Two Notes on Topological Groups


ZHANG Ke-xiu,LIU Xin,TANG Zhong-bao

(School of Mathematics and Statistics,Minnan Normal University,Zhangzhou 363000,China)

Two Notes on Topological Groups

ZHANG Ke-xiu,LIU Xin,TANG Zhong-bao

(School of Mathematics and Statistics,Minnan Normal University,Zhangzhou 363000,China)

In this short paper,we firstly give a short proof of Birkhoff-Kakutani Theorem by Moore metrizable Theorem.Then we prove that G is a topological group if it is a paratopological group which is a dense Gδ-set in a locally feebly compact regular space X.

topological group;first-countable;paratopological group;locally feebly compact;metrizable

2000 MR Subject Classification:22A30,54D10,54E99,54H99

Article ID:1002—0462(2016)01—0082—05

Chin.Quart.J.of Math.


§1. Introduction

No separation restrictions on the topology of the groups are imposed unless we mention them explicitly.We say a space is regular if it is T1and T3.The symbol e denotes the neutral element of a group.We denote by ω the first infinite order.We always writefor the closure of a subspace A in a space X.The readers may consult[3,5]for notation and terminology not explicitly given here.

Recall that a paratopological group G is a group G with a topology such that the product map of G×G into G is continuous.A topological group G is a group G with a(Hausdorff)topology such that G is a paratopological group and the inverse map of G onto itself associating x-1with arbitrary x∈G is continuous.Paratopological groups were discussed and many results have been obtained in[2-3,9-14].

A topological space G is said to be a feebly compact space if every locally finite family of open sets in G is finite.A topological space G is said to be a locally feebly compact space,if for each x∈G,there exists an open neighborhood V of x such that the closure of V is feebly compact.

The following two theorems are well-known in topological algebra.

Theorem 1.1[4,7](Birkhoff-Kakutani Theorem)Each T0first-countable topological group is metrizable.

Theorem 1.2[2]Let G be a paratopological group.If G is a dense Gδ-set in a feebly compact regular space X,then G is a topological group.

It is well-known that Birkhoff-Kakutani proved Theorem 1.1 by using prenorm.In this paper,we shall give a short proof of Theorem 1.1 by Moore metrizable Theorem.Moreover,we shall prove that G is a topological group if it is a paratopological group which is a dense Gδ-set in a locally feebly compact space X,which improves Theorem 1.2.

§2.Main Resuts

Let U={Us}s∈Sbe a family of covers of a set G and let M be a subset of G.We always denote st(M,U)by the set∪{Us:M∩Us≠∅}.

Theorem 2.1[5](Moore Metrizable Theorem)

A T0-space X is metrizable if and only if there exists a sequence{U:∈ω}of open covers of X such that for each open set U and x∈U,there exists an open set V and n∈ω such that x∈V and st(V,U)⊂U.

Next we shall give a short proof of Theorem 1.1 by Theorem 1.2.

Proof of Theorem 1.1Since G is a first-countable topological group,we can find a local base{Vn}n∈ωof the neutral element e of G satisfying the following properties

For each n∈ω,put U={V:∈G,∈ω}.Obviously,{U}∈ωis a sequence of open covers of G.

By Theorem 2.1,it suffices to show that for each open set U and x∈U there exists an open set V and n∈ω,such that x∈V and St(V,U)⊂U.

Indeed,since{xVn:n∈ω}is a local base at x,there exists n∈ω,such that x∈xVn⊂U. Let V=xVn+1.We claim that st(V,U+)⊂U.Indeed,if z∈St(V,U+),then there exists apoint y∈G such that z∈yVn+2and yVn+2∩V≠∅.Thenand thus

Finally,we recall some lemmas in order to improve Theorem 1.2.

Lemma 2.2[2]Suppose that G is a para topological group and not a topological group. Then there exists an open neighborhood U of the neutral element e of G such that U∩U-1is nowhere dense in G,that is,the interior of the closure of U∩U-1is empty.

