

世界建筑 2016年11期




1 多人合力建造一座完整的泡泡屋/It takes a crowd to make a full Bubble Building.




来此参观的游客可以照下泡泡,使他们自己的纪念版永久保留。社交媒体上的泡泡屋层出不穷。这座建筑真正的美就在这些照片中:记忆。泡泡屋归根结底是关于美的。鹿特丹哲学家伊拉斯谟曾说“人就是肥皂泡”。生命稍纵即逝,昙花一现更美丽,因为她只存在于一瞬中。所以尽情享受吧!(尚晋 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 鹿特丹节庆委员会与鹿特丹国际建筑双年展/Rotterdam Festivals & IABR (International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam)

项目团队/Project team: Hans Vermeulen, Martine de Wit, Hedwig Heinsman, Inara Nevskaya, Jan Haeck, Martijn van Wijk

摄影/Photos: DUS Architects

2 平面/Plan

3 立面/Elevation

The World's Most Temporary Pavilion

The Bubble Building is the world's most delicate and temporary pavilion,made entirely of soap film. It instigates action and interaction, as it only appears when visitors build it themselves, yet collectively. The Bubble Building consists of 16 hexagonal shaped ponds; a form found naturally in clustered bubbles. Together, the steel ponds add up to 35m2of reflective surface. Visitors can carefully tread on here, wearing rubber boots. It's a surreal image, as if they are walking on water. The building itself is nowhere to be seen just yet; only a few handle bars hint at what needs to be done. Once everyone positions themselves and pulls up the steel frames, the pavilion shows. It is an instant spectacle. Immense iridescent soap walls appear, like a wafer thin facade of fluid glass, each time different. Once the bubble pops, what remains is the enthusiasm in young and old to do it again. And again.

While the building is temporary, the architectural themes it refers to are monumental. It makes tangible the eternal cycle of building and rebuilding. Additionally, the popping bubble alludes to the economic crisis and its effects on the real estate sector and consequently, architecture. Continuing this thought, the Bubble Building is also about emerging new forms of collective building, as it takes at least two persons to erect one cell of the pavilion. The more people join in, the larger the pavilion can potentially become.

Visitors of the pavilion are invited to eternalize their own momentary version of the pavilion in a bubble snapshot. With the aid of social media numerous different bubble buildings are joined. It is in these pictures that the true beauty of the pavilion is found: the remembrance. As ultimately, the Bubble Building is about beauty. Rotterdam philosopher Erasmus once said "homo bulla est", or "man is a soap bubble". Life is ephemeral. It is said that a temporary experience is more delightful, because of the fact that it is only temporary. So enjoy it to the fullest!

4 游客穿上橡胶靴进入这座临时建筑的某一部分/Visitors could enter parts of the temporary building wearing rubber boots.

5 建筑吸引了不同年龄层的游客/The building attracted a range of different age groups.

6 每次建筑都被创造成不同形状/Every time the building was created it took a unique shape.


青锋: 表面看来,如果我们以维特鲁威的三原则为准绳的话,泡泡建筑几乎在各个方面都代表着建筑的对立面。坚固与实用自然无需解释,美观在维特鲁威看来意味着和谐与稳定的比例,泡泡的易变当然也是对这种古典美学理念的挑战。设计者谈到了这个装置能够让人们产生的深刻联想,比如泡沫经济,比如人生无常。但这不太可能是人们建造起泡泡时真正感受到的。在人们脸庞上我们看到的是惊奇与快乐,可以如此轻松地创造出一个奇观,也无需为它的破灭感到惋惜。这倒是提示我们如何满足人们轻松成为“建筑天才”的需求,或许新近发展的VR(虚拟现实)技术将有助于打开这一市场。

袁野: 看似常规的几何形式城市景观竟是令人意想不到的大“玩具”——众人携手创造出阳光下色彩斑斓的巨大肥皂泡,之后的回味如同一则诠释瞬间与永恒主题的童话或寓言。也许这预示着未来的“建筑”模样——既然没有真正的所谓“永远”,生命也不过历史的瞬间,建筑何尝不可以如肥皂泡般“临时”,亦如肥皂泡般妙不可言。


QING Feng: If judged by Vitruvian Triad, the bubble building represents the opposite of architecture at the first glance. Not to mention firmness and utility – two of the three Vitruvian principles for good architecture–the bubble building is clearly a challenge to the third classical concept – beauty, based on the eternal harmony of proportion. The designer puts emphasis on the various associations the bubbles create in our minds, such as the economic bubble and the vicissitude of life. We can only speculate about the thoughts of the visitors who build the bubbles, but what we can actually see on their faces is amazement and pleasure. Here, it is so easy to create an instant spectacle, and there is no need to be sorry when the bubbles pop. The Bubble Building sends a message of people's desire to build something themselves without much effort. Probably, modern VR technology can help to establish a market in this new sector.

YUAN Ye: A seemingly normal geometric form in the urban landscape is an unexpected big "toy" –the Bubble Building, consisting of huge colorful bubbles created collectively by a group of people, and just like a fairy tale or a fable reminding us of the transience of time. It may herald a future building pattern–since there is no so-called "forever", and human existence is only a brief moment in the great cycle of life, building can be "temporary": nice to look but as fleeting as soap bubbles.

The Bubble Building, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2012

Designers: DUS Architects


鹿特丹The Sax塔楼