Hidden Word 寻找隐藏的单词
Hidden Word 寻找隐藏的单词
例:When I grow up, I want to be a ranger[骑警].
a) Animal
b) Vegetable
c) Colour
正确答案:隐藏的单词是 bear,属于a) Animal一类。
1.Bob decided to jump in, knowing the water would be cold.
a) Sport
b) Plant
c) Colour
2.The sunset makes Cairo[埃及首都开罗]seem beautiful.
a) Musical instrument
b) Texture[质地]
c) Flower
3.Jack passes a ladder[梯子]on the street.
a) Musical instrument
b) Food
c) Sport
4.After much drunken gin[金酒], eerie[可怕的]noises may be heard at night.
a) Sport
b) Job
c) Natural phenomenon[现象]
5.He does this to avoid walking under it.
a) Clothing
b) Weapon[武器]
c) Texture
6.When you are through with washing the dishes,you may go and play.
a) Natural phenomenon
b) Food
c) Texture
7.We found the cup and spoon, both under the bed.
a) Tree
b) Natural phenomenon
c) Colour
8.Mary buys Tom a cherry ice-cream.
a) Body part
b) Clothing
c) Flower
9.I agree not to eat all the cookies.
a) Colour
b) Texture
c) Sport