A subset M of a space is called a regular closed subset if there exists an open subset U of G such that

Lemma 2.3[15]The following are equivalent for a space X

(1)X is feebly compact;

(2)Ifis a countable collection of open sets with the finite intersection property,then

Lemma 2.4Let G be a feebly compact space.If H is a regular closed subset of G,then H is also feebly compact.

Proof Let C be a countable collection of open sets with the finite intersection property in H.Put C={U〉:〉∈ω},where each Uiis an open set in H.Then there exists in G a family of open sets{Ui´:i∈ω}such that Ui´∩H=Uifor each i∈ω.Obviously,the family{Ui´:i∈ω}has the finite intersection property in G.

Since H is a regular closed subset of G,we can find an open set V in G such thatObviously,we haveTherefore,it is easy to see that{Ui´∩V:i∈ω}has the finite intersection propertyby Lemma 2.3.Obviously,for all i∈ω.Moreover,.ThusHence H is feebly compact by Lemma 2.3.

Theorem 2.5Suppose that G is a para topological group such that G is a dense Gδ-set in a locally feebly compact regular space X.Then G is a topological group.

Firstly,we fix a sequence{Mn:n∈ω}of open sets in X such that G=∩Mn,and for each x∈X,we can find an open neighborhood Vxof x in X such thatis feebly compact. Next we are going to define a sequence{Un:n∈ω}of open subsets of X and a sequence{xn:n∈ω}of elements of G such that xn∈Unfor each n∈ω andwhenever j<i. Since O is open in G and G⊂X,there exists an open subsetPick an arbitrary pointand then Put

Suppose that,for some n∈ω,an open subset Unin X and a point xn∈Un∩G are already defined.Sinceit is easy to see thatMoreover, we have Un∩xnO≠∅since Unis an open neighborhood of xnin X.Pick an arbitrary point xn+1∈Un∩xnO.Note that xn+1∈G,since xnO⊂G.Moreover,xn+1∈Un∩Mn∩Vxn+1.

Since X is regular,we can find an open neighborhood Un+1of xn+1in X such that Un+1∩Therefore,the definition of the sets Unand points xn, for each n∈ω,is complete.It is easy to see thatwhenever j<i and xn+1∈xnO for each n∈ω.

By Lemma 2.4,we claim that H∩F=∅.

Indeed,assume the contrary and fix x∈F∩H.Since FW is an open neighborhood of F in G,it follows from x∈F that there exists an open neighborhood V of x in X such that V∩G⊂FW.Then the density of G in X implies that V⊂P.However,x∈V∩H implies that VP≠∅,which is a contradiction.Therefore,we have H∩F=∅.

Since H is feebly compact,it follows from H∩F=∅and the definition of F that Uk∩H=∅ for someHence we have Uk⊂P,thensince xk∈Uk∩G.However,we have F⊂Uk+2∩G⊂xk+1O⊂xk+1W.Therefore,we have

It follows from xk+1∈xkO that xk∈xkOU.Therefore,we have e∈OU and O-1∩U 6=∅,which is again a contradiction.

Therefore,G is a topological group.

Corollary 2.6If G is a locally pseudo compact para topological group then it is a topological group.

Remark By A V Arhangelskiˇı and M M Choban’s results in[1],we also can obtain Theorem 2.5.However,our method is different from[1].

Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank two reviewers for careful reading preliminary version of this paper and providing many valuable suggestions.


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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11201414,11471153)

Biographies:ZHANG Ke-xiu(1978-),female,native of Linyi,Shandong,a lecturer of Minnan Normal University,engages in general topology;LIU Xin(1986-),male,native of Xinyang,Henan,a postgraduate of Minnan Normal University,engages in general topology;TANG Zhong-bao(1984-),male,native of Hengyang,Hunan,a postgraduate of Minnan Normal University,engages in general topology.