The Ways to Alleviate the Job Stress of College English Teachers
沈文娟 付强
Abstract:This paper intends to explore several possible ways to alleviate the job stress of College English teachers from different perspectives: society, college and teachers themselves.
Key words:Job Stress; Alleviate; Society; College; Teachers
From the findings of the paper: Exploration between Job Stress and Coping Styles of College English Teachers, conclusions could be drawn that job stress has significant and positive correlation with both positive coping style and negative coping style. Besides, job stress is able to significantly predict both positive coping style and negative coping style. In other words, the higher job stress is, the more frequent positive coping style and negative coping style would be taken. Therefore, through the proper application of different coping styles, the job stress would be alleviated.
Besides that, are there any other ways to alleviate job stress? Accordingly, this section would present the possible solutions to alleviate teachers job stress mainly from the above four perspectives.
1. The Society Should Promote Teachers Social and Economic status
Some relevant national and provincial policies should be made and effectively enforced to increase teachers social and economic position, such as increasing their salaries, promoting their festival welfare and providing collective apartments for teachers. Only by caring and supporting the group in the whole nation, would the group of teacher be stabilized and their job stresses be alleviated to some degree.
2. Colleges should Establish Proper Teaching Quality Evaluation System
Most teachers would suffer from great job stress because of the teaching evaluation. If their evaluation scores are a bit low or rank behind the majority, they would receive much less material benefits, or even lose their jobs.
The purpose of the evaluation system would be fine, but there are some improper places in the real implementation. The teacher E talked about the deficits in the interview: “In face of the evaluation, the teachers hardly have any right to protest, because the evaluation of teachers would be determined by the teaching supervisors and the students. However, different course types have different requirement for teachers and have different effects on students. Some courses focus on theory and would be a little boring, while some courses focus on practice, and would be greeted by students. Therefore, the theory-concerning courses would be abandoned by teachers, for they fear that their evaluation scores would be low.”
Therefore, proper evaluation system of teaching quality should be established. The relevant evaluation should collect the combined information from several aspects including college leader, students and colleagues. In the meanwhile, the evaluation should be judged from different perspectives including teaching attitudes, teaching process and teaching effects. It is time to abandon the former practices that teachers competence should be determined by the evaluation scores from students (Chen, chen & Gu, 2007). In this way the job stress of teachers would be alleviated to large extent.
3. College should Help Promote Competitive Competence
There are several ways to promote college teachers competitive competence.
First, college should provide the pre-post training for new comers to make them adjust to the education environment.
Second, college should consolidate teachers moral education. College should increase the teachers job responsibilities and job honors, and eliminate their sense of “senior worker” to make sure that they would devote their energy to the teaching with positive attitudes.
Third, colleges should manage to offer teachers possible chances for further education, especially for the young teachers. The young teachers generally have solid education bases and high expectancy for self promotion. Therefore, the colleges should create opportunities for them to attend different ways of academic education so that their academic abilities would be largely broadened.
Fourth, colleges should build the teachers group sense. The cohesive group would be beneficial for teachers to communicate and cooperation, thus helping to create harmonious academic research atmosphere.
4. College should Encourage Teachers Collective Leisure Activities
The college should put the teachers health to the priority, and organize many different kinds of attractive, healthy and elegant activities for the teachers. To make full use of relevant resources, the college should conduct some types of training classes for teachers, which include badminton, table tennis, dances and so on. Besides, the college should also organize some physical activities, such as jogging, short distance race, cycling and swimming. These cultural and physical collective activities would be able to promote the teachers life taste, enrich the teachers amateur life and make their life more relaxed and colorful. In this way, the teachers job stress would be alleviated to some degree.
5. Teachers Should Take Effective Measures to Shake Off Stress
The society and college would provide outer conditions to alleviate job stress, but the final solution would depend on the teacher themselves. First, the teacher should have confidence in his teaching ability. He should turn the stress into his progressing force; therefore his stress would be alleviated. Second, the teachers should pursue self studying all the time. Third, the teacher should cultivate optimistic character to alleviate job stress. Last, teachers should try establishing good social connections to seek effective social support. In this way, their job stress would be greatly alleviated.
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