高保全, 刘 萍, 李 健, 王清印
(1.中国海洋大学,山东 青岛 266003; 2.中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛266071)
高保全1,2, 刘萍2**, 李健2, 王清印1,2
(1.中国海洋大学,山东 青岛 266003; 2.中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛266071)
摘要:准确可靠的遗传力是育种实践的前提,本研究采用不平衡巢式设计和室内定向交尾技术完成亲蟹交配,交配模式为1个雄性三疣梭子蟹配3个雌性三疣梭子蟹,建立100组上述交配组合;经过交尾、越冬,次年春天成功构建了37个三疣梭子蟹全同胞家系,其中13个半同胞家系;80和120日龄时每个家系随机选取30个左右个体,测量其全甲宽、甲长、体高3个生长性状。通过SPSS 11.5一般线性模型(GL.M),计算表型变量的方差组分,评估全甲宽、甲长、体高等重要经济性状的遗传力。结果表明,三疣梭子蟹80日龄3项生长性状总平均值分别为(77.99±11.42)、(35.90±5.84)、(20.13±7.77)mm,80日龄遗传力估计值为0.51~0.69;120日龄3项生长性状总平均值分别为(122.73±12.80)、55.(13±5.39)、(29.99±3.34)mm,120日龄遗传力估计值在0.27~0.70之间。通过t检验发现只有基于全同胞方差组分估计的遗传力达到极显著水平,而基于母系半同胞、父系半同胞方差组分估计的遗传力均未达到显著水平。因此三疣梭子蟹2个发育阶段狭义遗传力的无偏估计值为全同胞方差组分估计的遗传力,估计值分别为0.53~0.60和0.45~0.50。研究结果表明三疣梭子蟹3项重要经济性状属于高度遗传力,说明对其选择具有较大的潜力。
引用格式:高保全, 刘萍, 李健, 等. 三疣梭子蟹生长性状的遗传力评估 [J]. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 46(4): 56-62.
GAO Bao-Quan, LIU Ping, LI Jian, et al. Estimates for the heritability of economically important growth-traits inPortunustrituberculatus[J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2016, 46(4): 56-62.
1.1 亲本材料
1.2 方法
1.2.1 交尾方案8月下旬,挑选发育良好的雄蟹和雌蟹,其中雌蟹未完成生殖蜕壳,利用人工控制定向交尾技术完成交配,其中1♂和3♀为1组,单独放入1个水泥池中。 次年4月15日—4月25日,建立37个全同胞家系,13个半同胞家系,均在同一苗种繁育车间培育。
1.2.2 培育和养殖褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachinonusplicatilis)为三疣梭子蟹幼体开口饵料,Ⅰ~Ⅳ期溞状幼体以褶皱臂尾轮虫、卤虫(BrineShrimp)幼体为主要饵料,大眼幼体、幼蟹以卤虫成体为主要饵料。培育至Ⅱ期幼蟹,转移室外池塘养殖。标准化养殖池塘:2 400 m2养殖池,用纱网分割,平均分为12个小格,每个家系放入1个小格,每个家系放1 500尾蟹苗。家系的幼体培育及成体养殖条件基本 一致。养殖前期,以添水为主,7月上旬前,使水深达1.5 m以上;养殖中期每3~5 d换水1次,每次换水量30%~40%;养殖后期减少换水量及换水频率;前期(II~IV期)以丰年虫成体为主,V期幼蟹以后,以小蓝蛤(俗称海沙子、小白蛤)和新鲜杂鱼为主,在II、III、IV期幼蟹阶段,投喂量可达体重50%~70%,V期以后日投喂量为体重的8%~15%。水质环境:盐度20~32,pH在7.8~8.6,透明度30~40 cm,溶解氧>4.5 mg/L,氨态氮<1.0 mg/L,硫化氢<0.01 mg/L。
1.2.3 数据测量80、120日龄时,进行生长性状测量,选取指标为全甲宽、甲长及体高。测量方法:自每个家系围格中随机捕获30个左右的样本,由同一实验人员用游标卡尺测量,精确到0.1 mm。
1.2.4 统计分析采用全同胞组内相关法进行遗传力评估,通过SPSS 软件的一般线性模型过程完成数据方差分析,结果见表1。
Table 1Analysis of variance for phenotypic variation
1.2.5 遗传力评估及t检验遗传力评估公式如下[40]:
2.1 生长性状
2.2 生长性状的方差分析
表2 三疣梭子蟹80日龄和120日龄的生长性状
表3 三疣梭子蟹80日龄和120日龄表型变量组成的方差分析
注:**表示差异极显著。** Means that difference is very significant.
