine the reasonable range of the backwashing velocity. Then, the distribution rule of the filter layer density with time, the variation trend of the mean value and the standard deviation of the density with the change of the backwashing velocity were analyzed. When the density is close to the static density of the mixture composed of water and quartz sand, the effect of backwashing is poor. When the standard deviation of density is too large, partial concentration phenomenon will appear in the filter layer, which will cause negative influence on the effect of backwashing. Thus, the reasonable range of the backwashing velocity was determined. After combined the rules of pressure drop fluctuation and density distribution, the reasonable ranges of the backwashing velocity of three kinds of filter layer are obtained as 0.0149-0.0212, 0.0146-0.0218 and 0.0191-0.0261 m/s respectively. The research results provided a theoretical basis for the mechanism of quartz sand filter in the process of backwashing. It also provided a technical support for the operation of the sand filter.

irrigation; models; computer simulation; quartz sand filter layer; backwashing; multiphase flow





李景海,翟国亮,黄修桥,冯俊杰,刘 杨. 微灌石英砂过滤器反冲洗数值模拟验证与流场分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(9):74-82.


Li Jinghai, Zhai Guoliang, Huang Xiuqiao, Feng Junjie, Liu Yang. Numerical simulation and flow field analysis of backwashing of quartz sand filter in micro irrigation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(9): 74-82. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.011




李景海,男,河南安阳人,博士生,高级工程师,主要从事微灌过滤器及水资源配置研究。新乡 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所,453002,

※通信作者:黄修桥,男,湖北汉川人,博士,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事节水灌溉理论与技术研究。新乡 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所,453002,

