

新疆医科大学学报 2016年9期

周克明, 骆 秦, 李南方, 张德莲, 努尔古丽·买买提, 王梦卉, 孔剑琼

(新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院高血压中心; 新疆高血压研究所, 乌鲁木齐 830001)


周克明, 骆秦, 李南方, 张德莲, 努尔古丽·买买提, 王梦卉, 孔剑琼

(新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院高血压中心; 新疆高血压研究所, 乌鲁木齐830001)

目的探讨肾上腺静脉取血术患者右肾上腺静脉开口的分布特点。方法收集2006年1月-2013年10在新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院高血压中心住院、诊断明确的原发性醛固酮增多症(primary aldosteronism, PA)并成功进行了肾上腺静脉取血术(adrenal vein sampling, AVS)患者575例,以脊椎为标志将胸椎(Th)10中缘~腰椎(L)1中缘之间分为6组:A组:Th10中缘~Th11下缘,B组:Th11下缘~Th12上缘,C组:Th12上缘~Th12中缘,D组:Th12中缘~Th12下缘,E组:Th12下缘~L1上缘,F组:L1上缘~L1中缘,以此标记右肾上腺静脉开口并存储结果。应用SIM-ADS V4.2医学影像工作站分析在右肾上腺静脉开口的分布特征。结果(1)右肾上腺静脉开口定位由多到少依次为C组、A组、B组、D组、E组和F组。(2)右肾上腺静脉开口定位在A、B、C、D 组的患者中,男性多于女性(P<0.05),右肾上腺静脉开口定位在E、F组的患者中,女性多于男性(P<0.05);定位在A、B、C、D组的患者身高高于E组患者(P<0.05);定位在A组的患者体质指数高于C、D、E组患者(P<0.05),定位在B、C、D组患者的体质指数高于E组(P<0.05);定位在A组的患者腹围明显大于E、F组患者,定位在B、C、D组的患者腹围明显大于E组患者(P<0.05);其余组间的性别、身高、体质指数及腹围的差异无统计学意义。(3)右肾上腺静脉开口在不同年龄及民族的分布差异无统计学意义。结论综合评价性别、身高、体质指数、腹围因素,有助于右肾上腺静脉开口的定位。

原发性醛固酮增多症; 肾上腺静脉取血; 右肾上腺静脉开口

原发性醛固酮增多症(primary aldosteronism, PA)是肾上腺皮质自主过度分泌醛固酮所导致的综合征,临床以高血压、伴或不伴低血钾、高血浆醛固酮和低血浆肾素活性为主要特征,近年来研究揭示PA患病率在高血压人群中可达5%~15%[1-5],在难治性高血压人群中高达20%~40%,是最常见的内分泌性高血压[6-8]。与原发性高血压相比,PA患者心、脑、肾等靶器官损害的发生率更高,危害程度更大[9-11]。依据不同的PA类型,可采取的治疗策略完全不同:双侧型应采用醛固酮受体拮抗剂(如安体舒通),单侧型存在手术根治的机会。因此分型诊断有着迫切的现实意义[12-13]。经过多年的临床验证,肾上腺静脉取血术(adrenal vein sampling, AVS)被推荐为原发性醛固酮增多症分型诊断的唯一可靠标准[14-19]。然而,由于缺乏介入手术中肾上腺静脉开口分布特征的指导,使得AVS术中寻找右肾上腺静脉异常困难;与左侧肾上腺静脉不同,右肾上腺静脉开口常有变异,致使该项技术难以推广[20-22]。本研究通过对575例成功完成AVS的病例进行分析,明确右侧肾上腺静脉开口分布特点,期望提高右肾上腺静脉插管的成功率,降低AVS难度。

1 对象与方法

1.1研究对象选择2006年1月-2013年10月新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院高血压中心完成AVS的PA患者907例,主诉均为血压高,且已服用2种或2种以上降压药,血压仍不能降至140/90 mmHg以下,对不明原因的低血钾、肾上腺CT显示肾上腺结节、增生的患者进行PA筛检、静脉盐水负荷试验确诊[1, 6, 12]。临床诊断为PA的患者,签署知情同意书后进行AVS。排除影像数据读取失败212例、数据不完整51例、重复病例22例、右肾上腺静脉插管失败47例,共纳入病例575例。其中,汉族442例(76.9%),维吾尔族70例(12.2%),回族32例(5.6%),哈萨克族18例(3.1%),其他民族13例(2.3%)。575例PA患者平均年龄(46.13±8.38)岁,平均身高(169.22±8.8)cm,平均体质指数(27.45±3.62),平均腹围(96.02±11.84)cm,右肾上腺静脉皮质醇水平76.15(64.83~86.22) μg/dL,醛固酮水平247.23(198.08~291.62) ng/dL,外周静脉皮质醇水平16.15(12.75~20.36) μg/dL,醛固酮水平12.35(8.66~17.42) ng/dL。

