Science Facts About Six Members of the Cat Family 爱猫及猫:猫科动物知多少 Track 10
by anonymous
Science Facts About Six Members of the Cat Family 爱猫及猫:猫科动物知多少 Track 10
by anonymous
Cats and humans have been1)associated for nearly 10,000 years.
Cats save energy by sleeping for2)an average of 13 to14 hours a day.
A group of cats is called a3)clowder.A male cat is called a tom.A female cat is called a molly or queen, while young cats are called kittens.
Cats can be very4)sneaky.When they walk, their back paws step almost exactly in the same place as the front paws did before.This keeps noise to a5)minimum and limits6)visible7)tracks.
Cats have powerful night8)vision, allowing them to see at light levels six times lower than what a human needs in order to see.
Cats also have excellent hearing and a powerful sense of smell.
On average cats live for around 12 to 15 years.
9)Leopards hunt at night.
Adult leopards are10)solitary animals.Each adult leopard has its own area to live in.
A leopard’s tail is just about as long as its entire body.This helps it with balance and helps it make sharp turns quickly.
Leopards can run at speeds of up to 57 kilometres11)per hour.They are also excellent swimmers and climbers and can12)leap and jump long distances.
Leopards protect their food from other animals by13)dragging it high up into the trees.They will often leave their14)prey up in the tree for days and return only when they are hungry!
One way to15)recognise a16)cheetah is by the long,black “tear lines” which run from the inside of each eye to the mouth.These lines help protect the cheetah’s eyes from the sun and help them to see long distances.
The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world.They can reach a top speed of around 113 km per hour and can go from 0 to 113 km in just a few seconds.
Cheetahs cannot climb trees.
Cheetahs only need to drink once every three to four days.
Cheetahs are the only big cat that cannot17)roar.They can18)purr though.
Cheetahs can spot prey from 5 km away during the day but have poor night vision.
With their light body weight and19)blunt paws, cheetahs are not good at protecting themselves or their prey.So in the wild, it will give up its catch to avoid a fight with a larger or more powerful animal.
The20)jaguar is the third largest of the big cats after the tiger and the lion.
With its spotted coat the jaguar looks very much like the leopard which is found in Asia and Africa.However, the jaguar is larger and has a21)stockier build than the leopard.It also has fewer but bigger spots with small dots in the middle.
Like the tiger, jaguars enjoy water and are good at swimming.
Jaguars roam, hunt and live alone, only coming together to mate.
A male will protect his area and the22)resident females within it from other males.
1) associate [ə'səʊʃIeIt] v.使…产生联系
2) an average of 平均是……,平均有……
3) clowder ['klaʊdə] n.一群(猫)
4) sneaky ['sniːkI] adj.鬼鬼祟祟的
5) minimum ['mInIməm] n.最低限度,最小量
6) visible ['vIzIbl] adj.看得见的,可见的
7) track [træk] n.足迹,痕迹,车辙
8) vision ['vIʒn] n.视力
9) leopard ['lepəd] n.花豹,金钱豹
10) solitary ['sɒlItərI] adj.独居的
11) per [pə] prep.每
12) leap [liːp] v.跳跃,飞跃
13) drag [dræg] v.拖,拽
14) prey [preI] n.猎物
15) recognise ['rekəgnaIz] v.识别
16) cheetah [tʃiːtə]n.猎豹,印度豹(产于南亚及非洲)
17) roar [rɔː] v.吼,咆哮
18) purr [pʒː] v.发出喉音,(猫)发出呜呜声
19) blunt [blʌnt] adj.钝的
20) jaguar ['dʒægwαː]n.美洲豹,又名美洲虎,猫科豹属动物
21) stocky ['stɒkI] adj.矮壮的,短粗的
22) resident ['rezIdənt] adj.常驻的,不迁徙的
The jaguar has a very powerful jaw.Its bite23)exerts more force than that of a lion.
Jaguars live in the wild for 11-15 years, but kept by humans they can live over 20 years.
Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3 metres and weigh as much as 300 kilograms.
Tiger cubs leave their mother when they are around 2 years of age.
A group of tigers is known as an “24)ambush” or “25)streak”.
Tigers are good swimmers and can swim up to 6 kilometres.
Rare white tigers carry a gene that is only26)present in around 1 in every 10,000 tigers.
Tigers usually hunt alone at night.
Tigers have been known to reach speeds up to 6527)kph.
Tigers can easily jump over 5 metres in length.
Tigers that28)breed with lions give birth to29)hybrids known as30)tigons and31)ligers.
Lions are the second largest big cat32)species in the world (behind tigers).
Lions can reach speeds of up to 81 kph but only in short33)bursts because of a lack of energy.
The roar of a lion can be heard from 8 kilometers away.
Most lions found in the wild live in southern and eastern parts of Africa.
Lions are very social compared to other cat species,often living in prides that feature females,34)offspring and a few adult males.
Male lions are easy to recognise thanks to their35)distinctive36)manes.Males with darker manes are more likely to attract female lions.
Lions in the wild live for around 12 years.
Lionesses are better hunters than males and do most of the hunting.
In the wild, lions rest for around 20 hours a day.
23) exert [Ig'zʒːt] v.尽力,施加(力气)
24) ambush ['æmbʊʃ] n.伏兵
25) streak [striːk] n.条纹
26) present ['preznt] adj.存在的
27) kph=kilometer(s) per hour
28) breed [briːd] v.繁殖
29) hybrid ['haIbrId] n.杂种,混血儿
30) tigon ['taIgən] n.(雄虎和雌狮生的)虎狮
31) liger ['laIgə] n.(雄狮和雌虎生的)狮虎
32) species ['spiːʃiːz] n.(物)种,人种
33) burst ['bʒːst] n.速度的突然增加
34) offspring ['ɒfsprIŋ] n.幼兽,后裔
35) distinctive [dI'stIŋktIv]adj.与众不同的,突出的
36) mane [meIn] n.鬃毛