

世界建筑 2016年11期




1 白天全景/Overall view at daytime



秋千时光的响应元素让使用者相互交流并与秋千互动。公众娱乐由此形成了一个社区实验室,并提高了人们关于能源消耗和生产的意识。秋千时光将紫外线转化为视觉效果,显示出太阳能的充足和利用情况。(尚晋 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 马萨诸塞州会议中心管理局/Massachusetts Convention Center Authority (MCCA)

功能/Program: 临时公共空间装置/Temporary Public Space Installation

摄影/Photos: Höweler + Yoon Architecture, ©John Horner

Swing Time is a temporary installation located within the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority's urban renewal initiative, Lawn On D. The integrated functional and aesthetic properties of Swing Time foreground energy use and play, as well as a means of production and consumption.The urban playscape is composed of 18 roto-molded poly propolene swings, which hang under a customfabricated solar canopy. Swing Time uses a standalone power system that generates and consumes solar energy harvested from a series of photovoltaic cells that translate UV rays into electrical illumination.

Responsive in real-time to environmental conditions, the playscape's illumination corresponds to daily accumulation of solar power. Photovoltaic cells integrated into the canopy capture and store solar energy during daylight hours. Through an automated system, the accumulated energy is disseminated into LED lights housed within the swings. This "direct drive" electrical application allows energy to be consumed concurrent to its production. Accelerometers contained within each swing directly respond to the acceleration forces and tilt exerted by users. As the swings increase in momentum from a static position, a microcontroller adjusts the LED output through a gradient scale from white to blue to purple.

The responsive elements of Swing Time invite users to interact with the swings and with each other. Public play creates a community laboratory and raises awareness of energy consumption and production. Swing Time translates UV rays into a visual register that indexes the abundance and applications of solar energy.

2.3 夜景/Night view

4 夜景/Night view







GUO Yimin: Though there are many other ways for people to adapt their bodies to the crescent swing that integrates function with art, apparently the designer provides the most appropriate answer by his design with inclinations. Similar, the self-luminous system relying on photovoltaic energy gives the crescent shape the most attractive posture at night, which is much more splendid than its delicacy in daytime!

DUO Ning: I got the first impression of Höweler + Yoon from one of their early designs. The Defensible Dress was an installation in 2001. The dress is equipped with a distance sensor on the wearer's body. Once the sensor detect someone entering the personal space zone, a series of mechanical quills are activated like an umbrella to define the space around the body.

Swing Time has the same characteristic. An automated system together with motion sensors visualize the harvested solar power and integrate the user behavior.

I am attracted most by a consistent melancholy in their design. The Defensible Dress is a one-to-one alarm. Swing Time is an array of swings illuminated like moon in the dark. A group of users create the moon matrix and accelerometers differentiate each other by light. In both projects the communication between people is replaced by technology, and interaction is achieved by sensors and gadgets. It is a new geek way of entertainment.

Swing Time, Boston, USA, 2014-2016

Designers: Höweler + Yoon Architecture


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