1.2肾上腺静脉取血术(AVS)术前平卧位6~8 h,于当地时间清晨8∶00-9∶00开始,11∶30前结束。采用非促肾上腺皮质激素(adrenocorticotropic hormone,ACTH)刺激的连续双侧AVS,整个过程在数字减影机(digital subtraction angiography system,DSA)下进行,患者保持卧位,采样后由专人立即送检,测定醛固酮及皮质醇水平。所有手术操作由新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院高血压诊疗中心经验丰富的专科医师完成。肾上腺静脉皮质醇/外周静脉皮质醇即选择性指数(selectivity index, SI)>2,提示肾上腺静脉取血成功[12-13, 22-23]。

1.3右肾上腺静脉开口定位的方法应用SIM-ADS V4.2医学影像工作站分析存储在光盘上的影像数据。选取吸气末右肾上腺静脉逆行造影前后位静态图像进行分析。以脊椎为标志将Th10中缘~L1中缘之间分为6组:A组:Th10中缘~Th11下缘,B组:Th11下缘~Th12上缘,C组:Th12上缘~Th12中缘,D组:Th12中缘~Th12下缘,E组:Th12下缘~L1上缘,F组:L1上缘~L1中缘,以此标记右肾上腺静脉开口,见图1、2。


2 结果






表1 各组间右肾上腺静脉开口分布





3 讨论


本研究通过对575例成功完成的AVS影像资料进行分析,表明右肾上腺静脉开口主要位于Th10中缘~Th12中缘之间;其中Th12上缘~Th12中缘较多;在L1上缘~L1中缘最少。与文献[21, 24]研究结果相似,提示在进行AVS时应该重点关注Th10中缘至Th12中缘,在以上多见位置未定位右肾上腺静脉开口时应警惕L1以下的可能,以避免手术失败。



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Location of right adrenal vein opening in patients with adrenal vein sampling

ZHOU Keming, LUO Qin, LI Nanfang, ZHANG Delian, Nuerguli Maimaiti, WANG Menghui, KONG Jianqiong


ObjectiveTo investigate the distribution characteristics of the right adrenal vein opening, in order to improve the success rate of intubation of right adrenal vein. Methods575 patients hospitalized in hypertension center of people′s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from Jan.2006 to Oct. 2013 were collected. All the patients had original aldosteronism and applied adrenal vein sampling (AVS) successfully. According to the symbol of the spine, from Th10′s middle edge to L1′s middle edge, the right adrenal vein opening of the patients were divided into 6 groups, group A: the middle edge of the Th10 to Th11′s lower edge; group B: Th11′s lower edge to Th12′s upper edge; group C: Th12′s upper edge to Th12′s middle edge; group D: Th12′s middle edge to Th12′s lower edge; group E: Th12′s lower edge to L1′s upper edge; group F: L1′s upper edge to L1′s middle edge. Then, the openings of the right adrenal vein were marked and the result were stored. SIM-ADS V4.2 medical image workstation were used to analyze the distribution characteristics of right adrenal vein openings. Results(1) The right adrenal vein opening location frequency from high to low were C group, A group and B group, group D, group E and group F. (2) Male were significantly more than females in the patients whose right adrenal vein openings in the A, B, C, D group, and female were significantly more than males in the patients whose right adrenal vein openings in the group E and F. The height of patients in the A, B, C, D group were significantly higher than that of the E group. The body mass index of patients in the group A was significantly higher than that of C, D and E group. The body mass index of patients in the group B,C and D was significantly higher than that of E group.The abdominal circumference of patients in the group A was significantly higher than that of group E and F. The abdominal circumference of patients in the group B, C and D was significantly higher than that of group E. The difference between other groups of gender, height, BMI and abdominal circumference were not found statistically significant. (3) There was no statistical significance of distribution in different age, ethnic differences between the right adrenal vein openings. ConclusionComprehensive evaluation of sex, height, body mass index, waist circumference contribute to locating the right adrenal vein opening position.

primary aldosteronism; adrenal vein sampling; right adrenal vein opening









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