①Among sires; ②Darns among sires; ③Arnong full-sibs; ④Total
2.3 表型变量的原因方差组分
2.4 遗传力的估计
遗传力是衡量遗传进展的主要标志,准确可靠的遗传力和个体育种值估计是育种实践的前提。实验材料相同的生长环境是获得精确遗传参数重要条件之一,但梭子蟹个体标记尚未完全解决,因此本研究采用围格进行家系标准化养殖,使其生长环境尽量一致。研究表明不同物种、不同性状遗传力差别较大,一般水产动物生长性状的遗传力为中高等水平。如黎火金等以33个全同胞家系材料,采用动物模型查明合浦珠母贝幼贝生长性状遗传力为0.200~0.204[31];蒋湘以32个全同胞家系为材料,采用REMAL方法得到其生长性状遗传力为0.13~0.18[32];王俊杰等以16个全同胞家系为材料,采用SPSS GLM模型得到虾夷扇贝体质量遗传力为0.219~0.617[30];王照旗以42个全同胞家系为材料,采用ASREML软件的约束极大似然法,查明三角帆蚌1龄阶段生长性状遗传力为0.24~0.31[29];Quinton等利用全同胞资料估计大西洋鲑收获时体重遗传力,结果为0.10~0.20[27];;Fishback等采用MtdfremL方法获得虹鳟体重及体长的遗传力,估计值为0.36~0.72[24];田永胜等以家系选育F3代家系为材料,采用最小范数二阶无偏估计法得到牙鲆生长性状广义遗传力为0.38~0.54,狭义遗传力为0.099~0.24[37]; Benzie等估计了斑节对虾42、70日龄全体长、体重的遗传力,得到母系半同胞遗传力为0.39,父系半同胞为0.10[41]; 徐如卫等以54个全同胞为材料,采用SPSS统一线性模型获得凡纳滨对虾生长性状遗传力为0.234~0.460[34];Argue等利用家系材料,评估凡纳滨对虾生长性状的遗传力,结果为0.84[42];田燚等利用混合家系材料进行中国对虾145日龄体重遗传力评估,遗传力估计值为0.14[34]。本研究发现三疣梭子蟹生长性状遗传力为0.45~0.60之间,为高度遗传力,与其他物种生长性状研究结论一致。
表4 表型变量的原因方差组分
表5 三疣梭子蟹80日龄和120日龄生长性状的遗传力及t检验
注:**表示差异极显著。** Means that difference is very significant.
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Estimates for the Heritability of Economically Important Growth-traits inPortunustrituberculatus
GAO Bao-Quan1,2, LIU Ping2*, LI Jian2, WANG Qing-Yin1,2
(1.Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China;2.Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China)
Abstract:In China, farming of P. trituberculatus produces annual yields of up to 100 000 tons. With the expansion and intensification of P. trituberculatus, various questions such as diseases, bad quality of larvas and less natural resources, have occurred and been serious, causing economic losses. At last, these questions are resolved by provided excellent breeds provided by using the selecting breeding program. It is an important way of selecting breeding. We must know the heritability of the species, first. So, the heitability of economic traits in P. trituberculatus were estimated by means of intra group correlation of full-sibs on day 80 and 120. A total of 400 maturing crab were from the base populations, which was established at the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute using four wild, geographically distinct, Chinese populations (Laizhou Gulf, Zhousha, Yalvjiangkou, and Haizhou Gulf). One hundred sires and three hundred dams were mated by 1♂×3♀, producing 37 full-sib families including 13 half-sib families. Families were hatched and reared separately under identical conditions until they reached the second crab stage. The outdoor pond was divided with netting into several equally-sized ponds and a total of 1 500 randomly-selected second-stage crabs from each family were moved to these separate small ponds. Families were reared and managed under identical conditions of feeding and drug administration. The full carapace width, carapace length, body height of about 30 individuals from each family were measured on 80 and 120 days. Causal components of phenotypic variance were calculated with the GLM procedure of SPSS software. The results showed full carapace width, carapace length, body height on day 80 and 120 of age were (77.99±11.42),(35.90±5.84),(20.13±7.77) and (122.73±12.80),(55.13±5.39),(29.99±3.34)mm respectively. The heritabilities of economic traits on day 80 and 120 of age 0.51~0.69 and 0.27~0.70 respectively. There were no significant difference in heritabilities estimates obtained from maternal and paternal genetic variance. But there was significant difference in heritability estimates obtained from components of variance of full-sibs within sires and dams. So it was concluded that heritability estimates (0.53~0.60, 0.45~0.50) obtained from components of variance of full-sibs within sires and dams were precise and unbiased for body weight on day 80 and 120, which suggested that the heritabilities of growth traits (e.g., full carapace width, carapace length, body height) were high.
Key words:Portunus trituberculatus;economic traits;heritability
作者简介:高保全(1980-),男,博士生。E-mail:gaobq@ysfri.ac.cn.**通讯作者: E-mail:liuping@ysfri.ac.cn
收稿日期:2015-08-10 ;
Supported by the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China(2012AA10A409); the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (ZR2013CQ046)