李恩 吴祖光 李志旺 刘宏涛 陈楷 张灼新 曾海敬 张日雄 邓雪涌
514031 梅州,广东省梅州市人民医院胃肠外一科
2014年1月至2015年6月,我科对46例进展期胃中上部癌患者施行全胃切除术并D2淋巴结清扫,其中行腹腔镜辅助手术者25例,称腹腔镜组;同期行常规开腹手术者21例,称开腹组。全组患者术前均详细告知2种术式的相关优缺点,根据患者意愿选择行腹腔镜或开腹手术,并签署手术知情同意书。所有患者行常规术前检查,包括上消化道内镜和上消化道造影评估肿瘤位置,胸片、全腹CT 和腹部超声,必要时行PET-CT 和骨扫描评估是否存在远处转移。肿瘤分期根据2010年第7版国际抗癌联盟(UICC)分期标准进行TNM分期[11]。淋巴结清扫时间为自腹腔镜下分离大网膜与横结肠附着缘至完成胃周淋巴结清扫的时间。脾门淋巴结清扫时间是从分离胰体尾部胰腺被膜进入胰尾上缘的胰后间隙,显露脾血管末段开始,至脾门淋巴结清扫结束为止。
表1 2组进展期胃中上部癌患者
项 目腹腔镜组(n=25)开腹组(n=21)t/χ2/Z值P值肿瘤大小(cm)4.8±2.65.0±2.51.3430.131肿瘤部位(例)0.3780.539 胃大弯1716 胃小弯85病理类型(例)0.0020.966 分化型76 未分化型1815浸润深度(例)-0.4390.661 T232 T3910 T4a139淋巴结转移(例)-0.2610.794 N033 N132 N253 N31413病理分期(例)-0.2500.802 Ⅰb21 Ⅱ76 Ⅲ1614
表2 2组进展期胃中上部癌患者术中及术后情况比较
2010年新版日本胃癌治疗指南明确规定胃切除加D2淋巴结清扫术为胃癌的标准手术,因此腹腔镜治疗进展期胃中上部癌必须彻底清扫脾门淋巴结,才能达到标准D2根治手术的要求[6]。早年许多中心以脾脏切除的方式来清扫该区域的淋巴结[12-14]。但随着研究的深入,人们逐渐认识到脾脏的抗感染和抗肿瘤等免疫功能对于维持患者健康的重要意义。且随着外科解剖技术的发展和手术器械的进步,保脾的脾门淋巴结清扫术逐渐被外科医生所认可[15-16]。但是,由于脾门区域血管走形复杂、解剖变异多,且脾门区空间狭小、位置深在,加上胃底网膜组织被覆其中,使其裸化暴露更为困难,在淋巴结清扫时易致血管损伤引起出血,使保脾的脾门淋巴结清扫术成为胃癌根治手术中的难点之一。故在开腹手术中我们通常将脾后方游离,采用纱布铺垫的方法将脾脏垫起,进行保脾脾门淋巴结清扫。近年来,我国腹腔镜外科专家黄昌明教授结合腹腔镜放大的视觉优势和器械操作的特点,总结出一套程序化的腹腔镜保脾脾门淋巴结清扫技术——“黄氏三步法”,将原本复杂的腹腔镜保脾脾门淋巴结清扫进行循序渐进的分步操作,手术过程中助手配合主刀,牵拉特定的部位,其暴露方式也分为三步,上一步均为下一步作好铺垫,使暴露和清扫均简单化[8-9]。我们中心在完成200余例腹腔镜胃癌手术的基础上开展该技术,而且本研究发现,腹腔镜保脾脾门淋巴结清扫时间明显短于开腹手术。我们认为“黄氏三步法” 这种团队的配合模式降低了腹腔镜下保脾脾门淋巴结清扫术的难度,缩短了手术时间,可以减少患者的手术创伤,使腹腔镜的微创优势更加明显,有利于促进腹腔镜胃癌手术的发展。
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Evaluation of clinical efficacy of laparoscopic and open spleen-preserving splenic hilar lymph node dissection for advanced middle-proximal gastric cancer
【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the feasibility and clinical efficacy of laparoscopic spleen-preserving splenic hilar lymph node dissection for advanced middle-proximal gastric cancer. MethodsClinical data of 46 patients diagnosed with advanced middle-proximal gastric cancer undergoing total gastrectomy combined with D2 lymph node dissection were retrospectively analyzed. Twenty five patients were assigned into the laparoscopic operation group and 21 in the open surgery group. Intraoperative and postoperative conditions were statistically compared between two groups. ResultsGeneral clinical and pathological data did not significantly differ between two groups. In the laparoscopic surgery group, the quantity of dissected lymph nodes was (28.5±9.1) for each patient, which did not considerably differ from (27.3±8.5) in the open surgery group (P>0.05). Compared with the open operation group, intraoperative bleeding loss was less, the time of splenic hilar lymph node dissection was shorter, the time of postoperative out-off-bed activity was earlier, the time of intake of semifluid diet was earlier and postoperative length of hospital stay was shorter in the laparoscopic operation group(all P>0.05). However, operation time, anal exsufflation time and time of eating liquid diet did not significantly differ between two groups (all P>0.05). In the laparoscopic group, three patients (12.0%) presented with postoperative complications, similar to that in the open surgery group(19.0%)(P>0.05). No patient died in two groups during hospitalization. ConclusionCompared with the open operation, laparoscopic spleen-preserving splenic hilar lymph node dissection is safe, feasible, and minimally invasive and can achieve the clinical efficacy equivalent to open surgery.
【Key words】Gastric neoplasm; Laparoscopic surgery; Splenic hilar lymph node dissection