On n-K Width of Certain Function ClassesDefined by Linear Operators in L2Space
YU Rui-fang,WU Ga-ridi
(Department of Mathematics,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Huhhote 010022,China)
On n-K Width of Certain Function Classes
Defined by Linear Operators in L2Space
YU Rui-fang,WU Ga-ridi
(Department of Mathematics,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Huhhote 010022,China)
Let M(u)be an N-function,Lr(f,x)and Kr(f,x)are Bak operator and Kantorovich operator,WM(Lr(f))and WM(Kr(f))are the Sobolev-Orlicz classes defined by Lr(f,x),Kr(f,x)and M(u).In this paper we give the asymptotic estimates of the n-K widths dn(WM(Lr(f)),L2[0,1])and dn(WM(Kr(f)),L2[0,1]).
linear operator;Sobolev-Orlicz class;width
2000 MR Subject Classification:41A46
Article ID:1002—0462(2016)01—0096—06
Chin.Quart.J.of Math.
§1.Introduction and Main Result
Let M(u)be an N-function,that is,
(1)M(u)is an even continuous convex function and M(0)=0;
(2)M(u)>0 for u>0;
Bak operator Lr(f,x)is defined by
Sobolev-Orlice class WM(Lr(f))is defined by
Kantorovich operator Kr(f,x)is defined by
Sobolev-Orlice class WM(Kr(f))is defined by
WM(Kr(f))={f:f(r-1)absolutely continuous on[0,1],and
For any given natural number r,WM(Lr(f))and WM(Kr(f))are two fixed function classes.
Theorem 1Let M(u)be an N-function satisfying the following conditions,
(1)M(u)is strictly increasing on[0,+∞);
The cases of linear differential operators
(3)M(u)satisfies∆′-condition,this is,M(uv)≤NM(u)M(v)valid for some N>0 and all u,v≥0.
Theorem 2Let M(u)be an N-function satisfying the conditions of Theorem 1,then
Where the expression an~bnmeans that C1bn≤an≤C2bnfor some C1,C2>0.
§2.Auxiliary Lemmas
Lemma 1[4]Assume{e1,e2,···,ep}is an orthogonal system of vectors in a Hilbert space H and‖ek‖=h,k=1,2,···,p,then
Lemma 2[2]Assume f(x)(x∈[0,+∞))is a monotonically increasing convex function andwhere x(t)is non-negative continuous on[a,b],then
§3.Proof of Theorem
Proof of Theorem 1First of all,let us estimate a lower bound of dn(WM(Lr(f)),L2[0, 1]).We fix an infinitely differentiable function g0(x),such thatfor x∈[0,1]and g0(x)=0 forLet us construct 2n functions
This means that Cfj(x)∈WM(Lr(f)),j=1,2,···,2n,from the Lemma 1,we have
Secondly,we estimate an upper bound of dn(WM(Lr(f)),L2[0,1]).Let us divide interval[0,1]into n equal parts and obtain n subintervals[xj-1,xj),j=0,1,···,n,.For f(x)∈WM(Lr(f)),set
where pr-1(x)is a algebraic polynomial of degree not greater than r-1 and C is any constant. Thenis a linear subspace and dim
For f(x)∈WM(Lr(f)),let us choose a functionthat is
where C0is a constant.
By Lemma 2,we obtain
It follows from Lemma 3 and the Condition(2)in Theorem 1 that
By the definition of Kolmogorov width,we obtain
Form this and the monotonicity of M-1(u),we have
Add it all up,we can obtain
The proof of Theorem 1 is finished.
The proof of Theorem 2 is similar to the proof of Theorem 1,we omit it here.
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O174.41Document code:A
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11161033);Supported by the Inner Mongolia Normal University Talent Project Foundation(RCPY-2-2012-K-036);Supported by the Inner Mongolia Normal University Graduate Research Innovation Foundation(CXJJS14053);Supported by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Graduate Research Innovation Foundation(S20141013525)
Biographies:YU Rui-fang(1991-),female(Meng),native of Chifeng,Inner Mongolia,postgraduate,engages in function approximation theory;WU Ga-ridi(1962-),male(Meng),native of Tongliao,Inner Mongolia,Master Instructor,a professors of Inner Mongolia Normal University,engages in function approximation theory.
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